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Everything posted by Starwars

  1. Dungeon Siege 3 is the most underrated Obsidian game. It's fun (with or without b00bies).
  2. More unpopular opinions, KOTOR2 is tied with NWN2 with "worst Obsidian game". They are BAD. Even with the goddamn restoration project. That's only the NWN2 main campaign though.
  3. How does the Woedica challenge feel? I'm generally much more of a per-rest type of guy but turning everything in a per-encounter type of game to per-rest seems like a broad stroke.
  4. https://www.obsidian.net/ Time for the Cain/Boyarsky project to be unveiled? EDIT: Seems like the ads are changing around. Feels kinda Fallouty cheerio. Will be unveiled at the Game Awards December 6th https://twitter.com/geoffkeighley/status/1067865336639250432
  5. Amnesia hit me harder (as did the Penumbras) but I think it was more due to the fact that it was released in a different time. But SOMA is just such a solid package overall and I feel it always tells you just enough, and teases a bunch of stuff if you really want to dive into it deeper. The whole angle with the Carthage company for example isn't something I *really* picked up on on my first playthrough.
  6. I haven't played a Civ game in YEARS. I've thought about giving it a try. Do you think Civ 4 was the best or is V better. This is with all content enabled. Civ IV is *easily* the best in the series as far as I'm concerned. But it's still fun to change it up every now and again and play the other games, but yeah... Civ V is definitely not my thing anymore, just don't enjoy it. Civ VI is somewhere in the middle for me, more interesting mechanics than V for sure but it's also a lot more messy and broken in places. But more exciting to play by far if you ask me. But all in all, Civ IV is the best.
  7. Stll replaying SOMA, coming up on the end parts of it. Man, that ocean floor segment... less stressful now that I know what's going to happen but talk about intense. Remember playing the first time when the game was released and the moment when the little "guide robot" gets snatched by the sea creature, I don't think I'd ever felt such a sense of panic and "alone in the dark" feeling ever in a game. I mean, if you keep your head the path is always obvious but yeah... they did such a fantastic job on making you feel like there's no chance of finding your way even though the game is always leading you on. With a bit of stress in your body it really feels like you're stumbling blindly, even though you're not. And then the anglerfish (which I promptly avoided this time around).
  8. Man, that looks like a meaty update. Impressive. Just hope the respawns won't be *too* substantial... don't want it to become annoying. Ondra's challenge definitely looks like something I'll be interested in and maybe Woedica's. I'm much more of a fan of per-rest stuff generally speaking but given that Deadfire was designed the way it was from the start, I wonder how it will feel with per-rest. Guess we'll see. Definitely impressed.
  9. I'm replaying Civ V at the moment, just to break a bit from Civ IV (my favorite) and VI and I really have no idea how people like it so much still. It probably has my favorite aesthetics of the bunch but other than that it's just... boring to play. That said, I used to like it quite a lot around the time BNW was released (though IV was always king). But I really can't stand it nowadays. VI is more uneven in how it works (or doesn't) but it's 1000 times more interesting to play than V as far as I'm concerned.
  10. I'm replaying SOMA, which is ****ing fantastic. I mean, I'm not a huge fan of the fact that they kinda cut down even more on the "gamey" parts from Amnesia (which in turn did the same from the Penumbras) but it's just hard to argue against how well-crafted it is. It's actually probably one of the best realized gameworlds I've seen, especially in how it ties in with the setting and story. It's just very well thought out all in all and very atmospheric. The sound design is unreal.
  11. I watched Hereditary. Thought it was really excellent overall though it went slightly haywire right at the end. But not to a point where I felt it really hurt the film. Really solid overall with some really creepy sequences.
  12. I kinda liked how Josh Sawyer was all "this is potentially appealing", hehe.
  13. I don't know much about how Microsoft operates nowadays but it's kind of sad to just see mid-sized independent devs being bought up by bigger companies. I hope it will bring some peace of mind to the company obviously as I'm sure it's been incredibly stressful at times. But as a consumer it's hard to not think that this will result in more games being "safe" and massmarketable. And, as has been pointed out, as someone who is focused on STEAM and GOG for their gaming, this will make that more annoying as well. But who knows? I guess we'll see. Hope things work out well.
