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Posts posted by Spider

  1. I don't know the details, as is said it was jus my impression. Anyway it was a move from character skill to player skill, wich for me is not a positive thing.


    I'm fairly happy as long as they do either or. I vastly prefer RPGs where my character's skill is what decides if I succeed in a task o rnot, but I'm not adversed to a system similar to that in Vampire: Bloodlines (player skill decides whether or not I hit, but character skill makes hitting easier and affects how much damage is dealt).


    Most games are pausable, what I mean with "with pause" is that you can give orders while paused.


    I know most games are pausable, but I meant it in the same sense you did. Now, I haven't played Morrowind for much more than a few hours total and it's been ages, so I'm probably totally wrong here. But didn't the game pause when you right-clicked and allowed you to do stuff like change weapons, access inventory, reposition the mouse so that you had a lock on your target and only needed to click on it once you went out of pause and so?


    Like I said, it's not unlikely I am way off on this, but that's how I remember it.

  2. Well the impression i have is that their dumbing it down like removing skill based to hit, but then again i don't really pay attention to oblivion. So they changed some things going from morrowind to oblivion, but they didn't really touch the basis of the game. It still has no dialog or strong story(Ok i can't reall know that) nor memorable characters, it still has a first person perspective and  it's stil realtime without pause.


    Maybe they will do fallout justice, but i'll believe that when i see it.




    Do you mean that player skill or character skill has been removed in the "to hit factor"? Either way I think that's a positive thing though. If I am forced to physically connect with an attack, I don't want my skill invalidated by an incompetent character (and vice versa). Either use my skill, or my character's. Regardless, I definitely don't see going in either direction as dumbing down the game.


    Also, Morrowind was definitely pausable. I don't remember how much you could do when it was paused, but I know the option was there.


    I'm still not a fan of the series and I don't expect I will like Oblivion overly much, but at least they change enough things to warrant me giving it a fair shot.

  3. What's the noise like? Do you crank up the 5.1 / use earphones to blot out the aeroplane-take-off-in-a-hurrcane noise?


    Or is it not too bad?


    I don't think it's too bad. The HD working has never bothered me when playing games and I'm with speakers, not headphones.


    When not playing games, the load on the HD is fairly minor, so then it's really a non-issue imo.

  4. What is this identify issue? For which game?


    It's for The Temple of Elemental Evil. What it boils down to is that identifying a magic item would only give you it's name.


    Like a magic staff would become Staff of Striking, but there was no description of what a Staff of Striking actually does. There was no way other than trial and error to figure out what the things did unless you knew beforehand (most items were standard D&D items).

  5. If Gromnir hadn't already cited it, I would have a few choice words to say about Identify.  Was it a bug... or a design decision?  Oh, that had me riled.  Troika really could have used less help from the Troika Liberation Front on that issue.


    Not a bug, a feature. Apparently that's how the Troika fellows run their DnD games so they thought it'd be cool for the game as well.


    It has subsequently been fixed though. I don't know if it's in the official patch or the Co8 one, but with all patches there is a right click option to read more about items (like what they actually do).


    In fact, with all patches applied, the game is playable. At least if you play it as a combat game like JA2 or similar. It's still only decent, but at least it is tolerable.

  6. 2) the seeming pre-req for having full vo. 


    ok, this is a beef we gots that might be complete bunk.  we is simply assuming that full vo is pretty expensive.  we hate to see so many development dollars spent on something that adds some small 'mount of flavor... and can sometimes help prop-up otherwise crappy dialogues with a good vo performance.  more content and less vo.


    From what I've seen (on forums and such) VO is less costly than you'd think. I don't have any numbers, but I've read that it's actually a pretty marginal cost, which is why so many games does it.


    Personally I love full VO, it adds so much athmosphere. And theoretically it should improve the writing as well (when your dialgoue is actually spoken you have to take more care), although ToEE proved that this does not have to be the case. That's a game that would have benefited from NO voiceacting.

  7. Thanks. I used to have an extremely cluttered desktop, but then it dawned on me that I never used the icons I had on there, so I started weeding them out.

    I get "distressed" whenever I stare at my husband's shortcut-heavy desktop...gah. Tho in threads like these, clean desktops don't provide much entertainment for the curious snoopers. :p


    I like that side bar thing, I'd probably use that.


    I don't know. The current state of my desktop is heavily inspired by threads like these. I find people who are creative with their desktops to be very interesting. The again, I missed the snoopers part. No, my desktop doesn't provide much information about what secrets I got stashed.



    The sidebar was inspired by a similar thread as well as the custom toolbars in the bottom right that takes the place of many icons.


    The sidebar, by the way, is from here and there are tons of panels to chose from.

  8. Thanks. I used to have an extremely cluttered desktop, but then it dawned on me that I never used the icons I had on there, so I started weeding them out.


    When I finally found a way to get rid of the hated Recycle bin icon, I felt so... complete.

  9. Bloodlines combat was excellent, a pity there was no pause in it, I really would like to switch weapons if I thought it was necessary.


    Umm... The game DOES pause if you open the inventory. So you can change weapons in combat while the game is paused (as well as do stuff like use Bloodbags)


    Regardless, Troika went down because the produced severly flawed games, not because they were too hardcore for the average consumer.

  10. I'd like to see them bring the other Chris Taylor that used to work at Interplay and was last the lead on the middle earth online game before the licence changed hands.


    I Spoke to this Chris many times and he reminds me of Ferret a lot.



    He's ah...he's been busy making Dungeon Siege games....


    No, I believe that's the Chris Taylor that didn't work at Interplay.

