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Darth Mortis

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Everything posted by Darth Mortis

  1. Yeah, I loved that game....until I tried to play it again a few years later. It hasn't aged very well
  2. Just to prove that I'm a geek I'll say that Terri Hatcher (Desperate housewives, superman the series) was the transporter operator in that episode. No really....I'm off to polish my Babylon Five DvD's now and argue online about Picard being better than Kirk.
  3. It sounds like the infamous academy glitch. The trick goes as follows;
  4. You get pulled out of Hyperspace and back into normal space. If the object happends to be something like a blackhole (ultra high gravity) then you could get caught in the gravity well and be unable to escape-which is to say you are dead. Most ships in the films era and beyond seem to have a saftey system build into their hyperdrives so that ships will drop out of hyperspace before you get to deep into the gravity well. While a ship with a fast enough hyperdrive could, in theory, ignore the gravity of a planet. Attempting to fly though it would destroy the ship. (There is, presumably, a limit to how large something needs to be to effect ships in hyperspace). You also can't enter hyperspace when your inside a gravity well. This btw is the reason why the Imperial Interdictor cruisers in the EU where developed-they create an artifical gravity field which drags ships out of hyperspace and prevents them from re-entering hyperspace to escape. (One of the other tasks Interdictors performed was to drag ships into normal space for customs inspection, this in turn applies that ships travel along well known flight paths-Hyperspace routes).
  5. That was 4000 years after Malak attacked the planet. Tarkin could have known Dantooine for something that occured centuries after Revan and Malak. He could even have heard about the place because Malak bombed the world. Hell, as far as anyone knows he could have been born there. Faster than light travel in the Starwars universe is Via hyperspace. According to cannon sources hyperspace travel is in a straight line between two points, but can be disrupted by strong gravity-Eg Planets and stars. This means that there are hyperspace 'routes', that is paths a ship going through hyperspace can take in the happy knowlage that they will not run into a gravity well. (The real world equivalent would be shipping routes where the chances of running into a underwater object or sandbank or nil). As the number of stars in the a region of space increase the number of hyperspace jump routes drops-The term 'core worlds' in Starwars means planets close to the galactic core, which have a large number of stars (relitively) close together and hence only have a few routes to get to them. Mapping new hyperspace routes is difficult and dangerous (I quote from the first game) as you have no idea if there is something with significant mass along your route-say a neutron star which gives off no light or a black hole. Because of this ships always stick to the routes, the only variation depends on the speed of the ship in hyperspace-faster ships like the Millennium Falcon can get closer to gravity fields than slower ships such as star-destroyers. (Although I'm using the Films and EU as examples the same principals would apply 4000 years earlier-in fact they might be more applicable, as it would seen highly unlikely that the ships of Revan and Malaks time would be faster than those of the films. So if anything they would have even fewer routes to pick when traveling as they wouldn't be able to travel as close to stars as they can 4000 years later). This means that in the SW universe some planets have stategic value-you have to enter and go thru that system in order to travel to the next as its sun is in the way. So you can have a 'front', what they mean are systems that an enemy has to pass thru in order to get any closer to other systems. It is true that a military ship might opt to make into deep space to bypass a system, such jumps would not take them very far and if the hyperdrive fails the chances of anyone finding them to rescue them are very faint.
  6. Yes and no in all cases you need to get influence over them, but some have other requirements; Atton; Mira, who is the easyest to train; Handmaiden/Disciple; Bao-Dur;
  7. the thread is here; TRP
  8. Still 81 problems left to solve; Tracking 804 known issues Severity: Open: Resolved: Block 0 Crash 0 Major 0 Minor 6 Tweak 26 Text 0 Trivial 21 Feature 28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 81 (And Mods, could we please have this topic pinned to the top of the list please?)
  9. No idea where you would get the mod from. I seem to recall seeing one somewhere to fix this, but I can't remember if my mind is playing tricks on me, I'm incorrectly remembering one of the things the Restoration mod has fixed/will have fixed or if I'm just going senile and made the whole thing up. Let alone rememeber where it might be.
  10. Its worth noting that the drivers that come with graphics cards are, in my experience, never the latest versions(In one case the drivers that came with a 'new' graphics card of mine turned out to be three years out of date). Along the same lines if the PC you have is a new one chances are the drivers will either be the defalt windows drivers or come from an older CD. It might just be my computer but the windows update functions are as helpful as a chocolate Yoda and never seem to realise that the drivers are years out of date. If you put Vista onto your old PC it could be that its just having problems with whatever drivers used to be on your old PC-I had this problem going from Win 98 to Win XP. In any case downloading the latest drivers is worth it-even if it seems you have the latest drivers downloading and re-installing the drivers will cost you nothing but time. Sometimes the drivers can become incorrectly installed (Its happened to me before now) so re-installing them might solve the problem. One other thing you could try is checking with the Windows help files and seeing if Vista can emulate Windows XP. If it does (and I don't have Vista so I can't check) it might be worthwhile trying to run the game in emulation mode.