  14. I finished Call of Cthulhu and sadly enough it never recovers. The latter half just feels like a mishmash of "dream sequence storytelling", where the writers try to keep everything mysterious and mystical but it just ends up falling flat on its face. The gameplay also gets worse and worse. Also, I'm definitely not one to usually complain about pricing and short games but this was a game I actually felt like the pricepoint was too high. I guess there is some replayability as you can get different endings but it absolutely unfolds in a very linear way and is rather short to boot. It's too bad.... there are many individual parts that are cool but it never feels like the devs tied it together in a satisfying package. And some of the gameplay is so... *tired* and cliché. Especially the "puzzles" (using that term lightly). Absolutely zero creativity there. Ugh, it sounds like I'm describing the most horrible game ever, but it's really not. It just could've been so much more.
  15. The gaming industry is obviously a bit more "tightly knit" and Avellone was an owner so it's more serious but just thinking about spending time posting in forum threads and doing twitter messages about a workplace I left years ago is just extremely depressing to me. The whole "exgirlfriend" analogy is a bit tired but there's a point to it as well. It's just soulcrushing to see someone using their energy on that instead of blossoming now that they're free of the bad relationship. Come on Avellone, give us cool stories and characters to talk about instead, you're going to be remembered as a gossiping dude who can't let things go. Make your own success and show up the people you want to show up.
  16. I'm playing Call of Cthulhu and... myeeeh. It's not exactly good. Starts out pretty nice and I was definitely interested in seeing where it was gonna go. But I feel like it's just falling apart. It's hard pulling these types of stories together and this one doesn't succeed at all, throwing you into weird visions and dream sequences where you have to do gamey "puzzles" (using the term lightly). It feels very... "now this happens, now this happens and now this happens". It doesn't flow very well and I don't think it succeeds in the whole "slow unveiling of cosmic horror" that it's trying to do. It's not scary in the least, which I didn't expect to be honest because RPGs rarely are. But the RPG side of things also feels very lacking and doesn't feel like it matters at all. It's a shame because there's a lot of potential and it feels at times like they *almost* have it but it just doesn't come together into something that is interesting or even fun to play. I'm fully expecting the game to just completely fall apart anytime soon. Started out promising but yeah... not particularly good overall unfortunately.
  17. The tavern pieces in this game are absolutely awesome, I have no idea what you people are on about. Do agree though that they feel a bit out of place for the bathhouse.
  18. I watched the Apostle. Promising horror movie but it turned out to be really, really... boring. Ended up just losing interest. Not something that happens to me often with horror flicks. If they're bad they're usually... really bad. This one was just dull and boring. Also watched the Cabin in the Woods the other day. Pretty cool. Not the greatest but it was definitely amusing.
  19. Try playing a bit of the first game, it will give you a good feel for it. All three games are very similar in how they play, with some additions as the games go along. So if you like the first one, you'll like the rest. If you dislike the first one, you'll dislike the rest. Personally I enjoyed them all. Wouldn't call them amazing but unique enough.
  20. Is the game focused on combat like BG or more of a mix like something like Fallout? Not familiar with Pathfinder.
  21. Lamplight City Feels like a very cool adventure game so far, except for one thing... the main character has a voice in his head that you hear whenever you examine things, and the character has conversations with him as well. And... the voice has an extremely annoying personality and it's honestly kinda ruining a lot of the game for me. It's really too bad. Aside from that, seems good so far.
  22. Honest Hearts was the one that impressed me the least when I first played it. But now, it's also my favorite of the DLCs. I think it's the most fun to replay, and the characters are great. Dead Money is my second, Lonesome Road third and Old World Blues fourth.
  23. Finished up Lonesome Road. Probably the DLC for New Vegas that I'm the most torn about. Interestingly enough, even though it's a linear... well, road, I think it's the DLC that has the most fun exploration. I think the areas are so good in the post-apocalyptic feel that it's just a joy to run around in them. The atmosphere is excellent. I also enjoy the combat in it, which is pretty unique for me in terms of the newer Fallouts. Even though there are some cheap shots (having enemies spawning behind you and stuff) I find that the combat is deadly enough that I really take my time creeping through it. Makes it much more enjoyable. Ulysses is... well. He's interesting in a way, but I think the whole "give the courier a history" failed pretty bad and just managed to break the whole thing that the NV thing that the Courier really was a blank slate, except that he had just taken the job to deliver the chip. It doesn't work very well. And Ulysses is... interesting, but there's so much rambling, so much obscure wordplay that the character just comes off as annoying a lot of the time. A shame because I think the voiceactor is excellent. Also, while Lonesome Road kinda goes for the whole hardcore feel, if you explore a bit you will find so much loot that it's just silly.
  24. Making my way through Old World Blues now for the New Vegas replay. It's my least favorite of the DLCs. The humor is great but gameplaywise it just sucks, with weird spawning issues, waaay too much combat overall, bullet-spongey enemies and repetitive content.
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