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Status Updates posted by qt3.14159

  1. Thanks! And don't worry about the cookie, I already eated it too... *slips into a diabetic coma from all the sugar*

  2. Yeah, me too... apparently September is a busy month! ;)

  3. I have no idea what that means....

  4. See... now I feel like a stalker again... cause I'm bored so I just keep clicking on your profile... and I see that you are viewing the index right now and I'm wondering if you're as bored as I am... I think that's how it starts... *scared*

  5. *wave* by the way, according to the rules of teh internets, we're guys...

  6. I love how you deleted the one where he called you a moron, but not the one where he apologizes for it... that really makes it seem like he's completely insane... awesome! :D

  7. Oh, good point. I always forget that first rule.

    Though, if I'm a guy, I should probably look into a boob reduction or something...

  8. Are you sure? My mama says that everyone on teh internets is stalkers...

  9. I see... sometimes, though, I feel a bit like a stalker when I check other people's comments too often...

  10. It seems like when I'm checking in nothing ever happens.... or maybe I just have a short attention span... :)

  11. I just love it when people say things to me in other people's comments and I don't read them until days later... whee... :)

  12. None of that in my comments! :p

  13. no... it's was Xard's fapping that put me off.... I really didn't want to hear about that...

  14. Ah, good to know... I'd wondered... when things disappear I begin to wonder where I put them...

  15. Sorry (not really), just got tired of it... :)

    HaHa! My comments!

  16. Much better! Now, kiss and make up...

  17. Accept, the only person you're allowed to be mean to in my comments is Archie! You must be nice or at most snarky to everyone else. :p

  18. Me too! the last chapter of my current fic has been a real pain to try to get through... not sure why.

  19. lucky you... I have almost 3 hours left... whee

  20. Only if you do mine for me... my brain is swimming in html... *sigh*

  21. You've been awfully quiet lately... are you dead?

  22. Oh, hell if I know... I wound up seriously plastered this weekend and have lost all sense of time... however, it seemed that everyone expected me to be here today and I didn't get fired for not calling in yesterday... sooooooo... I *think* it's monday...

  23. Yes, nice song... Happy monday everyone... can I go back to bed yet?

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