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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. Got to see it last night, so far looks really awesome - a lot of stuff to do, no mandatory repeating missions(viewpoints still exist though), voice-overs are great, story looks promising and the game is gorgeous.

  2. I always thought the same and that's why I hesitated going to the doctor or taking meds, but the truth is, I do have deep problems that caused me to get into all kinds of problems and burn all kinds of bridges. I completely wasted almost 10 years of my life battling with my mind. Now, that I'm on the meds, I realize that what happened with me wasn't just bad behavior or rebellion, it was my very own "Dark Passenger" and I'm glad to finally have control over it.


    I think that we have made huge progress in understanding human psychology/psychiatry and that we are using this knowledge to save people from screwing up as much as I have. The biggest problem is figuring out when the problem is innate or created by the fear and knowledge of these disorders. So I think we are over-aware of these "problems of the mind" and that knowledge is screwing with us, thus creating huge spikes of new cases of the "current" disease.

  3. i had to give up zoloft last thanksgiving. supposedly the cognitive effects with zoloft aren't "significant," but it was enough that i took a hit in the career department. unfortunately, while i have gotten to the point where anxiety is a non-issue, my ears have been ringing since i first started cutting back on it.


    edit: ironically, one of the cures for tinnitus: zoloft. yay.




    Unfortunately I don't have many choices. After living with unmedicated bipolar for over 7 years, I'm pretty drained. It's gonna be a long time before I have the will to manage it myself again(and I'm not sure I'd even want to do that now).

  4. I thought the Dwarf city did a good job of capturing a more mature element. The whole caste system is pretty jacked up. Maybe you should stop choosing to play a pansy elf?


    Well, I thought it would be all "dark, gritty and mature" because of the whole zomg elf slavery /zomg thing, but so far it's been kinda lame and predictable. I guess I'll play a dwarf next.

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