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Everything posted by tol'Sorahn

  1. Don't know of anything to help, but... you put a " " by the topic title? Doesn't that seem just a little wierd to anyone else? Nothing wrong with it I guess, just that you can't save and your game crashes...
  2. Stopped reading right there.
  3. I know you were sarcastic. My comment was meant to show agreement about it being a non negative 'negative' review, but I guess it didn't come out like that. Damn internet.
  4. Kancho Assassin...heheh...
  5. "It's a lot of fun, and if you're an Xbox owner or RPG fan, it should be in your collection." It's fun and even the 'negative' review says quite plainly that all Xbox owners and RPG fans need to have it. There isn't any other way to read that sentence. Sounds good to me. I'll probably be picking it up when it comes to PC (and it will, Volourn)
  6. Hyperlink-based text blurbs that rarely felt like dialogue. Repetitive gameworld, drab locations, boring NPCs. Not many interesting quests. WTH? endgame section. And I'm sure other people can bring up more. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Horrible combat, near useless magic system...
  7. Does "Go through" mean watching, acting, or something else like set work?
  8. Should read: :angry: . . . . . . . . . . I'm here because I don't really have anything better to do until Rome: Total War gets its big fat patch mid-Jan. But once it does, it will pwnz3r me. EDIT: Decided to do the checklist Why are you here? Already answered. What sort of NWN user are you? A player? Erm. No, I just use the CD as a frisbee . A Builder? No. A developer of custom content? No. Do you play online? No. Do you play in PWs? No. Would you class yourself as a roleplayer or powergamer (though I don't expect many to admit to the latter)? The RPG plays a large factor in dictating how I play. Example: I'll tend to roleplay more than usual in PS:T whereas Morrowind is more about teh powahz. I like gaining new abilities and whatnot, but I won't play a game just so I can get one level higher (Sacred comes to mind, *barfs*) What is your background in RPGs. I think 1st RPG was Final Fantasy 2 on SNES. I think Baldur's Gate was my first PC RPG, though I can't remember for sure. Why are you following NWN2's development, rather than Dragon Age (unless you are following both)? Following both, don't know which will be better than the other, not cheering for one group over the other. Hope they will both be good, will prob get both barring a major screw up in a game's design.
  9. I'd suggest formatting then reinstalling -all- latest drivers for your hardware (gpu, apu, mobo, etc). It's a good card, but you also may be overdoing it with the settings on your games - or your cpu is holding you up (Can't really say, don't know what other games you play). But format your computer and reinstall new drivers. It maybe do you some good.
  10. Um. Most topics are. I'd thought you've have realized this by now, Hades.
  11. I don't, but that's only because my gaming PC isn't connected to the internet. Autopatching great and all - as long as they have the updates available for download and manual install so I can burn them to a cd.
  12. Or go here for more information.
  13. I haven't seen an option to always log you on invisible to other members. I don't like having to remember to check the check box everytime I choose to log on. So a check box in my Board Settings to always log on as invisible would be nice. Thanks.
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