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Everything posted by Aristes

  1. Gratzkies, qt3! Oh, and how do folks like the new gear at Argent Dawn? I got the gloves for my rogue. I'm having a hard time deciding between the merciless gloves and the undead mashers. I have to say, it's tough to lose that much stamina and almost a a whole % of crit, but the ap is amazing and the haste rating of 17 is pretty sweet. decisions decisions decisions
  2. I think technology is great. In fact, that has been the argument in regards to all sorts of environmental warning signs. However, it still doesn't answer the basic question. Cold fusion, for example, would create an arguably limitless power source, but it doesn't put minerals back in the earth. It's not just oil that is finite. Copper is finite. Gold is finite. Maybe fusion can create these things in such abundance it buys us almost unlimited time. ...And I'm not being argumentative. Maybe technology can overcome these obstacles as it has so many in the past. I'm not really all that familiar with the ideas behind the study. Alls I can do is look at the numbers game, and they look bleak for humanity going forward. Technology has to shoulder a pretty big burden, but maybe it's not all that unlikely. *shrug* I hope I'm wrong. Better to eat crow and live, I always say.
  3. Sadly, this is inevitable. We can buy very little time before we pay for our success as a species. It's not even our fault. We live in a reality of finite resources. I thought the article was interesting but what's the remedy? I notice it gave us the bad news, but the even worse news is that there is nothing we can do short of a massive decrease in the population or inter-planetary colonization. I'd like the latter, but I'm afraid the former is the only realistic outcome.
  4. I have to say, I'm mightily sick and tired of griefers. ...And this trend is part of the whole two faction system. Jedi/Sith. Horde/Alliance. Order/Chaos. You know what I wanted from Wrath of the Litch King? I wanted a third faction. That's right. I want to have something where some of the hate could be spread around. Because that's what these games become. Although, from my brief experience with Warhammer, I can say that griefing didn't exist. First of all, I believe the game penalized folks who went into areas much lower than themselves just to grief the other players. The other reason is, it's not grief when it's part and parcel of the game. Warhammer wasn't like a WoW PvP realm. The objective of the game was to destroy the other faction. That's the goal. It's not like WoW, with it's backstory of the factions engaging in a clandestine war while maintaining a sort of jerry rigged peace. And it's not just other faction griefers, either. One thing the zombie event showed was how much folks like griefing their own faction. In a lot of ways, I didn't mind even that much because I killed a lot of zombies. I would spit on them and then kill them. One dumbass I must have killed in zombie form spit on me yesterday while I was in Southshore. I'm sure a lot of people here liked the Zombie event, but I just saw it as a way to make it tough for lowbies in my guild to level before the xpac ships. *shrug* I don't mind individual acts of griefing so much as I just hate it that WoW is set up to encourage griefing. Too pathetic to take on people your own level in the Arena and Battlegrounds? Go kill quest npcs on Sentinel Hill or the Crossroads. This is entirely opposed to LotRO, where I have yet to encounter any griefing. Partly because PvP is so clearly a second thought and partly because most of the players seem to be a bit more mature. That might not be true, but it's my impression after a couple of weeks. Now, my thoughts on TOR (Time of the Old Republic?). I think they should have two distinctly hostile factions. There should be Jedi and Sith. Players who decide on one side or the other are saying, "I'm all for PvP." Other factions within the game should be varying levels of hostile or friendly with one another. Hell, I guess all factions could have varying degrees of hostile/friendly relations with one another. Jedi could be republic friendly, hostile to the Mandalorians, and at war with the Stih. I don't really know how to handle it, but it would be nice to have a game where folks don't break down to complete and utter tom foolery. I guess that's kind of far fetched, since probably the vast majority of players are going to be Jedi, which means that the Jedi are going to have a lot of excess and useless weight in TOR battlegrounds.
  5. Well, I don't have a 360, but I do have a kickass system. And, if it can't handle it, I'll just build a new one. I end up making one every year anyhow, but I'm hoping to skip this year if my new system is beastly enough to last longer. BTW: Great job, guys! You sold me! I'm downloading it on Steam right now.* If I don't like it, I won't blame you. If I like it, then of course I will sing your praises. *I know, I know, only Valve fanboys use Steam. However, I figured it would either be Steam or D2D. I've used D2D before for Blood Money and it worked well. I figure I already have a Steam account so I'll be making more of these online purchases. Got to test it sometime, right?
  6. What Would Wolves Do -- Savvy Fav Disturbing but funny
  7. Oh, Jaguar, thanks man! That's great news. The scaling system was a real big downer but what you cite doesn't sound that bad.
  8. Nice read, Killian, like Gftd1 said. I wonder if ammo will continue to be scarce or if we'll get into the usual "I'm so rich in weapons, ammo, bottle caps, and hookers that I OWN this area" syndrome.
  9. Ohhh, thanks. No music as I'm getting ready to play WoW. The Sound of Silence, I guess.
  10. Litany of Saints -- Veronica Morrissey What the hell is an emo-greaser? haha Does that mean they lubricate farm animals?
  11. w00t! I'm mediocre! I got promoted! I'm a mediocre American with Mediocre European tendencies. ...And no one ever uses their nightvision goggles to stalk me!
