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Everything posted by Noqn

  1. I'd say go with spreading all companion skills evenly. That way switching a companion out of the party won't leave gaps in skill coverage.
  2. I like this idea, but there's sadly no way to implement it with what's available. Something like a reversed AttackLowestDefenseAbilityComponent (used for Barbarian's Brute Force) would've done the work but there's sadly no such thing.
  3. Thanks, incredibly informative post! So with the way the game distinguishes between omnidirectional and straight bounces, would it be accurate to say that Fury+Driving Flight vanilla behavior (although disappointing) is working as intended and can be left as-is for the Balance Patch?
  4. @Elric GaladFury Driving Flight fix: Fury Bounce Fix.zip I think the issue is in ExtraStraightBounces description: "Adds Value bounces (in a straight line) to the target's ranged attacks that have no bounces." Watershaper's Focus solved it by setting the attack's bouces to 0 but giving the item the Leaping Arc mod which adds +1 bounce instead. I applied the same solution to Fury's weapons.
  5. Yes, sadly it's not possible. Trying to mod in new AI conditionals would not work either, as you've only got AbilityAccuracyIs and IsDefenseValue, but no conditionals to compare Accuracy and Defense against eachother.
  6. Ok. First up I believe that this blog post by Josh Sawyer gives a great introduction to the general concepts of Deadfire Conversations: https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/175082312536/im-curious-as-to-what-the-conversation-editor Basically, Conversations are flow charts. They contain Nodes, where each Node represent e.g. a player dialogue option or an NPC line. All Nodes have a unique ID, and they contain a list of Links pointing to the IDs "descending" Nodes. Now, here's the WIP documentation on these data formats, I hope it's not too much of a mess: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jv8GvSuWlunC_nElQsPBM9nqEt8iCOoOP5PlBVAT1Bc/edit?usp=sharing Most properties and values are somewhat self-explanatory, I've tried to describe the ones that aren't. (The major remaining ones are the concepts of Ghost Links and Question Nodes.)
  7. Oh wow, that's an awesome discovery! Yeah, maybe also script hooks to trigger convos on entering specific locations. Actually, I've been working on a thorough documentation of the conversation and quest formats. I'll clean up and post tomorrow.
  8. Good find, this should fix it: Sayuka Bear Fix.zip Tagging @Elric Galad for balance patch.
  9. You were right! The Fury (and the other Druid subclasses) don't have the DisableKeywordAbilities effect that the Wizard subclasses have, so a Fury Sorcerer should be able to use a stolen Moonwell!
  10. https://eternity.obsidian.net/game-data-formats/components#characterclasscomponent It seems that monk fists should be added if the character's class has ImprovedUnarmedAttack = true However looking at the source code, the function that utilizes that variable will only conditionally override the existing unarmed weapon. The scenarios that do override are sadly only player/party-related stuff, such as character creation, leveling up, respeccing, adding a companion to the party, the AddAbility/RemoveAbility scripts and a few more. So for all non-party characters they'll never get their base fists replaced even if they fulfilled the monk fist criteria.
  11. Only thing I can think of is adding the Flanked keyword to the AttackTargetFilter, but this would only work if the StatusEffectType is something like Deflection or EnemyDamageMultiplier where the effect owner would be the attack target. { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "AttackTargetFilter": { "KeywordsIDs": [ "8ca098ca-731e-481d-b958-a337064afd6c" ], "KeywordLogic": "Or", "Race": "None", "IsKith": "false", "HealthPercentage": 0, "HealthOperator": "EqualTo", "Distance": 0, "DistanceOperator": "EqualTo", "HasDOT": "false", "IsMarked": "false", "TargetHostility": "Default" } }
  12. Have you used the IRoll20s command first? It's necessary to use most console commands. This will disable achievements though. Simply enter IRoll20s
  13. This Raw Pen Fix.zipshould cover all Attacks and StatusEffects that deal Raw damage and has 0 Pen. These are the Attacks with PenetrationRating = 0 and DamageData.DamageType=Raw, now PenetrationRating are set to 7: For the StatusEffects, these are the ones with StatusEffectType = Damage, OverridePenetration = 0, DamageTypeValue = Raw. I set OverridePenetration of these to 7, but idk if this property affects lashes or if damage through StatusEffects would even trigger lashes to begin with, so I think these would require testing. 7 Pen according to the game files so this should be fine as it is
  14. I was thinking that if we mod the xp multiplier, it would also affect vanilla playthroughs while SSSS is enabled in the mod manager. Also this way I think we can more easily fine-tune the xp gain so that the player reaches lv20 at the end of the campaign. Also nevermind what I wrote about only giving xp the first time an encounter is completed. We want to give the bonus xp/gold on repeated completions, is that correct?
