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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. Then you're no more a saint than the rest of us.
  2. Kriea-type? She just made my "leave at the camp as often as possible" roster.
  3. That's pretty good compared to my 9800 GT which runs at 83C load.
  4. At least you didn't get diagnosed with anything life threatening. Like a brain tumor, which my aunt has.
  5. They also need food recipes
  6. Oh, one more thing: If you find the spirit eater mechanic in MOTB annoying, this will take care of that.
  7. Trust me, you're not in the minority with that opinion. Though I'd recommend at least playing it up to your character's in Neverwinter. Don't feel guilt in skipping it for MOTB, because MOTB is something completely different.
  8. Got tired of Final Fantasy XII, playing KoTOR 2 with restoration patch.
  9. Quest For Glory V was developed due to an internet petition, if I remember rightly. http://qfg.info/coalition.html Oblivion went to japan because of a petition also.
  10. Enjoying it thus far? What campaign are you playing?
  11. Nice, sounds like a sweet gig.
  12. You work in IT or something to that degree?
  13. That's good enough, the engine doesn't support multi-core processors (IIRC) but you should have no problems running the game at near all high settings (Anti-aliasing might need to be kept at 2x but no noticeable difference.)
  14. Ah. Well hope the PC you're playing on is decent, NWN2's engine is poorly optimized.
  15. Unforgivable, there is no "America, **** YEAH!" in dropping out. They have shamed themselves and their country. Oh, are they wearing helmets this time? My internet is crapping out today for some reason so it'd be a fruitless attempt to watch a stream.
  16. Does it automatically install or can you find a means to back it up to a physical medium?
  17. Yup, apparently you can download it from the atari store. http://www.atari.com/us/games/neverwinter_...ld/dvd_rom?dd=1
  18. Amazon edit: Oh....download service... Direct2Drive?
  20. Which one do you use? I'm looking to test out the restoration mod once I get a moment and not having to run the game in a window would improve the experience (for me at least.)
  21. Same, I used a script that rendered the entire mechanic useless.
  22. A few million dead web pages with it.
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