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About Theonlygarby

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  1. Most excited I've been for game since... ever maybe
  2. Mostly focused on combat, which is the thing I'm least interested in. It looks fine. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but nothing has made me more excited than I initially was. In conclusion I want poe3, but avowed still interests me.
  3. Is a melee build viable? I restarted with high endurance and strength. It's much easier but I feel like late game is going to be tough. It's nice being able to hold so many items, that's for sure.
  4. This holy detonation DLC final boss for wasteland 3, reminds me why i always play on normal... like 99% of the time I'm fine with harder difficulties... but then a boss like this comes around... good God is it painful.
  5. Whoops I meant ian... just thought his name was Alex haha. I just have Katya and dogmeat. Ian is the one stuck in a cave.
  6. I think I will go back to it. I might want to recreate my main character. Plus I think I'll need alex, and he's forever trapped in the scorpion cave currently. I went small guns, and low strength (4) which in retrospect seems like a dumb decision. I think I might have even boosted charisma over strength... and so far charisma seems pointless. And I can't imagine I'm taking down super mutants with a pistol. On the second DLC for wasteland. It's a lot goofier, but it's made me laugh out loud quite a few times. It also made me feel super guilty for I appreciate that they are switching up the combat, but I am getting a little annoyed by it. Both DLCs have very drawn out combat. It has kept my attention but it's also a time waster. It's kind of funny how DLCs tend to destroy any difficulty in the base game. You get all these advanced weapons and perks from the DLC that by the time you return to the base game you're very OP.
  7. Ive settled on playing Wasteland 3 over everything else. I love how the choices are I that game... I enjoy thinking I made the wrong decision everytime I make a decision. There either isn't an outright "good" choice to make... that or I always make bad decisions... either way I wish more games would follow the "road to hell is paved in good intentions" saying. New Vegas did this very well, wasteland 3 might even do it weller. More well... better
  8. One stupid thing I did early on, was take Alex (I think that's his name) to the scorpion cave. Then when I didn't need his help I told him we should part ways.... I kinda figured he'd return to his house in shady sands... now he's in that cave, and as far as I know I can't reenter that cave. So he's as good as dead me thinks
  9. I like the companions in wasteland 3 a lot. I just would prefer to have a main character instead of starting with 2 that you can switch out and replace. It's almost more like I'm a general giving direction than actually a part of the crew. Maybe I'm just not talking to the right people, but it feels like there aren't a lot if quests. Do I rely on random encounters to level up?
  10. Playing Wasteland 3 and classic fallout a little. For wasteland I played closer to launch, before the DLC. Decided to play steeltown. bit of a mixed feeling. On the plus side, you get to make lots of decisions on how to deal with the issue. I'm not sure how different it would be with different choices. Seems you can avoid a lot of fights if you choose to cooperate/have appropriate skills. The downside would be the combat. It's fine, but it's so repetitive. All the disruption weapons make the battles very tedious. Low damage but if you get disrupted enough that character can't act for a turn. Every robot deploys endless robo dogs. My assault rifle guy still uses an early game weapon because i just never get assault rifle weapons. Also I much prefer having a main character. Creating a crew makes it less immersive imo. Who am I even? At a certain point you pass every skill check due to sharing skills. For fallout classic, I think its just too dated for me. I have visited every location and I'm level 5. NPCs don't acknowledge other NPCs being dead. Quests like saving tandi seem very anti climactic. I didn't play RPGs back then, so I think it's just hard to go back and play them. Maybe I'm just a hater
  11. I have played for about 15 minutes so I pretty much know everything about the game. I remember everyone looking the same, and even though graphics aren't important, art style is, so I didn't get far. I believe the only thing I did was head to some outpost where I was killed very quickly. It seemed like one of those games that I was just too dumb (or lazy) to figure out.
  12. Well I'm done with BG3. I'm sure it's a good game, there is just too much that bugs me. normal writing would be "i walked home" larian writing "my promenading jaunt cultuvated in my advent betwixt dwellings implanted upon the thoroughfare" Think I'll just stick to EU4 until broken roads comes out
  13. I'm giving BG3 another go. Having trouble sticking with a main character class. I feel like you are kind of forced into having shadowheart around unless your MC can heal. She's my second least favorite companion so far... behind only Gale, who might be the most annoying video game character since claptrap from borderlands. Might just start over and leave him in that portal. From playing the first 45 minutes like 8 times I notice a lot of the interactions make you think your class matters but you get the same [class] dialogue option in all the conversations so far... it just changes what class it says before the dialogue.
  14. I think that's when I stopped having fun. Early on I was being tactical and trying hard... then by the end I just ran up and smashed people with little effort.... when I had 20 cool points I could basically just sneak right passed people directly in their line of sight, and as long as I didn't stop there they wouldn't notice me (senpai)
  15. Finished The game went with the new ending. Story wise the individual stories are great. There is just a bit of a disconnect (personally) with who V is. The new ending makes the most sense for how I'd imagine V would act. Vs objective has always been to find the cure. Anyway, I liked it. Around 50 hours and I was only getting bored for the last 5 or so.
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