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Posts posted by Spider

  1. I have no idea of the cause, but a suggestion of a potential fix (or at least some troubleshooting). Try installing one of the alternate messengers that supports the MSN and AIM protocols. Not only because it's simpler than running separate programs, but to see if they show the smae problems. If they do, it has to be something with how your computer communicates with the internet or those protocols specifically.


    Does Explorer have the same problem on all webpages or just occasionally? If on all, are you using Firefox or something now?


    Links to messengers:

    Miranda - http://miranda-im.org/


    Gaim - http://gaim.sourceforge.net/ (my favorite)


    Trillian - http://www.ceruleanstudios.com/

  2. Since I'm a bit lazy I figured I should try and ask people here before I go deep diving into graphical review pages. It's quite simple really.


    The issue: A few weeks ago my graphics card went and died on me. I have no idea why, but fortunately it was covered by the warranty (or it was actually 5 days after the warranty had elapsed but the store I bought it from let me return it anyways). Today I've finally gotten an e-mail to let me know it's been processed and I will be given a replacement card.


    The thing is, I'm not getting the same card. I used to have a Nvidia 6600GT with 256GB memory and now I am getting an ATI1600XT with the same amount of memory.


    So my question is simply if I am getting an equal, worse or better card. Or rather, is it worth making a fuss about it?


    (If it's roughly the same I won't, because I'm happy enough to get a new card in the first place, although I am not a huge fan of ATI).


    If any one wants specific details, I used to have this card:




    and am getting this:




    Now, the most important lesson to learn here is to never buy a Gainnward card ever again. Not only did it break down within a year, but the one I originally got was flawed on delivery. Let's just say they haven't exactly impressed me with thier quality products (and yes, I know you get what you pay for and all that).

  3. Also of note from the preview (since it's been discussed in the past):


    Apparently the Obs testers that know the game at the back of their hand complete it in 25 hours. At least that's what MCA said. The previewer from that assumed it'd take the average gamer 30-40 hours.


    Take from that what you will.

  4. So instead of a SS3 from Irrational we now get SS3 from EA and Bioshock from Irrational. I can't see how that is a bad thing. Bioshock appears to be amazing, so we're already getting one good thing, and now there is the chance of two. True, EA may do a horrible version of SS3, but then we'd be no worse of than if they hadn't done it in the first place. But it could also turn out good. Not every title released by EA is a bad game.

  5. There is a fine line between being greedy and being in business. The core rules of any given game system sells a lot better than any other book, by far.


    I'm sure there are a lot of companies that can live well on just doing modules, but in order to keep updating rules and keep a decently sized development team, new versions of the core books need to be on the shelves from time to time. And if those new versions aren't significant updates, a lot of the people who have the old versions won't bother to update. Yeah, sometime there needs to be change just for the sake of change.


    Of course, a lot of the time the updates are definitely warranted and based on a lot of player feedback. Personally I usually get excited when a new version of a game I like comes out, it usually means new things to discover and slicker rules.


    That being said, if 4e will indeed be more miniature centric because that's what sells then it could fall on the line of greed instead. I know I would have no interest in it. Then again, I don't have much interest in the D&D franchise to begin with so I'm hardly the best judge.


    Another point of view could be that if the miniatures are what's selling, then that is what the fans of D&D wants, and by going down that route Wizards is simply catering to the fans. I guess it makes sense from a business standpoint.

  6. I'm playing the game with a friend over a network and it's very fun toplay like that. But it's extremely unstable in multiplayer, it crashes quite frequently. Still, it's fun enough to make up for it.


    But yeah, it's a hack-fest.

  7. RPG's are games, and in a game it is vital that all involved parties have as much fun as possible.


    If a rule gets in the way of having fun, then the rule needs to be changed or removed. If my GM gives bends the rules in favor of NPCs he (or she, depening on who currently is heading the game) does so in order to make the game more enjoyable for the players. It's just as likely that the rules will be bent in favor of the players though.


    Rules must never come in the way of having fun.

  8. If you're not knowledagble in (and preferrably a fan of) American trash culture, you're probably not going to like the Kevin Smith movies as much as you should. Personally, I love all of them (the viewaskewniverse movies that is, to which Jersey Girl does not belong) and I think the first Clerks was brilliant (although not my favorite). I am definitely going to watch Clerks II and I'm most likely going to love it as well.

