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Everything posted by GonkRaider

  1. Big bombin Crash. Takes place with my sentinal/sithlord on nar shada right after i handle squid face in the dueling pin. The Scene after the witch forces the wookie to slavery. I've tried taking off clothing, shields graphics sound. Everything makes it go capuoot. System Amd 64 2.4 1 gig ram. Video card: 9800 pro Sound Card: Sounb blaster audigy 2 nforce 3 MB
  2. Wow, what an innovator. MORE SABER COLORS. I hope to god that ,MOST of the ideas posted on this forum dont make it in to the game.
  3. Sure..tons of them..
  4. You people are too caught up on titles.. When i play the game out as a dark sider.. NO ONE will be safe.
  5. I imagine they'll post t3 next
  6. It's darth crack head.
  7. YOU DO, DO YOU? Well thats very shocking considering the rest of us hope they'll do a horrible job
  8. that would be nice. i would like to have the same kind of humor that was in planescape: torment... ... you seem to be very fixated on making kotor 2 morel ike planescape: torment... ... ..WHY DONT YOU JUST WAIT FOR THE planescape SEQUEL!!! AHHHH
  9. Rank of the pc... Padawan Knight or master?
  10. that might explain why you notice a jedi runing around with star forge robes =S http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sit...eenshots/18.jpg
  11. If revan played the first game out light side i imagine he'll die ala qui-gon Jinn Style
  12. From all the votes for the odd relationship sidequests there appears to be ALOT on here.
  13. Why does age matter? If same sex is included there should also be no age discrimination... and droids! I want a geisha droid love servant
  14. Tell your friend to stop doing experiments on mexicans.
  15. Sorry, but i fully DONT agree with you. If you want to advance in the story read a book. If YOU want to MAKE the story, then play games. If YOU want to have a strong charcater, play RPGs. Thats the point, by me. Yeah, theres a REASON why your not developing a game..
  16. If its strictly dvd.. i'll still be playing it.. just not PAYING FOR IT. Please, give me something i can use
  17. yes, lets have stereotypical gay people. christopher lowell's and Rosey ODonnels For all http://dsc.discovery.com/fansites/christop...pherlowell.html I only ask for the option to imediately decapatate said same sex that hits on my pc. Also, if same sex relationships will be involved, i demand there to also be the option for a romance with droids and animals.
  18. All of kotor 2 is a dream.
  19. ....Yes, and we also noticed that new double bladed animations is one of many features yet to be "shown" on a trailer....relax
  20. it will be many cds.
  21. They could be taking a Metal gear solid 2 sons of liberty aproch to revan. Revan being in the solid snake position
  22. Ok, i understand that you want to come off as an opinionated know it all... However simply evaluating the game on such a grand scale with so little to go on really reaks of wanting attention. I doubt half of you "back seat drivers" could have come up with half of the clever ideas so far presented. Before you start running your mouths , post some credentials.
  23. Why are soo many people confused about the last jedi plot line??? .... The sith ostensibly believe that the pc is the last jedi... GET IT< DO YOU GET IT... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh!!!!! Tell me you do , TELL ME YOU GET IT... PLEASE?!?!
  24. ... :D Now i know .. and knowing is half the battle!!!! G.I JOE http://www.ebaumsworld.com/gijoe.html Very funny GI JOE parody
  25. I would like to see fighting style feats incorporated. Your fighting and defense animations are varied on what style you use
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