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I will refer you to my previous statements concerning Prop 8. I voted against... what was it? Prop 10 earlier? I tell you what, if Prop 8 fails, explain to a polygamist why the law doesn't permit marriages between more than two people. I know the counter argument, but I'm curious to hear what you folks say about it. Frankly, I don't think this rises to the level of denying essential civil rights to people of color, although I voted against the earlier measure based on the fact that it does deny civil rights to a section of our citizenry. The fact is, however, that the people spoke and the Supreme Court decided that its place was to legislate rather than decide law. I don't want to restate the same arguments, though. My biggest beef with every election is that folks act like the world is coming to an end if their side loses. If Bush is elected, then we'll end up in World War 3! The FIRST time! I guess he just jump started in the first election, but he has another few months to make good for his second term. Bill Clinton is going to take us down the dusty road to Socialism! Really! That's where we are now, a Socialist State! What do you mean, you can't tell? Seriously, get a grip, people. We live in a democracy. Even if you think voting for one or the other is a mistake, the Republic will endure. If we have some misteps in one administration, then we can vote for better in the next. People act like the election is a football game. One of my friends said that he hopes things go bad while Obama is in office to prove that he's a bad choice for president. Think about that. He's wishing for the United States to do poorly so that he can prove that Obama was a bad choice. What the hell is that? We should vote our conscience but support the winner. In that regard, I'm completely with Guard Dog.
Sorry, er, guys, but I can't keep the male/female thing straight online. I'm pretty sure I could tell the difference for most of you in real life, though. I assumed Maria was a guy until she/he corrected me! Which is it, you freaks! lol Does this mean it's safe to spam the thread? Just checkin' 'cause I don't usually get to spam and have fun.
Of course it's her opinion. Why should she be required to tell you someone else's opinion? I'm not surpised by how much Oblivion went into Fallout 3. I'm surprised by how much didn't. Fallout 3 still has a lot in common with Oblivion, but it is superior in every way. Oblivion is Fallout 3's older, stunted brother. Fallout 3 got all the looks and the brains in the family. Bethesda went through their new parenting experience with Oblivion and brought up Fallout 3 just right. If Oblivion and Fallout 3 weren't brothers, Fallout 3 could kick sand in Oblivion's face. Fallout 3 wouldn't, because it's been brought up to care for the less fortunate... but it could! Fallout 3 can divide by zero. These are all my opinions. Except for the divide by zero thing. That's a fact. Seriously, it's not perfect. Too bad, I'd love to give a perfect score to a game. It's damned good though.
hahaha That one actually got me. I had to stifle a laugh because, while I'm up at all hours playing the damned game, the wife isn't. Still, too many marches and whatnot on enclave radio. I like the retro feel of Galaxy Radio, even though I think the devs were pretty heavy handed in regards to politics. What game devs aren't?
You know, mkreku, I've collected tons of that and I give it to him for free. haha. I'm an absolute saint. That's the thing about all these games. Hell, if the people had more money on hand, I'd have even more of it myself. That tip about non weight items is very true. Earlier today, I picked up a non-weight half smoked cigarette. Hell, I put points into barter just to suit my roleplaying desires. All of these games have a ciritcal mass for money. Once you reach it, you can pretty much do whatever you want moneywise. @GreasyDogMeat: I agree with your point earlier about "kiss before you leave me." I wish they'd had that one in there. One of my favorite things about the game is listening to Galaxy Radio. I love hearing reports about stuff I've done that's made the news. The quests I've finished are regular fodder for the Deejay.
