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Mamoulian War

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Posts posted by Mamoulian War

  1. After few days of break while “driving” around Spa, I went back to Dark Souls Remastered and cleared Smough and Ornstein. On second try 👀 This time no cheese, but went for “Super” Smough this time, as I was still missing his soul and armor. Also, crafter Scythe from soul of Priscilla, which made clearing the room in front of the fight a walk in the park 😁

    Then I have decided to try out the Bridge Dragon in a non-cheese way. And failed again. 🙈 We’ll see how that goes next time, after clearing few more bosses.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Bartimaeus said:

    My rule whenever I started an SL1 character was that if I died and then died again before I recovered my souls, the game was over and I had to delete that character. Why? I don't know: as an SL1 character, you don't need souls. Principle of the matter, I suppose.

    I wish my reflexes would be that good :) Sometimes, I am getting to much comfortable in the game, and then I always do some stupid stuff, like run in between three Painting Guardians, directly into a backstab 😄

    • Gasp! 1
  3. Zelenskyi’s wife has said few times already, that she does not want him to stay in power in a foreseeable future, and it’s the second time that someone spreads “rumours” about Zaluzhnyi being sacked from his position. And that’s like fifths or sixths article by Times, which is heavily biased against Ukraine. Most of them were refuted in few days later as being influenced by Russian propaganda. And the “rumors” starting to spread at the same time as the “rumours” of PoW’s on shot down plane smells a more like another Russian psyops, than not 🤷‍♂️

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Wormerine said:


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    If I remember it right, I stocked up on ungodly amount of giant arrows and chipped away at his health but targeting his tail from underneath the bridge. 


    Thank you. In NG I was able to get him down easily with my damage output, and in NG+ I was already able to cut off his tail with melee as well. That part of tactics until you cut of his tail on the bridge still works, but then, it starts to behave differently and start to fly and spew fire a lot more than in PtD Edition of the game. I will try it out again after I get some more bosses down, but I would prefer classic fight with him. Cheese kill with arrows will be last resort 😂

    • Thanks 1
  5. Three more bosses down in DSR. Capra Demon, Gaping Dragon and Quelaag.

    I made some stupid mistakes again 😂 and lost another 100k souls 🙈 I tried few attempts against Bridge Dragon, but I got burned like a chips, because somehow the same tactics I did against it in PS3 version, does not work and I am getting big fire blast into my back, which burns all of my HPs in one shot, even if I have fire stoneplate ring and the fire resistance pyromancy buff. So I am for now clueless how to defeat it.

    • Hmmm 1
    • Gasp! 1
  6. 21 hours ago, Malcador said:



    Lot of articles from all over about how war with Russia is real soon. Although apparently Russia has been knocked back 18 years as well.


    He has a lot of good arguments, how Putin might do it. The goal is not the all out war against NATO, but doing something, that would be very probable to make some big players to not respond to the invocation of Article 5, which if he could achieve, would make the NATO useless overnight.



    • Thanks 2
  7. Goal nr. 1/2024 has been achieved 😛

    January 29, 23:00 – My first finished game of 2024 has become Dark Souls: Remastered on PS4. I have reached the Dark Lord ending after almost 80 hours and 292 deaths, which I have accumulated, while trying to get every item in game, and fulfill all prerequisites for Platinum Trophy. And due to the personal challenge, I have also cleared the all DLC areas and bosses, which are not needed for it. At the end I had to finish Gwyn, Lord of Cinder in 1 on 1 fight, as I have failed Solaire's quest due to visit of Lost Izalith sooner, than required. This is the first time, that I have finished Soulsborne game with melee character build. The side-effect was, that I have died much less to trash mobs, but most of the boss fights were much more challenging.

    • Like 4
  8. 2 hours ago, Bartimaeus said:

    The Silver Pendant that you can find in Oolacile provides complete protection against dark magic, including Manus' spells. Though using it is a little weird, as it's an (unlimited use) activated item - you just spam it whenever somebody's casting dark magic at you and it all just bounces off harmlessly. Makes that part of Manus' moveset pretty trivial.

