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About cstanick

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  1. Known Community Issues List This page lists the most common and reproduced community issues we have received for Avowed. Please feel free to submit a bug report if your issue isn't listed here, and we'll investigate it. Obsidian Support
  2. Greetings Watchers! Patch is available to all who opt in on the Public Beta Branch. To opt in to this current update, use the Public Beta branch in Steam. In your Steam Library Right click on Pillars of Eternity, and select "Properties" Select the "Beta" Tab, and click the Drop Down for labeled "NONE" - Select "public_beta" Close the Window, and you should have a download ready. Attempting to play the game should automatically trigger the download. Patch 87519 Changes in bold. -- Patch Notes-- General: Mac users can now receive the latest updates. The title no longer boots into a black screen if the user's OS is set to Turkish. GOG achievements now unlock properly. Steam/GOG Kickstarter and Backer reward items should once again be granted properly to new players. Steam Linux is now supported and will be included in future patches. Epic Game Store users will now properly receive their Royal Edition digital content rewards. Game saves are now listed with priority given to the most recent, regardless of the method used to create them (Quicksave, Autosave, or manual). Visual and Audio: Fixed an issue that prevented character selection barks from playing in certain cases. (Eder has once again found his voice) Grimoires will now correctly hide while reading scrolls. Certain cutscenes and maps will now perform better in 4k. Fixed a remaining edge case that would cause characters to t-pose in very specific cutscenes. Fixed a number of dialogue nodes that would trigger a brief "knock" sound when displayed. Removed unintended echo effects on act introduction audio and developer commentary. Ferry boat in Oldsong is no longer partially submerged. Several variant forms of Woodskin have had their VFX aligned correctly. (Spell Holding, Spell Bind, Adragan & Delemgan variants, etc...) Delemgans, Adragan, Pwgra, and Menpwgra have had missing visual and audio effects updated on many of their spells and abilities. Characters that are immune to poison won't bark about being poisoned when attacked by poisonous attacks. All animal companions will now play footstep audio. Hiravias' Spiritshift FX will now properly play when he leaves spiritshift form. Taena's centec VO will now play correctly in both contexts that it can be heard. Quests and Dialogue: Fixed softlock when hiring Aldwyn and using his services at Brighthallow. Fixed softlock when using Aldwyn's services in the Salty Mast after hiring Lyrinia. Obtaining a quest reward from Simoc in the Sacrifical Bloodlines quest and then killing him will no longer result in a second copy of the reward item on his corpse. After being awarded Alia Braccia in Hearthsong killing the High Monk afterwards will no longer grant a second instance of the reward. Killing Ranga before the potion is acquired will now correcly fail A Mother's Plea. You are no longer able to mention Leaden Key during the Forgotten Army Quest finale if it hasn't been priorly discussed with Aloth. Abrecan will now still accept the letter he sends you to retrieve, even if you already possess it when he first tells you about his request. Krivi's rewards in Od Nua cannot be obtained multiple times by selecting similar dialogue nodes. Now only one outcome is permitted. Anamfath Leader in Twin Elms will continue The Child of Five Suns quest even in the case of Vincent Agosti being dead after being spoken to prior. Failing the Athletics and Dexterity checks in the Durgan's Battery scripted interaction will now properly apply the Concussion affliction. Accepting Tealdor's Bounty relating to the Disciples of the True Flame and leaving the conversation will not prevent players from asking later on about the Bounty for Laenric. Giving Dunstan the final pieces of the Blade of the Endless Paths while he is defending the keep will now correctly reward the player. Accusing Grynde of being a ripple sponge addict for reward can no longer be repeated infinitely. What happens to the ogre Crothar no longer affects Korgrak's quest states. Combat and Mechanics: Fixed a case where the Shadow Step ability could cause a crash. Shadow Step ability is no longer treated as a modal and can now target ground locations. Spellsword Wizard AI will properly activate Second Wind instead of Deleterious Alacrity of Motion when low on Endurance. Party AI will no longer attempt to activate Second Wind in cases where their Endurance is low, but also capped due to low Health. Party AI will no longer select charmed or confused allies as targets for their hostile abilities. As in PoE2, Party AI that are commanded by the player to move to a location will not attempt to move from that location for a brief period. (They will still attack during that time if possible). Trap Accuracy no longer counts the accuracy modifier on the trap's attack twice in its calculation. Fixed an issue that prevented Constant Recovery from scaling in the same way that Veteran's Recovery does. (Constant Recovery is now superior to Veteran's Recovery at all levels, as expected). Ryona's Buckle's Tenacity Accuracy bonus will now properly activate and deactivate based on the wearer's current Endurance (vs. Only checking endurance at the time the belt was equipped). Iron Circle's Adamant damage reduction now properly deactivates when the wearer rises back above 26% Endurance. Killing Bolt traps now target Fortitude, matching its spell counterpart. Killing Bolt traps no longer mention slash damage in their description. Chain Lightning Traps in Breith Eaman now properly deal damage if they strike a character. Binding and severing Abydon's Hammer will no longer permanently increase the user's Might attribute. The Lady's Hand has had its effects reworked to use a trigger that can be better seen on the character sheet when active. The Black Sanctuary shield will now properly apply its endurance recovery effect when casting Withdraw. Belt of the Royal Deadfire Cannoneer will no longer cause traps to recursively trigger their effects. Elryn's Jacket Eyestrike effect (and similar events that respond to hostile actions) no longer trigger from beneficial "attacks". Powder Burns modal (and similar effects) no longer harms allies located in the AoE's bonus area from intellect. Fulvano's Blunderbuss Spellchance: Charm can now properly trigger and charm targets. Knock Down will now respect suppression when trying to determine if there's an active knocked down status effect preventing stand up. Enemies can no longer move around while being proned by Concelhaut's Crushing Doom. Izali's Boon stealth skill bonus now correctly clears after a rest. Scroll of Minoletta's Bounding Missiles now uses the correct spell description. Scroll of Boiling Spray range now matches its spell counterpart. Scrolls of Restore Endurance have had their range increased to match their spell counterparts. Hirelings from the Salty Mast will continue to provide their boons when using their services at the player's stronghold. Skyward Kick no