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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. Today I confirmed my suspicions that I need to do an upgrade to my PSU. A few days ago while playing Fallout 3 my computer froze abruptly, "okay... no problem" I thought to myself as I went to hit the reset button thinking that it was a bug due to F3's lousy PC port job. I hit the button and to my surprise my PC's power suddenly starts flickering abnormally, I power it off and wait around an hour (perhaps the GPU overheated.) Time passes and I try again only to run into the same problem, since it was getting close to midnight I decided to sleep on it and try again later the next day.) Next morning I successfully booted into XP only to hear my video card's gpu fan go beserk, I check the system monitors and it was running at 66
  2. Player's handbook would be a good start, or maybe a dndwiki. Yes, although the saying "the more the merrier" reflects this perfectly. Either or, though it would be a lot easier to have a physical copy by your side while playing. As for making... not sure.
  3. Complete with a cardboard cut-out mary sue character that gets skewered.
  4. When do we get screens/concepts, marketing rhetoric?
  5. I like to think of it as "devolving".
  6. Thanks obsidian for <insert good reason here.>
  7. But what good would that do if said guardians were retarded?
  8. [Medicine] So you say you have a cough? [Perception] Yes, I've been coughing all morning.
  9. In doing so I shall come forth from the abyss to which you condemned me on the stake afire. I will be reborn a much stronger being mere mortals such as yourselves couldn't possibly conceive.
  10. Or murdering two merchants in The Den
  11. He's missing the fake elf ears.
  12. Grandmother on my father's side died earlier today. Not really surprised at this happening as she was 91 years old. TBH I don't feel sentimental about it either... I am an emotional cripple.
  13. Yep all the totally ~*kEwL KiDz*~ are doing it
  14. A new SW game I'd like? It starts with K and ends with III.
  15. You're still nervous when you're drunk? I think you need more to drink Today I just quit my summer job, probably the wrong thing to do since I still go to a community college (transfer out next year.) Doesn't really matter much anyway, since after the first month my number of hours declined (along with everyone else) and with that the pay sucked anyway (my last check was for $42 USD, the **** can I do with that?) I'll get another after I get back from vacation... just another week and a half to go.
  16. Nowadays nearly everyone has at least one disorder diagnosed in their lifetime, my then doctor diagnosed me with ADD when I was six. I wouldn't exactly disagree with him either (I was born premature.) Today I spent the day sweating my ass off, the AC isn't getting replaced until saturday. I hate it when it's hot/humid.
  17. Did either of the two Bioware doctors say it will be "epic" yet?
  18. Many more I'm sure.
  19. Am I the only one that thinks if a NWN2: NX3 were to be developed, the 'Black Hound' would be perfect for it? *shrugs*
  20. Ever consider a career in game design?
  21. IT DOES EXIST!!!1 They didn't believe me, they said I was crazy! BUT I'LL SHOW THEM!!1!!1 :ermm:
  22. Does Interplay still hold the rights? You'd think that they would want all the money they can get at the moment... I honestly don't know, a part of me for some reason wants to say Atari holds them. But if Interplay still does hold distribution rights, I like to think that it hasn't crossed their minds because you know... Herve isn't exactly the sharpest nail in the box.
  23. *hears crickets chirping loudly*
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