    Oh yeah, I know that about the pendant, I just find rolling out of his dark magic a little bit more convenient. Unfortunately I was at point-blank range when he cast his version of Dark Beads. I just got like 90% of the beads right into my face with my reflexes failing to do anything in time. So I just looked at the screen with blank stare for a few seconds and let out a very deep sigh 🙈

    • Like 2
  9. And Manus is down! He gave me a lot of trouble, but much less than I’ve expected, and much than both Artorias and Kalameet. The fight is fun though, it either kicked my ass under 20 seconds, or I was able to get him down to 50-25% easily, and then I made a stupid decision. I got him once to 10% and forgot to defend and roll his Dark Beads spell 🙈 Then I got owned few more times, and I was finally able to defeat him with Dragonslayer Spear and 3 Chaos Fireballs 😃 So far, the hardest fights was Artorias and Sif (yes, I have completely ****ed up that one fight 🙈)

    All I need to do is some kind of clearing and item grinding, and then I can go against Lord Gwyn again. I already see him as a big pain in the ass, as I suck at parrying 🤦‍♂️

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  10. Black Dragon Kalameet has been defeated. And his tail cut as well 🙂 it took me definitely more than 20 tries combined. I had to relearn the fight as well, and due to big break from playing the game, I became less patient again, which caused more wipes, than I would have liked. It took me around 2 hours or so to find a way, how to defeat him with my playstyle 🙈

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  11. @xzar_monty circling back to fires in Russia, about which we talk some moths ago. I have seen week or two ago article, which said, that in 2023 the fires quadrupled compared to 2022, which had already much more fires than during the pre-war era. Unfortunately, I can’t find the article anymore :( 

    IIRĆ the statistics were based on officialy published Russian data.

    • Like 1
  12. 42 minutes ago, Lexx said:

    Well, selling it with reasonable pricing to the local population is not the issue - that's totally fine. The issue is people abusing it a lot(?).


    Maybe it's just me, but I think it's retarded to "collect" games on whatever online platform like that. Don't even know if you still own or have access to that stuff in 20 years. 😄

    To each it's own 😛 . Though, are we not all some kind of collectors, with a big amount of backlogs? 😛

  13. 25 minutes ago, Lexx said:

    Truth told, if I'm making like 20 cents from a sale in Turky (in the past, now not anymore since regional pricing was canned there)... it doesn't really matter that they bought it. They might as well just have pirated it. In my statistics this is barely noticeable. It's probably worse, because a pirate who likes the stuff you make still could buy your game for realz. Meanwhile a person who used a VPN to buy your game for cents sure as hell will not buy it again for the real price.

    So yeah... if you plan to exploit VPN technology to buy games cheap, you might as well just pirate them directly.

    My argument was about game collectors, who buy games but don't play them. It's very unlikely, that they buy any game at full price, so the mentioned 20 cents from their Turkiye copy might be still better than nothing for a starting indie dev. It is definitely **** behaviour, to buy it through VPN and then spent 50 hours on it, there is no argument about that.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, Hawke64 said:

    If I'm not mistaken, Steam and GOG have some protection from VPN shopping, while Itch.io does not have regional pricing?

    Agreed about G2A - the fees from the banks hit the developers.

    Yes they do, but can still be circumvented. Especially if you plan to resell account on G2A. The GOG has only protections for gifts afaik. If you buy it for yourself, there are no limits as I am aware.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 55 minutes ago, Lexx said:

    I dunno about all of that. The amount of money lost from piracy and exploiting VPN to buy something for cents is still quite high. Sure it's too expensive for some people... but you also don't need to buy and play every game. That said, the people I personally know who pirate every game could easily buy every game...

    Kinda curious how many of those pro-piracy devs are just talking like that in the hopes of advertisement / boosting exposition. Since, yeah, so many titles are released every day now, it probably does make sense to just go pro-piracy until more people know your name. You're likely gaining sales from this, not losing them.

    Oh, also, since piracy is so damn common, you can't really allow to piss off some people and potentially cause a ****storm on the internet.

    You have to think also in a way, that people who use VPN to get some game, are mostly getting it just to own it, which in other words means, that a lot of these sales would not happen at all, if it was not possible to circumvent the price tag with VPN. Is it moral? Not really, but it still generates some revenue for the dev. Contrary to the piracy, or buying cheap on G2A, which is currently mostly used for money laundering, which in the end could cost a lot of money to the dev... Even piracy is potentially more rewarding to some devs than their games sold on G2A and the likes...

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