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Everything posted by Tattyblue

  1. I will probably multi almost ever single one of my party, including the main. I like variety over power. I like creating combinations that work well. Multiclassing and subclassing adds a new layer of theory crafting to the game.
  2. How much shorter compared to pillars 1? What do you mean by "generally"? How many spells have seen reduction? I mean if 2/3s of the spells are now close to pillars 1 time that is a significant change and I will apologize for my complaint. If its 8 spells now cast 1 second faster my complaints still apply.
  3. I think most people dont care about the 6 second cast time because they know that with in what 2 weeks of deadfire being out someone will fix those issues with a mod. But not everyone plays on a moddable format. Wizard cast a fireball spell! Sure, let me get right on that! (fireball goes off after combat is already over.) Fighting a dragon, dodging traps, and saving the day are the fun part of a game. Changing the mechanics so that almost everyone seems to be pairing casters with melee is a bad change and not a fun challenge.
  4. Thanks for the answers! I had hopes other people would have taken advantage of the knowledge you two and others possess but maybe Im the only one that was not in the beta.
  5. I keep running into situations and questions that could be answered easily by those in the beta but their isn't any real place to ask those questions. So I will ask my first question here. If it gets answered maybe others can ask easy mechanical questions or other types of questions. A shattered pillar monk has in my opinion a good benefit but the detriments i cant find numbers on anywhere. So as of the last beta, how much damage did you have to do to gain a Wound and how many wound would you max out at?
  6. I might have made this topic if I had thought of it and had not been so new to the forum. The game is likely to be messy and broken at launch because Pillars seemed to have been pretty broken at its launch. The forums here tend to be too hero worship focused on Josh and Obsidian and not enough constructive criticism.
  7. Now do the same test but compare the rogue to another class. Nothing is usually horrible in compared to it self. Eating a cheap hamburger is not bad until you see someone eating your favorite meal. Compare the badly created rogue to a badly created fighter for example. The fighter will do almost everything bad then the rogue. The problem with rogues is their key element, single enemy damage. This key element cant be achieved in this setting without micro managing said rogue and it cant happen from a position of any type of safety. Extend backstab range out from 2m to say 6 m and rogue might be on par with other classes. A priest can heal, can debuff, can buff, can bring the dead back to life how is poking someone in the back from 2m supposed to compete with that power set? Of the few pillars I polls I could find the rogue was by far the least favorite class and was the least chosen as some ones favorite class.
  8. I plan on waiting from what we know from the Beta, but maybe those things have changed. If they have changed casting times considerably I might not wait. If they have worked on the fringe classes like Barbarian, Druid, Monk, and Rogue, and made them more than situational novelties I might not wait. If the outright dislike of min maxing by the devs have not destroyed theory crafting from Deadfire, I might not wait.
  9. Reading through this thread has put the fear of Skaen in me. It would seem Fighters and Paladins have been boosted and Priests were not nerfed. While other classes like Barbarian have been nerfed when they did not need it and other poor classes have not been boosted enough or at all. Look at the +++ builds you will see a mix of any class with either a devoted or unbroken (fighter) , a priest or a paladin of various orders. Where are the druid/barbarians, cipher/wizards, or other combinations without the big 3.
  10. I would rather games not spend so much time balancing the uniqueness out of their SINGLE PLAYER games. I dont want every class or class combination to be equally capable. I want some odd combinations to shine, its called game theory and its the reason why some people like video games. Building a combination of classes, races, backgrounds, abilities and the like to be better than average. So if multiclassing is better than single player, everyone has the opportunity to multiclass. In my opinion they should just classify right in the game which classes are "hard mode". If there are no multiplayer balancing just makes me feel like the developers just dont want the player to beat their game too easily. Why was retaliation cipher nerfed in Pillars 1 nerfed? Who did that hurt other then the developers feelings.
  11. A tag was all I wanted, I wasn't bashing anyone who took the time to make a unique build. Especially you Boeroer!
  12. Well The Anvil Build and the The Backlash bedlam builds would not have worked basically at all without stacking retaliation items including ring of searing flame, flame shield potion, sura's supper plate, and coat of ill payment. Without those items both would only have 1 retaliations and only at 50% endurance.
  13. I looked at many of the builds on the forums when I was playing Pillars of Eternity and one of the biggest problems was the fact that many of the builds were pointless without this potion, this ring, this armor and this shield. Is that really a build or just a shopping list? And much of the gear was either randomly placed or so far into the game the character had to play one way until they could reach the gear then respec. Im not saying people cant or shouldnt make very heavy gear based builds if they enjoy it but maybe some sort of label. Gear reliant maybe or an abbreviation. It just when I look at builds in other games it more about which class to pick, what attributes make this viable and what abilities/spells that make it unique. Maybe the fact that the classes in the pillarverse are so balanced to the point of blandness that it requires gear builds not sure. I do appreciate anyone and everyone who took the time to make a build in pillars and those that will make deadfire builds.
