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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. That's odd for a GTX 260, I'm running a 9800 GT and that only happened once to me while playing Fallout 3 (only game that has happened to me in fact.)
  2. Those Marilyn Manson trailers still make me wonder if I'm buying the right game.
  3. This is actually a lot of fun, the commentator made me lol a few times.
  4. Judging by how much sega has marketed AP at this point (i.e. bare minimum by the looks of it,) I picture one of the following three scenarios: -AP selling about average number of units for a new IP (250,000 - 750,000 units from release to December 24.) -Follows the fate of Psychonauts and becomes critically acclaimed but a financial failure. -A 'sleeper hit'. Thoughts anyone?
  5. Yes. Yes. Totally. In fact, BioWare is going to change the name of the mage class to OMFGPWNU! And they've replaced the mage staff with the Fatman. Will BIO have a custom ui for mages where their most powerful offensive spell at the time will automatically be mapped to a button dubbed the 'I WIN' button? [sent from phone]
  6. I forgot to mark any evidence that i was being sarcastic. [sent from phone]
  7. Special edition was out of stock, I was actually surprised. Off-topic: I saw a responsible parent preordering left4dead 2 for his son who didn't look a day over eight years old. [sent from phone]
  8. I think I'll play either Dalish or Noble Dwarf for first play through. Preordering collectors edition tomorrow after class.
  9. First day back to class, French wasn't as bad as I expected it to be (I wanted German but it wasn't available.)
  10. I'm not going, too poor to travel that far at the present time. In the age of facebook and youtube, being a nerd is the next *~*kEwL fAd*~* *hangs head in shame*
  11. The same for me, more or less.
  12. I don't have that much either But I do have a few good bottles of gin lying around.
  13. **** yeah energy legs! Can I get it in diet? You know, the one without 4000 babies?
  14. Uh, Kotaku didn't actually write the piece on misogyny. That was Gamecritic. Linking to articles on other sites is actually a function of legitimate news aggregation blogs like Kotaku. I skimmed through the article to be honest, there's my consequence.
  15. Sounds like he's attempting to stir up controversy to bring in page views for the site, wouldn't be the first time either. Gaming "journalism"
  16. Sounds like Voodoo juice: 1 part Cruzan Pineapple Rum 1 part Cruzan Orange Rum 1 part Cruzan Banana Rum 1 part Cruzan Coconut Rum 1 1/2 parts cranberry juice 1 1/2 parts orange juice 1 1/2 parts pineapple juice Top with a dark rum To be shared between three people (I started feeling tipsy at drinking 1/4, the bartenders always put in 3 straws.)
  17. Does anyone know if there has been any deaths due to H1N1 other than those who haven't had all their shots? I'm not worried in the slightest tbh. Today I went to my cousins' house and fixed their computer. I must say he's really smart for a two year old.
  18. Seems like TLJ is very enjoyable judging by the comments here , now I'm really interested in playing this.
  19. Did you miss the part with the AI and were there actually alien artifacts in the end? It's crazy and not the good kind. I stopped playing at the final area because of Net clan. The oracle/ancient mayans had me a little intrigued but the whole "A.I. data manifesting in physical form" was what did it for me. I really enjoyed the first 1/2 but now I just read the canonical ending on gamefaqs and stopped there. Anyone have experience playing The Longest Journey? That looks like a fun few hours, already played Dreamfall which I found enjoyable.
  20. Despite how much I hate being on a time limit when it comes to video games, I soft of wished Fallout 3's main quest had a time limit even if it was only to a certain point in the MQ. I guess it was just the nostalgia.
  21. Just finished playing Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy. Weirdest plot twist I've ever encountered in a game: First half of the game: Trying to clear your name. Second Half:
  22. This year's E3 showed as much, what a waste of time and money their presentation was.
  23. With the occasional locking up of your keyboard and/or mouse.
  24. Every other sentence... "commie". First time ever for me playing a game where I got annoyed with reading/listening to dialogue enough to stop playing altogether.
  25. So.... they started as a group of mages who made pacts with demons to serve them in exchange of power?
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