  11. In both games Revan and the Exile can't really be seen as a represntitive of the societies that are shown in the games. In many ways they are outsiders looking in. While this would be ideal from a socilogical point of view there are two problems; 1-Because you can play the games as dark or light side you get two differing points of view. Meaning that you could draw different conclusions depending on how you play the game. To quote Obi-Wan 2-The cultures show are invented, not natural. They say far more about the society that invented them, than they do about anything else. It would be interesting to take a look at the games and see what types of societies they went for, and how they are portrayed.....
  12. Has everyone missed that the Manolorians pre-date KOTOR by about 20 years? They first came to light (were created) around the time of Empire Strikes Back, and then for Boba-Fett's background. (Lucas seems to like a lot of background logic to explain why things look like they do in the films. For example the red spots on Padme's face as the queen in TPM are meant to be symbolic of some sort of tragagy in Naboo's history-something that is never even hinted at during the film). In fact since GL has always had a fair idea of some of the major points in Starwars history they might even pre-date the first film-Although I seriously doubt that they could have been given much more detail than 'Threatened the Republic in the past'. Mandororian 'Culture' is, therefore, a mixture of what was needed for them to be bad guys when first invented, and changes that needed to be made to make it a culture that seemed feasible as they were used more and more. Saying the they were based on any one specific type of Earth Culture will, therefore, run into problems, as no one person would have been responsible for what they have become in KOTOR. It is more likely that GL just discribed them as dangerous warriors that respected strength above all else. Other details would have been invented by whoever was writing a script for them at the time, although GL would ultimatly have to agree to any such inventions for them to become Cannon, it would be wrong to say he invented everything about them. It is quite possible that the Spartans were an influence for some of Mandolorian culture, but the way Mandolorians sought honorable combat one on one also has hints of the Celtic and Gothic cultures as well. I would say that they used whatever aspects of accient cultures they liked and seemed to fit at the time.
  13. Translation; You can't finish it without a mod.
  14. 1; Yes, she was talking about Revan and Malaks last fight. Her comments where along the lines that they showed how Revan was dedicated to his/her cause. 2; Kavar will either teach a lightsabre form to sentinal and guardian classes (or the prestege equivilents) or a force form if you are a consular. What he teaches depends on which of the other masters you happen to have met before. For example if you are playing as a sentinal/watchman the last lightsabre form you will learn is Nimian, regardless of which master you meet last.
  15. In two words; Cut Content
  16. In order; 1; Answered above although 2; I only repair HK-47 for the Xp, don't think I've ever been tempted to take him along. 3; Yes, I've had that from time to time as well. Of course I've played so many times that I can normally remember what they were saying. 4; Everyone hates G0-T0, he's totally useless and plain annoying. And those are his good points. 5; 6; Handmaiden, Mira, Visas and Bao-Dur (Mainly on Onderon for the last visit as he can open one of the locked boxes you can find there) in that order. The others I only use when I have to-meaning the droids never leave the ship, ever.
  17. Two-Weapon fighting can be used with flurry, power attack and critical strike (Melee feats) and with all the similar feats (Power blast etc) that go with ranged weapons. As to the choise of feats...well Two weapon fighting is only really helpful at its second and third levels-at the beginning of the game your chances of hitting with two weapons isn't going to be great, in fact you'd probably be better using only one weapon until you have level two two-weapon fighting feat. Toughness is (pardon the pun) a tough one to call, it can be useful to have a few extra HP but by the time you have left Peragus that's only going to amount to about 9-10 extra hp (one per level)...and lets face it if you get that low on health in the game your dead anyway. I would tend to go for two-weapon fighting from the beginning, then increase the flurry and critical stike feats when you are maxed out on TWF or can't upgrade when you level. Pick; All those feats that increase your melee abilities and special moves in melee. Avoid; Ranged weapon feats, trust me when I say that Jedi are far, far better concentrating on melee attacks and feats than on ranged attacks. Sooner or later you'll have to fight someone who has a lightsabre, and trying to fight a lightsabre opponent with guns is called suiside. Also avoid; cross skill feats, normally a waste of time for a sentinal anyway. (The only one that I have found to be useful is cross-skill repair, as that allows you to build the repair skill up which can be useful for upgrading items, and creating items for upgrades-if you decide to pick this do so right from the start of the game). Melee bonus feats such as melee specialisation or melee finesse (They don't apply to lightsabres), and at first you'll want to ignore lightsabre specialisation since you won't have a lightsabre for a while. Skills; Useful skills to start with on Peragus; Stealth and security, you don't need a huge number of points here, two in steath will allow you to wear stealth field generators, the later versions you can pick up have dex bonuses which can be very helpful, it will also allow you to.....well there are two points on peragus where being able to use stealth makes life easier. A single point in security will allow you to open most locked boxes/door in the game. Harder boxes, well you will normally have party members who can open them for you. Computer and repair skills are a good idea as well-3 points in repair should help you out enough on peragus (since you'll get a +1 bonus from int). A computer skill of 4 (including bonuses) is enough on peragus, again at highter levels you'll normally have someone in your party who can do a better job. Demolitions, if you can aim to get this up to a skill level of 3 as fast as you can (meaning within the first two levels). With an item you'll be able to pick up, and with the int bonus you'll be able to recover small mines. Don't forget persausion, it can come in very handy.
