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About NuGgEt

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  1. Yeah, I saw that also, you can finally look around! :rolls eyes:
  2. I agree, and this was some needed footage to calm all us PC'ers down. She really beat the crap out of everybody with her force powers Also the new interface, where you dont have to press Esc everytime you wish to change weapons looks very nice and very smooth.
  3. no, doesnt look goofy, it looks creative. a dragon/wyrm that has been possibly scientificly created by the sith to fight for them. like a tarentatek except they control them and they dont get attacked by them.
  4. This is an fantastic idea. It would be almost like a whole sidequest to collect various outfits from the far reaches of planets and try to collect all the peices. I for one would love this feature, and it can not be too hard to design, it is just changing the name of guantlets etc.
  5. I agree...its just to much..going to far...
  6. Jesus, these posters are leechers. Do you guys just refresh this all day every day? Come on, give the guy a break, he's doing stuff most of us cant ever dream to do. Go outside, play a sport or god forbid, get a girlfriend
  7. I wouldn't like anything new to be revealed and ruined for me, rather new knowledge about an old planet(Dantooine).
  8. No...But players are going to be looking hard of lightsabers and all these cool characters on this planet that they recognise from the screenshots. And they will be sorely dissapointed
  9. But why would the devs mislead the playesr? They are telling them that they can get lightsabers on the first world, that you can find characters in the first hour playing. Why would they do that?
  10. Okay, I realise that this is kind of far off and off-topic, but these certain screen shots have been on my mind for a while. and who better to ask about them, than the players and fans. Okay, I was very bored one night, and looking at the old Kotor trailers, art screenshots etc. And there were a few that were interesting in the X-box ones. First off: look at the very first one, you have two lightsabers, and if im not mistaken, yourinside the black vulakar base!! how did they get them that soon in the game?? okay, than go to number two, it looks light a cutscene with your partner on the first ship(i forget its name) and nothing remotly close happened to me on that ship. again, did the x-box version have an extra cut scene? now skip forward to #13, what ship is this?? it looks like the first ship you were on, and not even close to the laviathan. Also, I thought you couldnt have Zalbaar with you on the Laviathan. explan. Now go to #28. Now I know for a FACT that this is an apartment complex on Taris.I also know for a FACT that you can not get HK-47 on Taris, I also know that you do NOT have force powers on Taris. And the last one: #32, You are clready in the Taris shadowlands, and you clearly have a lightsaber. How do you get a lightsaber on Taris??? There is a small chance you took it from bastilla, but how would one get one of the two secret colors NOT AVAILABLE ON X-BOX? Please, Somebody explain these to me, I wish to know if the X-Box players experienced more gameplay than PC Gamers.
  11. I also think it is somebody related to one of your NPC friends, brother msot likley. He is a prodigy for the sith, and is 2nd in command over scion, but is still learning from the last sith lord, not shown yet. He is very strong but abbilities not fully developed, and therefore not the most powerfull sith lord.(he is very young)
  12. Been a while since i've posted. I would chose lightsaber slots or new story. I went with light saber slots because i love lightsabers, and would play the old story with just new colors and slots.
  13. dude, thats just another way for thm to make money, and it works! they need profit, and thats a perfect way to do it. so stop complaining, if your gonna play video games, that will CONSTANTLY happen to you, around every corner. so get used to it. and btw the two crystals you get at the yavin station are two different colors, just different shades
  14. omg! every color of the rainbow!@~!@#@#!#!@$#@%@% thats the best part of the game
  15. Meh, I like the art, its origional. You must remember that this is when the Sith have almost completly taken over, so in a way it is almost like road warrior, scrounging for whatever you can get.
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