  14. The problem is you and they absolutely knew the demographics of their game back in that day. To force a homosexual relationship on mostly white, mostly male, mostly straight customers is a really stupid PC thing to do. And DA2 suffered for it.
  15. This line worries me! “Everything in our game is actually hand-crafted, every single piece of content, area, fight, every interaction, that’s hand-placed and hand-scripted.” With the "no trash fights" line someone told me before will there be enough content to really level 5 or 6 soul bound weapons found 1/2 through the game?
  16. So in a game about Dragons and giant mushrooms IRL means we cant have stealth piracy? Gotcha. So now that we must always be caught at every piracy moment that means how many people will risk losing quests and stores for a few baubles on ships? Will everyone just attack the evil people? Will the entire ship feature, the biggest feature added to deadfire become far less because we can only defend ourselves against evil pirates? How many people picked the good ending at the end of pillars? 50%? How many will risk being considered Cruel and Aggressive just to RP some pirate action. How about instead of worrying about what happened in 1650 to 1730 on Earth we think about what would be more fun in the Deadfire around 2823 AI on Eora.
  17. The seas are glass calm, my generic looking ship with no flags is sailing about 1000 meters from a fat gallon, we tack into the wind and quickly catch and disable the gallon. My fine crew board her and kill the entire crew. There are no ships for miles around. After robbing her stores and scuttling her I do not want to see: "Moderate reputation loss with the Vailian Trading Company" There were no witnesses! There is no CSI: DeadFire to enhance pieces of wreckage. Is there a god of ratting out pirates? Sure if you want to be a flashy evil pirate who wants to get a reputation fly that jolly roger into port, attack a vessel and let the crew live, send messages to all your victims. But not everyone wants to lose access to quests and locations because some godlike reputation system doesnt care how careful I was in my attacks. STOP CRIMINAL SCUM. (topic comes from worrying about a PCGAMER article from March 2018)
  18. There aren't many evil quests in Pillars but there aren't many good quests either. Sometimes it's nice to move past a Manichean good vs. evil narrative. The most quest in the game (Orlan baby) is presented for believable reasons. Basically almost every quest in pillars is a heroic come to the aid of someone or something. I cant spoil but if your saving a girl from an evil group, thats a good focused quest, if you are stopping a madman thats a good focused quest. There were a few evil quests or decisions in Pillars but most of them came back and bit you in the ending slides or even in the game itself.
  19. I would never call anyone here a liar. But according to global steam achievements Path of the Damned Complete the game on Path of the Damned mode. 0.6% According to information I found Pillars had about 1.3 million on Steam. So about 7,000 give or take beat it on Path of the Damned out of 1.3 million! I do understand that those on these forum are the cream of the crop and most likely to be with in that 7000 number, just seems really low overall. And so many people put so much weight on this mode when it seems so few can finish it.
  20. I've always been a very big fan of evil quests. Evil always gets the short shaft in almost every RPG. How many people went cruel and aggressive in Pillars? We need some evil quests like some of the Daedric quests in Skyrim.
  21. I find it hard to believe when you see so many people on so many boards claim that they play on Path of the Damned, So I just wonder how the Community here was going to play on their first play through? Also I tried to make a poll, not sure if they work here or not, I'm sort of new. I hope polls are allowed, i did not see anything in the forum guide lines against polls. Also this is my first Topic so if there was a huge discussion about this a few years ago I missed it.
  22. Overall yes, some spells could use a shorter cast time I think (see MaxQuest mod: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/96158-beta-speed-mod/) I am not sure that not getting interrupted to be a good reason for that. Move you caster away before casting a big spell or boost concentration. Use other characters to protect the mage. This is a key mechanic for you and your enemies to use to get an advantage. I wished Max Quest was a developer on this game, fun comes to some of us by doing things not suffering through challenge after challenge.
  23. Of all the changes it still boils down to cast time for me. Everyone complains about lack of spell diversity, or lack of times can cast per encounter, but none of that matters if you never get a spell off because of stupidly long cast times and interrupt being way worse this time around. Its an easy fix, just go into a few files, erase 6 seconds with 3 seconds. Done.
  24. Since we are trying to be inclusive to everyone on relationships and romances should they include very popular and increasingly mainstream fetishes? I mean 50 shades seemed very popular.
  25. I liked how Pillar did it, its a single player game, why do the developers care if I spell spam for the fun of it, and then rest spam to be able to do so. They dont lose money every time i play how I want to play. They dont lay awake at night wondering why Tatty is not playing Pillars the right way, or they shouldnt. There is no leaderboard, no multiplayer to balance. It looks like they are specifically eliminating different ways to play, using very limited per encounter abilities/spells and limited or expensive good food to stop rest spam. I would prefer options on how to play a game.
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