  18. Maybe they did some checking and discovered that most players went with Dual Sabres when Playing Revan in KOTOR? From reading some of the posts on here it seems most people go for dual sabre styles playing TSL, wonder if there where similar threads when KOTOR came out.
  19. Humm, well some points; It is usually recommended that you have at least two anti-spyware programs on your PC-if one program misses something the other might well detect it. If you don't already have two such programs look for Ad-Aware, its a free program you can down load. (Not sure if I'm allowed to post a link to a sight where you can get it, so unless one of the mods tells me otherwise I'm not going to). Make sure any anti-spyware programs (and anti-virus programs too) are up to date. May seem like a daft thing to say, but quite a few of these types of programs don't automatically update, nor will they tell you if they are out of date. An un-updated program is not going to detect newer spyware. Update and do a full system scan again. Do the same with your Anti-Virus program-update and do a full scan. You might also want to look around and see if you can get your hands on programs that can scan for, and remove, registry problems. WinMech is the only free program like this I can think of, but there are others you can buy. Check your harddrive to see if there is a folder called "LucasArts". The uninstall option for most games will not remove the rootfile, which could cause problems. (you double click-My computer-your harddrive (Disk C I would think)-program files-LucasArts. SWKotOR2 is the name of the folder all the game files are located. Try deleting SWKotOR2 folder. Note-the Folder "Lucasarts" will also contain any other LA games you might have on your PC, including KOTOR 1, so be careful here.). The uninstall program will also keep any saved games you had, unless you select the option to delete them during uninstall. If you had any mods going the last time you played then that can screw things up too. Before you install the game turn off your internet connection, then any Anti-Virus programs that might be running. Anti-Virus programs can play havok when attempting to install games from disks, so this might help solve the problem. (Just remember to turn it back on before reconnecting to the net) Do a full disk scan (scan disk). Just in case you don't know how to do that; My Computer, right click on your hard drive and scroll down the options and select Properties. Click the tab at the top that says "Tools". There are three options here, Error-checking is the top one. Click "Check now" then select both "Automatically fix file system errors" and "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors". Your computer will flash up a message that it can't run a check right now, but it can run one the next time you restart your computer. You then restart the computer, sit back and let the computer do its stuff. Note that Scan disk can take ages-the larger the harddrive the longer it will take-so its best to have something else to do for a while. No, you wouldn't have been allowed to install the game in the first place if you didn't have administrator privileges, and that decision is made by windows, not by KOTOR 2's install program. The reminder comes up just to remind people who are sharing a computer with someone else that they might not be able to install the game. In fact I don't think you can install any programs if you don't have admin privileges.
  20. Errm, think the work Spoilers should have been used here...
  21. When I've had problems with slightly damaged disks I just clean them with normal polish-same stuff you use on tables and the like-with a clean smooth dust cloth. I had some problems re-installing KOTOR 2 last time around and this solved it. Not saying this will work, or even that you should try it, but thats how I got around a slightly scratched cd. (Note-I take no responsibility what-so-ever for anything that happens if you try this....unless it works then I'll be taking all the credit )
  22. Yoda is 900 years old, give or take a decade or so (Empire Strikes Back, Yoda gives his age by telling Luke that he wouldn't look as good as Yoda after 900 years. Incidently in the book version of Revenge of the Sith Yoda notes that he was trained by the Jedi who were around at the same time as Darth Bane-meaning that Yoda himself wasn't around when the Republic was formed.). 1000 Years ago was the time of Darth Bane, as well as the same period of time when the Republic shown in the films was formed. Coinsidence?, I have a feeling it isn't. Of course this does not mean that the Republic was formed because of the Sith 1000 years ago, nor does it mean that the Republic was destroyed during or just after Revan and the Exiles time. It could be that the Republic in the KOTOR games did indeed fall apart, or it could have just changed its name to something other than The Republic. Whatever the case maybe there would be nothing to stop LA from having KOTOR 3 showing battles over Coruscant, aside from the 'Didn't we see that in the last film?' cries from some of the fans. I would be unhappy if they did show such a thing though, it would smack of running out of ideas to me, but as far as continuity goes there would be no problem.
  23. I still have to go for G0-T0 being the worst, anything he can do just about everyone else can do better. And all his unique skills are a total waste of time-having the ability to take control of droids would be wonderful....if you ran into any after he joins your party that is.
  24. The PC and X-Box versions of the game are more or less identical in terms of gameplay and quests, so if you really wanted to get a guide book one for the X-Box would do. Having said that I agree with SteveThaiBinh in that you'd be better settling with online guides (or asking here). Chances are you wouldn't have missed much if you've already done at least one walk through, so I'd consider it a waste of money. It is also worth noting that the offical guides often list weapons and equipment that I have yet to see after god knows how many times I've played.
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