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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Huh... WTF, he annoied me in ways I didn't actually think a character could annoy me...
  2. Maintaining? As in the regular updates or something that someone with very little coding knowledge doens't understand/know about? Simply put, it's very likely that the secret world will be buggy.
  3. I never said they were bad coders, just that the codebase is a mess... If it's broken "AoC", then surely it needs fixing before you try and build something else with it... Funcom don't seem to be doing that, there is far too much pressure on features. Edit: I just want to be clear in that, an MMO needs maintaining, and if the codebase is hard to maintain the problem will most likely get worse. I don't see anyone changing the formula, as anything too different from WoW will be seen as too risky. I've often had a similar opinion, waiting for that truly different MMO experience... I'd certainly give anything a shot. I just don't think I will believe it until I experience it.
  4. I think the only MMOs that has potential for being different is the Bioware MMO and Funcom's secret world I will not make the mistake again... MMO = Grind fest, they will always be a varient of that mechanic, it may be wrapped up in a different skin, but the fundementals of MMO's is always the same dull elements. I just don't see the point... I don't really feel the need for a glorified chat room. Funcom BTW don't really know what they're doing... Awful tech. I surprised AoC actually runs the codebase is such a maintance nightmare it is HORRIBLE!
  5. Why was the fallout with swords comment in edge magazine...
  6. The guys at work were raving about this.
  7. Surely in order to have a best five MMO's, you actually need five good MMO's and as there isn't actually one decent MMO on the market, I'm going to find this very difficult. I suppose I could order my list based on time spent playing... 1. Dark Age of Camelot 2. Anarchy Online 3. Everquest 2 4. Age of Conan 5. Ultima Online I would say they were playable piece's of caca. I know never to expect a good MMO. I only picked up AoC because i thought "Maybe this time it'll be different", I was so wrong... I won't make that mistake again mind, so no Warhammer online for me.
  8. American's tend to want a different experience from gaming than European audiances...
  9. There are many things pointless in this world, arguing with Grommy is one of them. Not because he is right, it's just he argue's for a living. Now in regards to DD... Absolute dross in my opinion, why? I couldn't even be captivated enough to get out of the first village, just not for me, I actually enjoied diablo more, atleast diablo has a purpose in that it is perhaps the best hangover gaming available.
  10. What's frieghtening is I agree with you!
  11. But Yahtzee said it was ****! He must have been right! You must be wrong! Oh bugger his word is LAW WTF OMG... *Kills Self*
  12. There work isn't so good from what I hear, especially when applied to games...
  13. I am most certainly enjoying Jericho more than I thought I would infact... It's by far exceeded my expectations.
  14. He disagree's with everyone because he feels he must... That said he has on most extreme and rare occasions agree'd with people but this is usually on trival things.
  15. I think you're a lonely voice. NWN was a buggy POS.
  16. Here's a little something to help you if you need it, and, yes, I dislike people who try to make you pay extra for things that are already on the disc and in the game. Anyways, I thought it was a much better game then some people made it out to be... Ah Thanks! I must admit I am enjoying it more than I thought I would. It's not a bad game, it's just not an amazing game either... Merely a fun game.
  17. I was wondering when you'd pop up... On another note. Dragon age has been indevelopment for such a long period of time that I find it difficult to be positive or negative, long development cycles don't always indicate that the result will be in anyway, anygood... NWN for example upon release.
  18. I feel that was an unfair representation, everyone knows Newcastle is where those not fit to live with decent society are sent. The three vaguely hot girls the country has are banned from setting foot in the place lest they catch Geordie and turn into one of the people in the video. LMFAO so true...
  19. Jericho, Turning point, Mass Effect, and GTA IV.
  20. Never, I expected as much from Russia.
  21. I started at codemasters today. IT WAS AWESOME!
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