I've intentionally waited to respond to you earlier Crashgirl because I was so irritated I thought I'd be rude, which isn't cool. Like Hell Kitty, I like survival horror. I also think that the developer got the feel right in the Max Payne shooter, and so I'm looking forward to seeing how they do with something that looks like a purer survival horror title. ...And so, when I saw that it was a Remedy title, I went to the webpage. For my part, I didn't say I was excited by the trailer. I posted that I was excited after I went to the designer webpage. Looking at the story and seeing that they might get back some of the original Max Payne mojo, I figured I'd make the purchase. This is something like the big argument about reviewer scores. I don't want to open that can of worms again, and I don't think it would fair to you if I did. However, I do want to go back to one point that came up during the conversation. I'm pretty optimistic about games. I know some folks think that, if you don't have something nasty to say about every title, then you're either weak willed, a shill, or in the pocket of game publishers everywhere. Hey, I like the mean spirited English guy who does the fast talking reviews as much as anyone. I always think they're funny. I don't always think they're insightful or accurate. This en vogue attitude that says you have to talk down every game kind of baffles me. I haven't been around here long, and so I don't expect anyone to really care about my attitude or anything, but I try to find something good about most games. That doesn't mean I don't view them critically or that I'm unwilling to voice that criticism. Hell, look at how much I've praised Fallout 3. I think it's one of the best titles in a long time and certainly the best title I've purchased this year. Even then, I've had a variety of complaints about it, ranging from picayune points regarding profanity to larger arguments about the dialogue in general. Hell, it's not even that I feel the need to find something to criticize in every game. I always do, but you can rest assured that, should I ever find the perfect game, I will be willing to say that it's perfect in every way. That's what frustrates me. Sometimes I feel like folks are compelled to lay down complaints about games simply to establish street cred. That's not pointed at you, Crashgiril, but it is an observation about some of the things I see online. If the point is to be entertaining, sure, speak fast and draw stick figures. I think it's funny and establishes you as a grouch. If the point is to give a good review, the important things are insight into the game and honesty in reporting. So, yeah, I thought Alan Wake looked interesting. I just didn't see at the time why it was important to bust out with more negative comments in a thread where the general outlook is forward looking. I mean, the thread isn't "Games in which you are not interested." I guess I'm just always going to be focused more on games I find interested rather than focusing on games I don't. Aside from Alan Wake, which still has my eye, I'm looking forward to Diablo 3. However, not quite as much. I really enjoyed Diablo 1 and 2, but I don't know if I want to do another slog through an endless respawn dungeon. After they decided to go to continual respawns to accomodate the multi player crowd, it's become more of a pain. Still, I'll pencil it in when/if Blizzard releases it.
You know, something I find kind of fun that makes decent money, Random Noob? This is kind of a light spoiler, but it does tell you to do a specific quest line. I haven't had much trouble with money, and that's true even though my strength is 2, I keep a full array of small arms and two energy weapons, and I don't do many multiple trip loot runs. I've decked out my place fairly well, although I'd like more. This is simply one of the most addictive games I've played in a long long time. I would unreservedly suggest this title to anyone. The game is so fun it has stolen time from sleep and other projects. I simply cannot be cautious at this point. If I suddenly lost interest tomorrow, it would have been worth my money for the fun I've had thus far. If you haven't bought it, I suggest it.
I've invested some in barter. I tend to repair a lot because it improves the value and because I can't carry a crapload of stuff. I dunno. I usually have between 600 to 1,000 caps on hand. I think, if you really wanted to buy the expensive home improvements, it wouldn't take too long. I've got a lot of odds and ends I keep at my house that I don't need, I guess I could get another grand or two and maybe get more crap for the house. My barter is about 30 and I've been able to afford most stuff. I keep a lot of stuff on hand, though, nothing crazy, but about 70 stimpacks and at least 10 each of radaway, radx, medx, mentat, psycho, and jet. I don't know why I keep jet, as I haven't used it once anyhow. Hmm, maybe I really will have a yard sale and go on a shopping spree.
Haha Try to check in a book if you ever visit the Arlington Library. It's a hoot.
Just give me a kiss to build a dream on and my imagination will thrive upon that kiss. Sweetheart, I ask no more than this, a kiss to build a dream on. I love that song from Fallout 2.
Whatever. I guess you won't buy Alan Wake. Good for you. I really don't care that you aren't interested in the G-A-M-E. haha Good for you. Personally, I thought the name of the thread was "Games you are looking forward to," not "useless and pointless carping as per usual."
Keeping my own council as to what constitutes an interesting trailer, I'm still looking forward to Alan Wake. I guess the low budget trailer for Alan Wake beat the other low budget trailers I've seen for other games lately.
