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Status Updates posted by qt3.14159

  1. Fine, remove my url... :p

    And that's not bad for off the top of your head... I need to get started on chapter 7 of my current fic... not sure where to start though... that's always the hardest part... :)

  2. Ooohh! Thanks for adding me as a favorite author! :D

  3. lol, I noticed that I had little idea what you're refering to... I think I've seen one Stargate episode in my life... I liked it...I think... lol

  4. Well, if you insist! ;)

    into the maze of the city’s streets. She wore her favorite black pants and jacket. Her green tunic was tied to show off her midriff and cleavage and her black headband kept her fiery red hair from falling into her vibrant green eyes. The outfit served its purpose well. Those gawking at her rarely noticed the veritable arsenal she carried with her.

  5. Oohhh, we're writing novels in comments now! Awesome! Here's one of mine...

    She walked the streets of the smuggler’s moon, meandering through the throngs of people seemingly without direction. Occasionally she would stop and appear to listen to something, ignoring the persistent gazes of the sentients around her. Then she would walk again, being drawn further int

  6. *pat pat*

    it's ok... feel free to ramble incoherently on my profile whenever... :p

  7. Mmmmm... Jason Bourne....


  8. How's your vacation going? Having fun sleeping while I'm working? :D

  9. Eh, it couldn't possibly be myspace... no one has any obnoxious page layouts and I don't have any goofy pictures of myself posted.

  10. I don't know about that... I'm not quite so bored today, but I couldn't think of anything else to put into my profile... :p

  11. You see what I'm doing? Uh oh... why do I suddenly have the feeling you're the helpdesk guy I just talked to on the phone...

  12. I'm not sure, which Tale are you at the moment? ;)

  13. Oh, I guess the other Tale will get to have his "mind" blown then... :p

  14. Ahem... I quote:


    A girl turned on by math and fire?

    Marry me.

    9th May 2008 - 11:54 AM "

    Don't even *try* to get out of this one... :p

  15. Yeah, Tale, when's the wedding? hrrrmmmm?

  16. Well, I don't know about mind-blown, but my mind is completely fried right now... I must have had too much caffeine or something...

  17. Well, Archie said he was gonna murder me... but he only said it in a semi-funny way...

  18. Do you see the things people are saying to me? Are you going to let them talk to me that way??? :p

  19. Of course not, dear... :shifty:

  20. Yes, it sounds like you do, indeed, deserve a vacation... I don't deserve one, but I want one anyway! *pout*

  21. 2 weeks?? geez talk about not fair! If I weren't at home now, I'd be sad... as it is it'll have to wait until Monday!

  22. OMG! I love Red Pandas! When I was a kid I had a magazine that had a huge article on them and a poster... you're right, they're awesome... I'm bored too... but I get to leave work early today... woot!

  23. What? You want me to turn the General over to your poorly trained collection of bounty hunters? ;)

  24. Yes, but you hate everything, so how can I take you seriously? ;P

  25. *waves* Thanks! That's probably my favorite line from both games... :)

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