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Everything posted by Godfather101

  1. The rewards are shown on the paypal backing site. Everything which is stated there you'll get. The Fig Site doesn't matter to the paypal backer.
  2. and still no way to back via paypal. Really sad that i have to wait till the campaign ends (and who knows how long afterwards it'll take) until i can pledge for Pillars 2.
  3. yeah me too. Waiting this long for paypal was hard. Hope the wait is over today.
  4. Yeah, really hope we'll get good news today regarding paypal backing.
  5. Really hope next week paypal backing will be up.
  6. yeah, really hope it will be any day soon now. Really would like to back PoE 2 .
  7. Yeah, really hope to read some good news on paypal backing.
  8. Really hope they add Paypal-backing possibility soon. Just want to back PoE 2 but can't without paypal backing. Looking forward to next tuesday then.
  9. Yeah i'm waiting for papyl option too. Really hope we'll get that quick. Want to back Deadfire but don't own a credit card.
  10. I really hope, after they reached the 1,1 Million, that they make paypal backing possible again. Really would like to back, but do not own a Credit Card.
  11. hi! i seem to have also some kind of this bug. Some little spoilers below, so do not read if you not finished the new contents of White March 2. I played through to Dyrford, build up my stronghold, did many quests and did not look back (so, perhaps it could be that the bug was there from the beginning) but today, as i needed to get back to one area which i already explored and killed every enemy in, as i returned, the whole map was again covered in fog of war AND every enemy was back. Also every lootable chest etc was again filled with the same items i looted as i was in the area the first time(now have 2 fulwanos boots). So, i checked other areas and as it seems, this bug spread in every area. Also Defiance bay has now fog of war, every lootable container i emptied is now again filled with the loot i already took out. Another Bug which i encountered (don't know if it as something to do with the respawn of loot, enemies and fog of war) is, that the messanger from defiance bay which called me to brackenbury stays in my castle. i already talked to him AND he vanished after that. i got to brackenbury, killed Glanfith (or what was his name?) captain, talked to the chancelor and began with my war-preparitions. But since i encountered the respawn bug the messanger stays in the castle and i can still talk to him and he tells me the same things (meet the chancellor in brackenbury etc etc). Although i got no quest update or anything as i already finished that, it seems to be a bug. I already tried to restart and load again, but nothing changed the "respawn-rate" of enemys, fog of war and loot. Anything i should do about that?
  12. No, not really. Thats why i asked about paypal a month ago. Hope it will soon be there once the campaign finished.
  13. So, any news for the Paypal Option? been nearly a week you hit the funding goal.
  14. So, if you reach your goal, will you add Paypal-backing option?
  15. Thanks for the tip, but in steam theres also only a "coming soon" text file. There is also nothing which should block the stream. When i click on "watch video" i see the first image in which you see the tv and on the left screen bottom the "July 2012" Tag, but when i click on the the "play" button or click in the Video the videoplayer gets black and nothing happens. I still can stop the video, the pause button is still there, but i can't move forward or anything else. really strange.
  16. At least it is loading for you. For me i only get the loading screen for 20 minutes and nothing loads/happens. Hope it will be on youtube (or there will be a download link in the Products tab pretty please?), so i can see it too.
  17. Yeah, would be nice to know how to download the Documentary. Also, when i click on watch the Video opens but when i click on the start button nothing happens. Anyone else has that problem?
  18. Paradox already said, that Pillars is one of their best selling games. With Cities:Skylines together it made 18,5Million Dollars. http://gamingbolt.com/pillars-of-eternity-cities-skylines-earn-18-5-million-in-three-weeks so its really succesful (and it was mentioned weeks ago).
  19. Rogue Companion. More story (and more to do ^^) with the stronghold would be nice too. Then i'm a little torn. 3rd Big city would be nice (but this time please a really really really big city like Athkatla in Bg2 ^^, dunno but Defiance Bay, although a really nice and good start, seems to be a little bit small), but also to set sail to another continent.
  20. But only if it happens to all games, and that is really unlikely. Some games earn 25% on Gog, some other only 18%. Thats why i asked how many copys at GoG PoE sold. would be a better guess than taking the random number which meant all the games sold on GoG and Steam.
  21. So, is there any word on Sales at GoG? I mean it's still the topseller 1 1/2 week, and the pricier editions are again on rank 3 + 4. Is there a site like steamspy or was anything official said? Of course, GoG will not add that much revenue then steam does, but it seems that there will be also some good revenue coming from GoG. Would be nice to know.
  22. Not only paradox, theres also high taxes for that kind of profit. So the profit will be lower than estimated. Plus there are running expenses which we all not know (office rent, power etc etc). And the Programmers are already working on that expansion. And on patches. Also, we do not know if the 4 Millionen Dollar they got were enough to make Pillars. Could be as at Inxile were they needed to put another 3 Millionen to the fuel to get the Game done. But we'll see, perhaps we get some sale numbers at a time. Would be interesting to know.
  23. Then we would need a kickstarter for the Unity engine. The reason behind the large "hotfixes" and patches (also seen at Wasteland 2) is the Unity engine, which makes it impossible to do small stuff without having to update everything else. so go, tell Unity they need a kickstarter for better patching experience. I doubt they'll listen. ^^
  24. No, it is a full fledged bug. as long as they are listed as "unpaid" in the List, they won't do anything. even IF the Security rating does not going down, you will loose things. Like most of the taxes will be robbed by bandits. And if there is an attack on Caed Nua you will loose Buildings. Most of the time 3. If you hired 8 Guys and build up the right security Buildings you won't loose any building. Sometimes you loose 1 or 2 hireling but thats it. Only solution (at least before the patch) was to fire and re-hire the hirelings so they are paid again. Dunno if the patch fixed that.
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