Don't read unless you want to be spoiled on the "Those!" quest.
I actually like the subway areas. When I fitst heard about them, I thought of long drudges through monster respawning caves. Nope. The places have a nice layout and I don't have to kill the same monsters every time I pass through a hallway. I'm thinking of making lack of/low rate of respawns a rule for buying computer games. Some games manage to shine with it, but I'm quickly starting to hate the decision in general. None of that non-sense with Fallout 3. Now, some of the areas I've cleared would make sense as a place for a new den of baddies, but if it stays unpopulated in the realistically short time gameworld wise, I'm not going to complain either.
Calax, bro, sometimes you really make me laugh. ...And I mean that in a good way. That "clown drooling blue stuff" is priceless and I didn't even know what the hell you meant. Nickelodeon was Pinnwheel or some such when I was a kid.
The game actually kept me up and I'm glad. I put off doing something important in Megaton. I went all over and did other stuff and finally just dropped a 'lude and took care of some unfinished business. At that point, I was honored with a place to sleep and met Wadsworth. Huzzah! Finally some dialogue and voice over work I unreservedly enjoy! There was much rejoicing. I have to admit that I really like Moire. I have a friend who uses a fake voice just like hers sometimes. It's uncanny, but it makes her truly amusing to me. Over the top and all.
I doubt you're an older fan than me, but I do understand that you feel slighted. I'm not mocking you or anything, I just see this as a good sequel. Look, I like it so much I literally will get some two hours or sleep or so just so I could stay up and play it some more. So, we two fans of the old games will have to disagree. I think Fallout 3 is perfectly worthy of the name. You apparently didn't enjoy your copy, and so you think it should have some other name. That's fair enough. I really don't care what the name is. I'm just glad that I bought it. ...And I might not have bought the game if I didn't realize that it was the Fallout brandname.
Good Lord, man, you have a rig and monitor that can run these at 2560 x 1600? Forget the processing power, where do you put the beasts?
Walsingham, you scare me.
Aw, what a cutie, hurlshot! Must take after the mother!
Wow, this is a weird place for this. But it's a shrewd move. if you'd placed it in CnC, they would have locked it down. Fallout 3 is a great game. Just thought I'd reassure Walsingham.
Okay, if this keeps up, I'm going to go from cautiously enjoying to effusively praising the game. I've just now managed to force myself to stop playing (at 1:30am). Once I get to 40 hours of addictive gameplay, I refuse to go back on my word. We'll see if it keeps up the steam, but even if it doesn't, I've put in quite a few hours. Basically, I've been playing it most of each evening. Great game!
...And it really is a sequel. I agree with Hurlshot, Fallout 3 deserves the name of '3' rather than 'wasteland' or someother silly concession. Apart from the fact that Bethesda bought the damned license and can do with it anything they like, fans of the originals don't have a lot of room to complain anyhow. The feel, look, and backstory are all Fallout. Since there was only a 1 and a 2, Fallout 3 makes sense. EDIT: Oh, and I helped some guildies on WoW earlier. Now I'm back to FO3.
...but leaves something to be desired for those who enjoy reading eloquent, witty, or erudite dialogue. Hey now! haha Seriously, I think dialogue tends to be tough for most of these games. It's not that every exchange has to be witty or eloquent or even euro... erou... smart. The thing that's hard for a lot of designers to convey in a few lines of dialogue is the horror of finding out that your family is dead or that someone from your town likes to snack on other people. The dialogue isn't bad. It's just isn't great. ...And it's failing isn't that it's not 'high falloutin' enough. It's that there is a disconnect in the range of emotions. I don't really mind, though. Looking back on Fallout 1 and 2, the dialogue wasn't always perfect there either. The voice over work really isn't very good, but voice over work usually sucks. Hell, I had to act once for a training video for the Venetian and my acting sucks. As long as I'm not cringing, it's not bad. So far, no cringe.
I went but I still think it sounds pretty shaky. Doesn't explain Megaton, which is a settled town by now, complete with some children. Two, at least. haha I'm really enjoying the game. It really does blow Morrowind and Oblivion out of the water.