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Everything posted by Oblarg

  1. I just hope you're willing to accept that a Christian theocracy wouldn't be any better - that's the fundamental point that most people miss.
  2. Oblarg


    Looks like he turned his back on the ripper.
  3. I brought it up because the two concepts are, in the vast majority of the times I've had this discussion, treated as one. My mistake.
  4. There wouldn't be any transition. You'd close the border and not have any more illegals get in. I really hope you're not naive enough to think that transitioning from underpaid illegal workers to legal workers that require decent salaries would be smooth and painless. There would be serious repercussions felt not only by businesses but by consumers, and I'm not sure that it's all too wise to rush towards expelling all the illegals when we have become reliant on the cheap labor they provide.
  5. What would then happen once the cheap labor dries up, though? You use expensive labor. Slavery went out 150 years ago. It's the transition that would be a problem. There would be a rather rough period and the overall shift would not be without consequences. It's not a simple problem to fix.
  6. What would then happen once the cheap labor dries up, though? Methinks immigration is a problem that requires a deeper solution than "deport the bastards and stop them from coming back." We've got ourselves into a bit of a pickle - we don't want our tax money to support those who don't pay taxes, but we do want the cheap labor those same people provide. I really hope you're not serious. I'm no Obama fanboy, but I fail to see how he is rapidly bringing our country to ruin as some radicals would have us believe.
  7. All I've gathered from the articles that have been released so far is that DA2 will be worse than DA:O. Seeing as DA:O was pretty bad to begin with, I'm not too excited. I think I'll pass on this one.
  8. Oblarg


    Metal cannot possibly get more epic than this EP.
  9. Oblarg


    It got Bobby Blitz in 30 questions, but it failed to guess John Arch.
  10. Oblarg


    Vicious Rumors - Dust to Dust Been listening to lots of Vicious Rumors lately. Fantastic band.
  11. I watched a segment of "Through the Wormhole" and found it to be dumbed-down and handwavey to the point of silliness.
  12. The bolded part is pretty much my attitude toward 99% of games, even ones I like. I like playing for the story, first and foremost. So when it's basically just me fighting waves of enemies until the final boss battle with the story portion pretty much concluded (other than an epilogue after I beat the final boss), I lose interest. Except in a good game the endgame is gripping and makes you want to see the conclusion. The endgame of DA:O just made me want to go to sleep.
  13. I'm going to take some more SoaSE pics some time soon. It can be a really beautiful game if you capture it at the right moment.
  14. I'm an oddity. I actually prefer Origins to either ME games. I tried twice to play through it. Lost interest when I reached the endgame the first time, lost interest halfway through the midgame the second. The level design was simply too grating and the story and dialogue didn't make up for it. The atmosphere was decent but by no means fantastic.
  15. I want to hurt the person who put so much of the focus in Warcraft 3 on the heroes. I hated those damn heroes so very much. WCIII was a ****ty RTS, but a great modding platform. Whether or not I buy SCII depends on whether or not the modding community approaches the glory that was WCIII bnet in its prime. Speaking of which, how is the modding? Any decent custom maps out yet, or just DotA 2.0 or other generic ****?
  16. It would be really hard to make DA:O worse.
  17. Oblarg


    I really do love 80s speed metal.
  18. Oblarg


    Apparently the seal (?) is named Johnny. As in, Johnny's Back. I think Narita takes the cake for worst Riot album cover, though most of them fall into the so-bad-it's-good category.
  19. Oblarg


    Great song, regardless.
  20. So, how's the modding community looking? Any decent maps yet, or only DotA 2.0 or some similar generic ****?
  21. Oblarg


    That piano/guitar instrumental section is pure genius.
  22. I just saw the movie, and it was good. Not worthy of the mountains of praise it's receiving, but certainly enjoyable. It's compressive how coherent it is given the ambitious setting. That aside, there are indeed plot holes, most of which seem to stem from the entire idea of "limbo," which on the whole seems to be a bit half-baked compared to the rest of the setting.
  23. Oblarg


    Geoff Thorpe is awesome.
  24. How the hell can someone who hasn't played past the tutorial level criticize the plot reactivity? That makes...no sense. At all. As for KotOR2, I'd say it's a better game because the characters are more interesting (Kriea is and always will be my favorite video game character). AP's dialogue still blows every BioWare game I've played recently out of the water.
  25. DA? Story? Ahahahahahaha, funny joke.
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