longer triggers a vertical launch when it would miss with additional effects. Skyward Kick will no longer cause targets to remain prone permanently. Players affected by multiple Unconscious effects will no longer be able to move around while Unconscious. (Similar cases with other effects should also be fixed). User Interface and Interaction: Fixed a case where a character's culture could be lost in very specific level up circumstances. Weapons can now be equipped to the first weapon set by double-clicking them in the inventory. Right-clicking on a creature will now display its bestiary entry (if it has one). Fixed some cases where the Retrain Character UI might show white portraits. Best of damage type icons now display correctly in the character sheet UI. Fixed a case where Burial Isle visions might prevent the user from canceling actions. Containers that aren't associated with a major faction, but will trigger an attack response from interaction, will now appropriately display the stealing cursor. Trapped chest in the Abbot's Quarter's during the Rising Tide quest can now be looted correctly after being disarmed. Pickables and similar interactions can no longer be looted multiple times using queue'd actions. Removed erroneous description from Guardian Spirit ability on Ancestor Pendant. Setting an invalid name after reaching the end of character creation will no longer allow you to finalize character creation. Character Creation attribute totals only display culture bonuses after the culture screen is reached. Localization: Several Talents that were missing localized text in various languages have been localized. Known Issues: We are still investigating the issue where in very rare cases the spell cursor might display the incorrect icon. A change included in this patch should make this occur far less frequently, but the core issue seems to be Unity related. We'll continue to seek alternative solutions in a future update.
  3. This is most likely caused by the last update. Try enabling crossplay at the main menu and your saves should return. If they don't please contact support and we'll work with you on this issue. Obsidian Support Thanks and sorry for the frustration!
  4. -Hey Mark and Aucuttommy I'm sorry you both are running into this crossplay issue. There are a few things that can contribute to this error. Your best course of action is to submit a support request and our team will work with you on trying to figure out what is going on. Obsidian Support Thanks
  5. -Hey DaVati Please feel free to submit a support ticket if this is still occurring. Obsidian Support Thanks, and sorry for the frustration that this issue has caused!
  6. If you and your friends are playing on different platforms you'll need to have cross-play enabled, and then they'll need to add you as a friend on that platform. Please feel free to contact our support team if that doesn't work. Obsidian Support
  7. -Hey BasicBlits Hmm. I haven't seen any reports of this issue that I can recall. It is most likely a latency/network issue. If you haven't already tried this I recommend switching up who is hosting the game to see if that helps. If it doesn't, please feel free to contact us and we'll take a look. Obsidian Support Thanks
  8. -Hey Wolfshadow I'm sorry that you lost your saves and progress. Your best bet would be to contact our support team as no one in the forum has any additional information to offer. Obsidian Support Thanks
  9. -Hey Gregory If you haven't already I recommend submitting a bug report, and we'll work with you to investigate this issue. Based on your initial report it sounds like something could be going on with your hardware to make your PC reboot. Obsidian Support Thanks
  10. -Hello TheSapphicSeas I'm sorry to hear that you've run into this potential issue with tracking data. I recommend submitting a bug report and we'll look into it. Obsidian Support Thanks
  11. If you're still having these issues playing with your friends I recommend submitting a support ticket. Our team will work with you to try and figure out what is going on and hopefully provide a solution. Obsidian Support Please include the following information: 1. Platform (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Steam, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch). 2. Multiplayer or Single Player Game (if multiplayer, can you tell us how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if known) 3. Difficulty level 4. Description of issue. 5. Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable. Thanks, and sorry for the ongoing frustration that this issue has clearly causeed!
  12. -Hello I'm sorry that you both don't have access to the Haze lab encounter. If you haven't done so already, I recommend submitting a support ticket. Once we have your report we'll work with you to investigate the issue. Obsidian Support Please include the following information: 1. Platform (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Steam, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch). 2. Multiplayer or Single Player Game (if multiplayer, can you tell us how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if known) 3. Difficulty level 4. Description of issue. 5. Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable. Thanks, and sorry for the frustration that this issue has caused the both of you!
  13. -Hello Simao Santos The most common cause of not being able to connect is having a Moderate or Strict NAT Type. I recommend checking your NAT Type to see if it's either of those. I'll post a link below detailing NAT Type and how to change it. How to check NAT type on Windows 11 (nerdschalk.com) If you still aren't able to connect please feel free to submit a support ticket. Please include the following information: Platform (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Steam, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch). Multiplayer or Single Player Game (if multiplayer, can you tell us how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if known) Difficulty level Description of issue. Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable. Thanks, and good luck!
  14. -Hello Atomic Toxin I'm sorry that the fireflies don't appear to be spawning in your game any longer. I recommend submitting a bug report, and we'll look into this. Obsidian Support Please include the following information: Platform (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Steam, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch). Multiplayer or Single Player Game (if multiplayer, can you tell us how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if known) Difficulty level Description of issue. Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable. Thanks, and have a great day!
  15. If you possess a save game that will not load on or later, due to it being created with DLC you did not purchase, please send us a support ticket along with your GOG or Steam username and a copy of a save game that has the issue (if multiple saves are affected, you only need to send 1 so we can verify). Obsidian Support Save file location: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity\ Sorry for this issue the last two patches caused!
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