  9. I think RPG producers would be better of trying to make several products that are more specific, but similar in presentation, rather than one Big product that everything else is then based upon. I think WW's WoD has kinda got it, though I can't personally say anything about the quality of their products.


    If you ask me, the WoD books are quite excellent. I've always liked the WW books and think they usually hold a fairly high quality even after they've released a lot of books. The biggest drawback in WoD version 1 is the storyline they kinda spoon fed the audience (whilte interesting to a degree, it always felt a bit forced). Now that they've ditched that and instead are just going for source modules with the occasional plot ideas thrown in, I definitely feel they're on the right track.


    My play group (I am once again playing regualry after a very long hiatus) is currently playing mortals in WoD and it's extremely fun. And the rules are much more intuitive than any edition of D&D (to stay at least remotely on topic)


    (Eldar said in one of his april posts that I could resurrect this thred so I did)

  10. I think there's a certain irony in the 'general concensus' around here that going console dumbs games down and such, when there's a push for CRPGs using 'action' combat systems. Aside from Civ4, what was the last PC game that was both turn-based and sold at least modestly? Yet, at the same time, you can find quite a significant number of turn-based games (RPGs or otherwise) on consoles/handhelds this gen. There's a definite market for them.


    There is HoMM5 for one. Others as well. The turn based games are there for the PC as well, however they tend to be world builders or god games. Turn based games when you scale it down to just a few characters are far and few between.

  11. Incidentally, I'm really liking IE7. I haven't used Firefox on my Windows box ever since it was released. Apart from a few rare rendering bugs on some websites, everything works exactly as it's supposed to. Sure, it's a Firefox ripoff, but a damn good one.


    I only allowed the genuine advantage tool to be installed on my computer so I could get IE7 in the first place. Wanted to try it out just for the heck of it (there's no way I'll leave FF in the long run though). So of course, IE7 refused to work on my system (crashed on startup).

  12. if you liked iwd then we suggest fallout:tactics.  truthfully, iwd and fo:tactics play real similar: they is both squad-based tactical combat games with little to nil role-playing involved...


    Gromnir's comments on FO:T were spot on. In the same spirit I would like to suggest Silent Storm. Similar game to FO:T and JA2. Very similar.


    It does suffer from the same problem as FO:T, 2/3 into the game it becomes a lot less fun. The expansion, Sentinles, is awesome though. That one should be mandatory for anyone who liks squad based tacticals.

  13. All I'm waiting for now is for Atari to announce BG:DA 3 complete with thongs and everything. I'm beting they're real upset they don't have the FO license so they could do FOBOS 2 instead. After all, that strategy worked so well for Interplay, why not copy it as well...

  14. Veronica Mars is fantastic. Together with Battlestar Galactica it's currently the best show on TV (although season 5 of 24 sure gave them a run for the money). So those two would be my recommendation.


    The reason no one watches VM is that it's on UPN and that it's not really compatible with any of their other shows. Or people in the US has real crappy taste.


    Anothe reason is that the show concept on paper sounds really corny. I mean, high school detective? But it actually works. The writing and acting is absolutely fantastic. And for the record I'm a 29 year old male that doesn't like walks in the woods.


    So to answer the original question, VM and BSG are strong recommendations. Oh, also The Shield and The Wire.

  15. On rare occasions games are even available to pirate before they are released.


    Starforce has been the most succesful in delaying cracks, mostly because the crack groups weren't able to create decent tools to crack it with. I think they have now though so SF games get cracked a lot quicker these days. At least until a new version comes out.

  16. I find one tends to be more scientific (Deep Impact, and IIRC Dante's Peak), whereas the other is more actiony.  I'm guessing the actiony one is the one that tried to cash in on the idea, but maybe that's just me.


    Having seen both Armageddon and Deep Impact I have to say that I believe Armageddon took way, way longer to produce. The secenery was more advanced, the special effects much more so etc. Deep Impact may have ben more scientific, but it was kinda crappy and dull. At least Armageddon was entertaining (if you left your brain at the door).


    And iirc Deep Impact premiered before Armageddon, at least here. So if I was to make a guess, Deep Impact was the rush job not the other way around.

  17. First off, I was not lying, have never lied to you guys, and have no intention of lying in the future.


    I just wanted to apologize if you felt I was accusing you of lying. I started to explain how my posts came about, but then I realized that it only came across as a vague attempt at justification. So I won't. Let's try again.


    If you felt I accused you of lying, I am truly sorry. That was never my intent and I am sure you're a very nice and honest guy.

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