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Everything posted by dayman_aaah

  1. That's what I was thinking too as increasing the global model scale was the first thing I tried. If I could find it I would totally use that. I don't mind how crude it may look, my main concern is closing the gap in the model. I haven't had any luck with that though :(. That's totally fair. I honestly didn't have any idea how much work it would be. Thank you for the reply. I'll keep trying to find the scaling factor for heads as it seems to be the best way to go about this still
  2. Hello I have a (hopefully) small mod request I would like elves to have the human body. I know this is basically doable by adding elf heads on human subraces and there you have an elf head with a human body. However, the head doesn't fully match with the body and there is a small visible space where the head and the body is disjointed. So my request is for a mod that could either resize the elf head so that it may fit better on human bodies or add elf ears one of the human heads (I prefer the basic savannah human one). Not entirely sure this is even possible but I figured it would't hurt to ask. Super thank you to anyone who looks into this in advance! Edit: or another way may be to use the moon godlike head but remove the "paint job" as well as make the horns invisible? as they have elfy ears and their head can match quite well on human bodies
  3. Wow didn't expect this to get picked up so quickly... thanks a lot mate !
  4. I would greatly appreciate a mod that adds 1 low level wizard invisibility spell. I'm thinking PL 2. And a higher level one with extended duration maybe at PL 4. I always found wizard's lack of such spells very odd. Plus I don't think it will be too OP. Considering we already have ciphers starting with a charm spell.
  5. Mine was fixed when I removed all mods from the override folder and then added one by one to weed out the problem
  6. It was a faulty mod that was causing this issue. I'd recommend this to others experiencing the same issue. If someone can close this topic, would be appreciated.
  7. With the latest patch I can't do anything. Attempting to start a new game results in a black screen, and then back to the main menu with this message "Error loading next map, returned to main menu to prevent corruption". This is a huge problem, basically has made the game useless.
  8. well, idk about that being a fair trade, that debuff isn't all that great (-5 to constitution. -50% healing), especially when you compare it to a level 2 wizard spell Curse of blackened sight, which provides -5 perception, +50% recovery time, Flanked (-10 deflection), -10 Accuracy, -50% range. Oh and this does it for the same duration, and in an AOE
  9. oh, well that certainly changes the imbalance a lot. Still though, that wizard level 9 skill is is a bit ****. Especially compared to the level 9 cipher ability 100 cuts which does 221 guaranteed damage and can be easily extended. I think there are so many abilities for the wizard they couldn't balance them all out properly
  10. I was looking through some ability trees and I just couldn't wrap my head around how powerful some abilities were and the tier they were placed at. Am I missing something here or is this really unbalanced? Here is a power level 6 ability: and here is a power level 9 ability: One does roughly a 1200 damage in 15 seconds (guaranteed because its raw), the other does a 1/5 of that in twice as much time (possibly even less since its not raw damage), and is a higher tier ability. Is there a buff or a nerf required here?
  11. That sounds exactly what a Battlemage would say. On a serious note, you won't spend much time casting as a battlemage, I wouldn't worry about it. My aloth is a battlemage and he is doing amazing, and i barely notice him casting. There are even items helping you become a battlemage. One of my favourite points about PoE 2, there seems to be a unqiue item for WHATEVER build you think of. LOL I was trying to make sure I didn't sound biased. Truth is, I am a little bit leaning towards the battlemage right now, since it seems to allow me to spend more time fighting. And when it does come to damaging spells. i find the wizard spells a little better purely in terms of flavor, it just seems cooler to me to throw actual lightning out of my hands rather than some abstract soul/mind affliction The reason I'm hesitating is because soul annihilation and soul whip just seems like so much extra damage its making me reconsider
  12. That sounds exactly what a Battlemage would say. On a serious note, you won't spend much time casting as a battlemage, I wouldn't worry about it. My aloth is a battlemage and he is doing amazing, and i barely notice him casting. There are even items helping you become a battlemage. One of my favourite points about PoE 2, there seems to be a unqiue item for WHATEVER build you think of.
  13. Hey all, I can't decide between a Battlemage (Fighter/Wizard) and a Psyblade (Fighter/Cipher). I want to make a character with good melee capability as well as decent magic/casting to help augment that melee ability further and occasionally cause damage with casting. Essentially I don't mind occasionally using jolting touch or mind wave to cause damage (I certainly want to use these abilities), but most of the time I want to stay in melee and fight it out. That means I want to use (most of the time) instantaneous casting abilities as augments, because if I'm in melee I don't wanna spend too much time in recovery (I'm also a fan of heavy armor). I find a fighter is a great base class with a nice mix of defensive and offensive passives which is why I am going with that, though I'm open to suggestions. The Wizard and Cipher both bring casting to the table but they do it in different ways. I usually look at buffs/debuffs in terms of "does this increase my chances of hitting them and reduce their chance to hit me?". I feel the wizard is more focused, or rather, has better options for self buffing (arcane veil, mirror image, displaced image, citzal's martial power) increasing my melee abilities and most/all of these are instant cast. Cipher can do something similar but does it by debuffing enemies more with eyestrike and other abilities. These abilities have long cast times which makes me iffy about how much time I'll spend in recovery. But on the other hand I can get soul whip and soul annihilation for increased damage. This is essentially my problem, do I take instant, strong buffs over soul whip and slower debuffs? If anyone has any one tried these classes, please share your opinion of their effectiveness and just how much fun you had.
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