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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. This. My reaction to this matter is , I want to play AP but not to the point where I'm foaming at the mouth. I want it to do well sales wise also.
  2. SpeedTree?
  3. With Activision running the show? I wonder how long they'll still be "Blizzard".
  4. This has got me thinking, what are the odds that this will follow Aliens: Crucible's fate?
  5. They can't say anything without sega's approval.
  6. What hype? AP has had little publicity since it was announced, no one really knows about it. This seems very likely.
  7. Considering the competition AP would be against this season, I can't really criticize the move. For all we know it's probably the smartest thing Sega has done for AP since well.... ever.
  8. I hated EA to the point of zealotry during the late 90s early 00s. They have definitely turned to the right direction of cleaning their image/reputation ever since Ricitello took over.
  9. They could try, he'd just throw a chair at them. edit: While chanting Developers! Developers! Developers!
  10. Anything that destroys competition is bad.
  11. Thinking about buying No More Heroes, can anyone here recommend it?
  12. What? No ones played ? That game was a real gem.
  13. Was gambling useful for anything other than maybe 2 or 3 areas that had slot machines?
  14. With the exception of GOG, no one comes close to the awesome deals of stream holiday sales.
  15. There's only two features of SoZ that I liked: the overland map, and the music. The plot was worse than Shadow of Undrentide.
  16. There was a flashlight? That Pip-boy light feature which was about as useful as a pen-light in a dark basement.
  17. That's deep man, real deep.
  18. An improved lighting/shadow system in NV would be nice. Fake lights and no object shadows, ew. Question out of curiosity, would the 360/PS3 be able to handle all those shadow effects even if they were rendered only on objects that were close to the PC? Or would the system memory limit say it's out of the question?
  19. Didn't know Devil May Cry 2 wasn't developed in-house.
  20. Probably means they went into full production 10 weeks ago, what would be the point of starting actual development if a studio is unsure if they'll be able to secure funding in the first place?
  21. Hmm the real question is who will the future publisher be?
  22. They had until April 09 to secure funding for an MMO which they failed to do.
  23. This. I used to have four of them in my house when I was younger (my dad was in K-9 division of police force.) One of them bit me for reasons unknown... it was horrible.
  24. Whoa, I thought I was the only one that had that prediction.
  25. Bethsoft is the publisher, so it's their money being invested.
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