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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. It's good, but it's no Diablo 3.


    No need to be jealous.



    I'm jealous at people playing, period. I barely have time to play anymore...

    Good thing you have all that time to surf the web and post on forums, then :(


    Yes, I'm lucky to have a job in IT and to be able to multitask.

  2. I envy all of you people with time to play. I get about 1-2 hours of free time on good days and I watch BSG and Doctor Who and game, so I don't game much.


    When I do get to play though, I usually go to GTA: Episodes and ME1(need to finish it before starting ME2)

  3. It's not significantly slower. Compare switching between apps on iPhone and Pre and you will see that there isn't that much difference. Especially for the cost you end up paying for it.


    Apple didn't add those things for a reason, which most likely was cost control. and you are straying from the original argument. Your point was that iPhone isn't able to do any kind of multitasking. Which I proved false and noted that for most users "true" multitasking is a gimmick they likely will not need.

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