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Everything posted by Beerfish

  1. So how do you solve the problem now Volourn. Let's hear your grand plan. Some of the owners are to blame for the predicament but not all. Alot of the players are so out of the real world it's pathetic. The owners negotiated a bad deal last time around, they want to negotiate a better one this time around no problem there in my mind.
  2. Anyone see the new Honda commercials, animated guy talking about how great Honda cars are....voice of Morte, unmistakeable and seemingly appropriate that he was a car salesman before he became a skull. (These commercials are in Canada btw, not sure if they are shown in the states or Europe.)
  3. Bah! You brats are all too young it seems. Intellevision was a great gaming system. Hours of fun when I was going to college and or unemployed way back when.
  4. And if so what were your favourite games for it?
  5. Jack Torrance from the Shining.
  6. So you shoot rare endangered innocent cougars and Rattlers eh? I am telling Peta about you.
  7. I'll be voting NDP as I always do however I did briefly think about voting Liberal just to try and unseat the Conservative in my riding. Since I think the Conservative candidate is probably safe in winning the seat I'll stick to my regular political leaning.
  8. Beerfish


    "Anecdotal evidence is used by people who have so hopelessly lost the argument that they resort to backing up what's left of it via personal anecdotes. Ergo, anecdotal evidence. " People who like to talk all fancy like an lecture us poor louts with many flowery posts are usually wrong. Your 'u luz' was the best part of your multi post argument.
  9. "...meh...da BIOweenia Boards has always been jus' a bunch o' rabid **** FanMonkeys an' li'l else; from Day 1 if'n ye e'er said the least li'l thing 'gainst BIOweenia, be it constructive criticism or not, on da Boards there, ya was cut up by a rabid FanMonkey Mod an', in many occassions, banned on the spot.." In the words of a famous multi forum poster....You are guilty of spreading lies, myth, innuendo, falsehoods, blatant falsehoods and phoney blatant innuendo laden mythical falsehoods.
  10. I would think you'd want to have something concrete to show them. A demo of some kind and a detailed design document for your game showing them what it is about and why it is going to be a great and profitable game when you are done with it. You'd probably want to get a list of contacts for game publishers and get in touch with them about it. Perhaps even attend one of these game trade show kind of things and try to make contacts there in person.
  11. How do you go about chosing voice actors for games? Do the developers have an idea of who they might like to play certain characters and go after them (How did the voice actors for PST get chosen?) Do you contact agents who represent voice actors? Do you sit around a table and say....hmmm I bet David Warner would make a great Irenicus! Just curious.
  12. They can afford a lot of people when they pay in bottle caps.
  13. After playing Descent to Undermountain I great urges to start smoking Camel cigarettes. Subliminal advertising no doubt.
  14. "The same goes for programmers looking to break in, you should have something to show. " To expound on this, you can show your stuff by creating or adding something new, different or helpful to a community. Several of the people hired by BioWare were fans and forum members who had skills and created things that could be used by the community as a whole. Whether it be programming or modelling, think of something new or something that is missing from an existing game and create that missing piece. Also at least learn a bit about various aspects of a game rather than just the area have skills in. (As in if you are a skillful writer or designer, learn enough about scripting and or modelling to at least have a clue.) Also do research into all the past projects of the company you are trying to get hired by. I get the impression that jobs in the industry can be pretty competitive thus every little bit extra to add to your knowledge is important.
  15. What could be better than going fishing and then drinking beer aftrer wards? Wait... I should have named myself Fishbeer it seems. The avatar is St. Patricks Day Annah.
  16. Way, way to early to tell. With some of the talent that was brought over I think it will be a good game but until I know more I might just as well toss a dart at the old dart board.
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