  15. Small progress update: CallGlobalScriptAfterTimePasses will stall while the game is paused, which includes having menus open. This makes it useful for delaying certain scripts until after the Character Creation screen has been closed, rather than having to enter another scene and wait for a second scripthook to trigger. So now, directly after Character Creation, we will smoothly be granted XP to lv 16 and the Superior-tier gear, then have the Legacy History window be displayed! It's thankfully possible to block off the parts in Engari's conversation which triggers the optional artifact-seeking quests without having to edit the convo file itself. (Since we want to enable their corresponding challenges by default, having the dialogue and quests popping up would've been akward and misleading.) All the relevant convo nodes has HasConversationNodeBeenPlayed conditionals, and can be prevented from playing by utilizing MarkConversationNodeAsRead scripts. What remains: Generate unique base campaign items into SSS vendor inventories. Increase experience and gold gain throughout the campaign. (I think I will do this using the ArenaEncounterComponent's WinScripts property, giving bonuses to encounters if this is a Standalone Seeker Slayer Survivor playthrough and it was the first time the encounter was completed.) Implement the Engari convo blockers. I actually tested and completed the campaign with this mod just now! (by spamming KillAllEnemies in the console ofc )
  16. Here is it extracted from the game files: https://mega.nz/file/vOBDBCDY#KRewoGSh5JutUBxXoKSYUEN1pIMviAxEW3A6zzfhH38 Really sucks that the in-game piano version isn't included in the soundtrack...
  17. Happy new year! iirc I put it on hold after an exhausting week at work but forgot to return to it, so this reminder is appreciated!
  18. Imagine getting infested with the parasite described in the Rotghast bestiary...
  19. I think this is very likely, I checked and the Red_Lung_Stage4_Death affliction actually has the Disease keyword.
  20. Diseases Looking through the gamedata files, I found something interesting... unused disease-related Affliction Types: Bedfellow Mites (AFT_Bedfellow_Mites) Chest Worms (AFT_Chest_Worms) Red Lung (AFT_Red_Lung) Scurvy (AFT_Scurvy) Stone Creep (AFT_Stone_Creep) The Hack (AFT_the_Hack) The Pox (AFT_the_Pox) The Rot (AFT_the_Rot) Weeping Fever (AFT_Weeping_Fever) (To clarify, AfflictionTypes are gamedata objects that define affliction "categories" and includes ID references to the afflictions that they govern. The primary ones being the Attribute Afflictions, e.g. AFT_Might which contains references to Staggered, Dazed and Stunned.) While our "disease" Affliction Types each contain several references, almost all of the afflictions that would correspond to those IDs are missing from the gamedata files. Luckily, one of these afflictions remain... Red_Lung_Stage4_Death We can from the name alone tell that Red Lung (and likely more of the diseases) would have ended in the death of the afflicted party member. Looking closer at the Red_Lung_Stage4_Death affliction, it seems to cause a "blood splurt" visual effect, then outright kill the afflicted character. Here is the effect in action: It's a shame that there are no traces left of what the previous, non-fatal stages had for symptoms, though I could however find their names in the string table! Stone Creep, Early Stage Stone Creep, Middle Stage Terminal Stone Creep The Pox, Early Stage The Pox, Middle Stage Terminal Pox The Rot, Early Stage The Rot, Middle Stage Chronic Rot Weeping Fever, Early Stage Weeping Fever, Middle Stage Terminal Weeping Fever Red Lung, Early Stage Red Lung, Middle Stage Terminal Red Lung Bedfellow Mites, Early Stage Bedfellow Mites, Middle Stage Chronic Bedfellow Mites Remedies Looking further, I found seven unused item names, descriptions and icons for "remedies" related to our diseases! Six of which corresponds to a specific disease, and one (Lichen Tablet) which seems to be a general cure to any stage 1 disease. Lichen Tablet "A medicine made from special fungi, moss, and algae native to the Deadfire. This unassuming capsule remedies most all sickness, so long as said disease is in its early stages." Rymrgand's Bane "When burned, Rymrgand's bane releases a therapeutic smoke. Cures Red Lung." Potent Incense "An pleasant aroma emanates from the smoldering sticks. While not strictly medicinal, the smoke repels bothersome insects. Treats Bedfellow Mites." Rose Draught "Pungent, sour, and bitter all at once. This brew is difficult to keep down, but its healing properties cannot be denied. It is used to break fevers and settle nausea, allowing the patient to recover. Cures Weeping Fever." (I don't have good enough english or reading comprehension to connect the remaining three items with their descriptions.) Aromatic Rub Astringent Salve Thistle Tar Remaining descriptions: "A poultice made from medicinal plants. This stinging pulp soothes lesions and sores while safely dissolving necrotic flesh. Cures the Rot." "This botanical ointment is spread about the chest and neck. Its fumes are technically toxic, but have the benefit of treating breathing ailments before any noticeable harm comes to the patient. Cures the Hack." "The smell from this goop is harsh and greasy. It is used to clear parasitic infestations deep in the skin. Removes the Chest Worms affliction." "Toxin" and "Fungus" Not directly related to the abovementioned diseases, but while searching I also found two unused items grouped suspiciously close to Antidote's name and description in items.stringtable Antitoxin "A few drops from this vial introduce cleansing materials into the body. The process is painful, but useful for purging foreign elements from the skin and blood. Cures afflictions of the "Toxin" type and imparts immunity to toxins for the duration." Fungicide "A necessity for any healer in the stagnant wetlands of the Deadfire, where a single prick of the skin can cause blooming fungal infestations. Apothecaries produce a steady supply of this harsh, stinging liquid to supply travelers and adventurers. It rapidly destroys fungal spores and growths, both topically and internally. Cures afflictions of the "Fungus" type and imparts immunity to fungus for the duration." (Note that this Fungicide uses a separate string table entry from the FS quest item Fungicide) Looking at their descriptions and comparing to Antidote's, it seems that at one point "Toxin" and "Fungus" existed as keywords alongside Poison!
  21. Sadly this is in "totally impossible"-territory with conventional modding. I like the idea of the mechanic though.
  22. Don't get me started... I've never encountered a site with worse text editing.
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