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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. This is very true but we do not yet know what questions will be asked
  2. you and me both my friend, you and me both. *crosses fingers, till game comes out*
  3. I dont know if this has been asked before because im fairly new
  4. the one with sion fighting is new I think I would have thought that char is one of the options for what the pc looks like...... then again i may be wrong
  5. Yep, the "who is sion" category if im not mistaken
  6. J/K btw :D You can use the edit button, you know, just a tip... HeHe thanks for the tip, I hadnt noticed it before much appreciated.
  7. 1. Yes, you will be able to become a sith master earlier. In the beginning of the game you'll be fighting some space zombies. If you get smacked by one of the zombies you'll incur a disease called sith sickness. Two nights after that you'll get to be a sith. 2. These "classes" are titles only, like mister, missus, or sir, and have no bearing on your skills whatsoever. 3. The current release date is August 4th, 2004. 4. Yes. They took out the lightsaber and replaced it with a shotgun. By the way, it's gonna be an FPS now. Here is some who has no life! Even worse he has a life but can only find fun in chatting S**t on these forums! True. I would'nt even mind so much if it was remotely witty or even stupidly funny but dude surely you can come up with some better material <_<
  8. I dont put down "Cheers" as a thank you. Its a term used both in America, Australia, Ireland, Scotland and Britian before drinking a beer or some other booze. Also it can be used in place of the word goodbye. Here is an example Friend:See ya around. Me: Yeah cheers mate. Hope that helps. Cheers! Well i have lived in two of those countries and visited the rest and have never heard it used to replace the word goodbye. Only as you say b4 a drink or as an expression of thanks! And come to think of it. Even if you are using it as you do. Why do you say goodbye at the end of each post? Do u leave the room each time or something? Well I and all the ppl I live around say cheers for goodbye and a few other meanings, I live in N.E. England btw if that helps Cheers, *CHUCKLES*
  9. And how does he know we don't know until he asks? J/K btw :D
  10. And how does he know we don't know until he asks?
  11. I think this has been mentioned aswell although maybe in another thread but I would LOVE to see a true sith be able to join your party at some point during the game, much like the maulmeister himself in episode I. Anyway just a suggestion B)
  12. And *AHEM* back on topic, I dont know if you are american but if you are you are almost certainly going to get a sooner release date to me (England) :angry: But ive heard of 2 release dates spoken of, late 2004 and feb 2005 so I can only assume these are the american and european release dates, but dont mark my words because it is simply a guess
  13. you think it's hilarious now. But when the game comes out and you find yourself shooting green slime at pikachu zombies don't say I didn't tell you so. Well my friend if we were in your universe and what you say is true, i'll just have to invest in Mary-Kate & Ashley: Learn to drive, for my involving, light sabre wielding, gaming hit <_<
  14. You wouldnt happen to be an obsidian mole would you? trying to throw us off course? where you getting all these screenshots :D
  15. Where do you get that? And also it can't be Uther since you could have killed him. Im positive i saw that somewhere, about revan playing a part in k2, dont mark my words though, and its a little dissappointing if he/she isnt mentioned or at least written out in a believeable manner
  16. The screenshots of the endar spire looking ship and the floor full of corpses are from thr kotor 2 trailer
  17. yeah but you need some sort of non jedi weapon to go against a lightsabre in the games dont you
  18. bah you all put replies on while i was writing now my reply looked stupid :D
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