  11. Currently reading: Michael Moorcok's (damn that language filter) The White Wolf's Son. Or reading and reading, it's sitting on my shelf looking at me while I am not reading it. Not because it's bad, more the other way around. It's a great book and I don't want to read it because then I'll finish it and since it's the last Eternal Champion book ever (a tale 50 years in the making) and the last Elric novel ever, finishing it means the end of so much. I'm not quite ready for that yet. The book is absolutely fantastic though, definitely MM at his best.


    Most recently finished: Terry Pratchett's Going Postal, the lates Discworld book to make it into paperback. Holds the same high standards as usual, although it isn't one of my favorites. I still really enjoyed it of course.


    Next book to get: David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas. I really liked both Ghostwritten and number9dream so I have high hopes for this one. The first two were a bit uneven, but when they were good, they were absolutely awesome.


    Before that I'm likely to re-read Willam Gibson's brilliant Pattern Recognition though. I've only read it once and it's about time it gets another read through.


    (yes I know I praise all the books above quite a lot, but I'm kinda picky about my writers, so what I do read I am likely to love)

  12. Then so what is your point if neither 2ndEd or 3e AC  make sense? lol



    And why are you all resurrecting this long dead thread? Just let it die. This is old news.


    Sorry about that, my internet was down for a couple of weeks and I only checked the date on the last post.


    Just a small note, I didn't say AC didn't make sense. I understand how it works and the reasoning behind it just fine. I just think it's stupid.

  13. But that's the point alanschu, You are looking at it through a CRPG player's perspective whereas Jediphile and I can see it from both a PnP and CRPG player's perspective. The difference is that people not intimately familar with PnP are shielded (or some would say protected) by the computer from the ugly details that you take for granted.


    I also disagree with this statement. I played PnP long before I played any cRPG and my first encounter with the concept of AC was from AD&D. And I never thought decreasing AC made much sense.


    Then again, I think AC the way it works in either D&D edition is stupid anyways. But that is beside the point.

  14. we were warned away from the 36gb raptors in a big way.  seen it tested in three different builds and we were amazed at just how poorly it fared.  turns out that their performance is actually on par with most quality 7200 hds available.  not all raptors is created equal.  go figure.


    I couldn't disagree more. My Raptor has been amazing, the performance is incredible. I have a friend with a 74 and they are about the same.

  15. well, maybe we picks up a raptor... just in case.


    HA! Good Fun!

    Do yourself a favor and go get one immediately. I have a 36GB one as my only HD (for now, I didn't have the money for a second when I bought the computer and have lived on years on a 30GB laptop HD previously so I manage) and I've never regretted it. I really, really love it.


    Here are my specs:




    Case: Silverstone TJ06 Silver

    Motherboard: Abit AA8XE (Intel 925XE)

    Processor: Intel P4 3.0 GHZ

    Power supply: Antec Phantom (silent)

    GFX: NVidia 6600GT 256 MB from Gainward

    Memory: 2x512 MB

    HD: 36 GB Western Digital Raptor :p

    Optical: NEC DVD burner (slot mounted, silver)

    Floppy: None (although I do have a USB one that came with my laptop if I really needs one)

    OS: Windows XP Pro

    Monitor: BenQ 19" TFT


    Sound and network card are both onboard the MB.


    To be upgraded with another HD (probably 300 GB) and another GB of memory shortly.


    Aside from the aforementioned Raptor, I also love the Phantom power supply. Sleeping in the same room is definitely no problem.

  16. I thought the whole point of the whole consoles-don't-come-with-keyboards-argument was that playing console games with mouse and keyboard would seriously detract from the experience and won't even be possible for many setups.


    I do not want to have a mouse and keyboard when sitting on my coach with only a coffee table in front. Or when sitting in a couch-chair with no table at all in front of me.


    In the case of RPGs it's probably the mouse-functionality that is missed the most rather than a lot of buttons on a keyboard (I don't think I use more buttons in any RPG than there are on the average gamepad). So the revolution controller is going to be very interesting indeed.

  17. In the description for the uber-katana you find in the hotel, it says it's twice as fast.  I didn't time it officially, but it does seem faster.


    I did time it. Identical to normal katana. That's why I always thought it was crap and happily sold it for the $200 or so it gave. Until someone pointed out that the difference between it and a Katana is that it deals aggravated damage rather than lethal.

  18. The axe is slow, powerful but slow. I prefer the bush hook. The katana is very quick and powerful. The thing is you dont begin to get these weapons till around a third of teh way through the game.


    Are there even different weapon speeds? I timed the Katana and the Bush Hook and they were identical. Never liked the axe though, so I didn't time that one (it's so... crude)

  19. Iirc, multiplayer would have been totally separated from the single player campaign. More of a traditional FPS multiplayer where your vampires could square off against eachother. I think skills were supposed to be used in that. I wonder how Celerity would have been implemented...

  20. Good Lord, did either one format your hard-drive?  With PoR2 out there, how can anyone compete for buggiest game ever?


    I think it's simply because most people on these boards had the sense to stay away from that game.


    It's that or they're denying to themselves that they ever played. That trauma is probably too much for anyone to handle otherwise.

  21. Well, the world in that same shape is no more, but another WoD game is entirely possible. White Wolf isn't composed of suits and even though the two(or possibly three) pc games they've given their license to haven't been very huge financial successes.


    I'm pretty sure there are more than three games. There are three different Hunter games and there was supposed to be a Werewolf game, although I don't think that ever saw the light of day.


    The Hunter games I think was fairly succesful though. Succesful enough for Interplay to get a bit of money when they sold the rights.

  22. As far as I remember it was a problem everyone would eventually encounter with a unpatched game, but it's been too long to recall. The fact that there is only one showstopper is bad enough. It's like saying "But officer, I only killed one person."


    I completed the game unpatched. And I even got the Leopold crash. It wasn't that hard to find a workaround.


    No, a workaround shouldn't have been needed in the first place, but the game was still possible to finish.

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