  12. hahahaha I think I detect a trend as well. I'm pathetic in that I'm probably going to rely on you random internet people a lot.* As long as I lurked here, it hasn't been such a bad bet as long as I read between the lines. *I'm pathetic in other undisclosed ways also.
  13. That's good to hear, Maria. I'm worried about the mouse issue with Far Cry 2 and Dead Space. Since you complained about the sluggish control in Far Cry 2, I expect that you're a good source to judge Dead Space. It's close to Christmas at this point, so I don't want to go hog wild with the game purchases. Okay, you've tried both Dead Space and Far Cry 2. What's the word? Which one do you recommend for my shooter experience?
  14. If it's just performance, my system can handle it.
  15. I Got 5 on It -- Luniz I've never smoked pot, but it does remind me of some drunks I've had.
  16. Yeah, Killian, but was that the ruleset or other factors? Or the ruleset in combination with other factors? I guess what I mean is, did it use the DnD ruleset and, if so, was that a detraction?
  17. I really liked my Orange box set. I played a little bit of WoW today. There was a huge Zombie invasion event that caused a controversy. ho hum. Yet another wonderful Blizzard day.
  18. No D20 ruleset! I think it would be way too awkward in an MMO setting. I don't know what DnD Online used, though. I'm sure it used something at least similar to the DnD ruleset. How did that pan out?
  19. taks, I simply don't understand your statement. Of course, I'm also the product of the school system in the United States, so maybe it's just that deficiency you cite, tongue in cheek. Nevertheless, I still contend that most educated folks here had heard of the Hungarian uprising. That would include both the Americans and non-americans. Frankly, I'm unsure as to whether I learned about it in the classroom or in some other way. However, education tends to expose folks to all sorts of ideas, and not all of those ideas come in the form of classroom education. Certainly folks share ideas outside of the classroom in universities here as well as abroad? As for insignificance? It made the cover of Time magazine that year. Clearly, it was not an insignificant event. I don't doubt that most Europeans, and the United States as well, don't want to dwell on a time when we failed to come to the aid of an oppressed people. I don't castigate the Western Europeans for failing to act. I don't blame the United States. To look back on it and add insult to injury by rebuking the person making the thread is idiotic. I'm not saying that's what you were doing, but Dark Raven's comments were certainly insulting and yours are, at the very least, misguided. After all, we're still talking about what happened in Hungary in 1956. As long as its significance is the topic of debate, it can't be entirely insignificant. As far as Dark Raven's gender? I don't really care. No insult to her, but I don't really care if she's a 15 year old girl or a 50 year old truck driver from des Moines.
  20. That doesn't even make sense from a story standpoint. Some of those people in the cars would try to avoid violence by turning and running. It's simply not feasible that every human being you would randomly meet, even in a war torn anarchy, would be brave/stupid enough to try to fight. Most of them, many of the best survivors, would avoid violence. Some of them would avoid violence at all costs. That would be enough to break immersion for me. In most of these FPSes, we're faced with the "kill it if it moves" syndrome. Fine, but this feature just sounds dumb. ...And what's all this I hear about making the mouse controls sluggish? Why would someone do that. Hell, in Bioshock (I know, I know, you HATE it, Crashgirl) the controls were at least responsive and it was a 360 also. Someone in another thread, or maybe on a webpage or something, suggested that the developers made the mouse controls intentionally sluggish to put it on par with console controlers. If that's the case, I simply will have to pass. You guys had convinced me to purchase the game, but if the controls are really that bad, no dice. Could some of you who have complained about the mouse aiming let me know, is it really bad or just mildly annoying?
  22. Why cheesy?? I mean in one instance I got a necro on the floor after cutting off its legs, and then I repeatedly stomped on it until it died That was funny. Well, I like the atmosphere and premise. And I'm seriously jonesin' for a new horror fps. I'll have to think about it. Maybe get it for Christmas. The footage I saw seemed to be over the shoulder, which makes sense with the whole using the character's body as a hud. How hard do you think it will be to transition from FPS mode to the over the shoulder view for this game?
  23. If you aren't interested in what random internet posters have to say, why the hell are you here in the first place? Nice trailers. Thanks. EDIT: I dunno. The whole cutting off their limbs mechanic doesn't seem all that great to me. I like the atmosphere and background, but these necrodudes can only be killed by dismemberment? Sounds kind of cheesy.
  24. I don't know. From reading some of the other parts of this forum, it seems like Dark Raven is just the resident grouch, so I shouldn't have taken offense. Nevertheless, I can't help but think that it's good for Hungarians to recall a moment when they stood up for their rights while others suffered the yoke of tyranny in silence. How many Americans, of which I am proudly one, talk about our own revolution? ...And our revolution, as proud I am of its success, required no more bravery than the Hungarian fight for freedom. Hell, I'm glad to see someone taking pride for his people standing up for freedom. And it looks like a lot of people in this thread are Hungarian. I don't want to piss them off.
  25. Oh, my wife isn't a gamer geek like me. She's got a WoW character and we also played Dark Fall together. We turned out all the lights and lit candles to make it SPOOOOOOKYYYY. She liked that and I've tried to get her into other games. As far as a money sink? Meh. I don't think it's any more than buying the same number of games. I DO think WoW's days are numbered on this system. I'm casting a bleak eye to some of these Zombie Shenanigans.
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