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Posts posted by Spider

  1. it bugs me that - unless your PC is a spell user - you don't get a joinable sorcerer until several hours into the game, and even then she seems a right pain.


    I agree on the first part. It definitely took too long until you got a mage of some sort. I am playing as a rogue which made Neeshka (unfortunately because I like the character) kinda useless. Everything she could do, I could do better sort of thing.


    Although I really liked Qara when I got her. She is definitely one of my favorite characters in the game, both how she is written and how she plays. She is the very definition of the word nuker. I also would have liked to have a proper cleric around a little sooner. A druid is all well and good, but it's not the same (although the offensive capacites of Elaness and Qara combined made short work of lots of monsters).


    first up, NWN2 has the worst load times of any game i've played in several years. i have a 1.7 Ghz processor with plenty of memory but the load times are ridiculous.


    Really? On my system with a P4 3.0 and 1GB memory the load times are excellent. When it loads a particularly large area it may take a little while, but most of the time its quite fast. Compare it to a game like Gothic and it feels like I'm in heaven. (I just wish I could have installed the game on my raptor instead, but the insane patch requirements preventd that from happening).

  2. 1.  I really wish the Power Attack and Flurry of Blows toggles would stay on until I tell them to.  Right now they seem to reset after every fight which is a royal pain in the arse.


    Agreed. Worst one is defensive casting though, I have a hell of a time to even get characters in that mode (and it includes pausing every other second and clicking it until the activated message appears) and then they leave it way too easily. In theory it makes sense to remove it as soon as there are no enemies next to the character (which is what I think it does) but if more are inbound it makes it a pain in the behind to get it back on again. All modes should be on until turned off.


    2.  The zoom in/out needs to be sped up.  It's painfully slow at the moment...is there a setting for this I'm missing?


    There is a setting for this and with it at max, the zoom is happens at good speeds.

  3. In regards to the autosave, it does exist but when it saves seems kinda random. I think it only triggers on the world map (but I'm actually not sure on this) but it definitely doesn't do so everytime the world map is used. I think there is either a time code there somewhere or maybe it saves every other time you use the world map.


    Given how quick save times are I have a hard time understanding why it doesn't autosave on every world map transition though.

  4. Ooooh, bad times :lol: If the bug isn't being fixed by reloading, that's going to put a serious dent in their review overall. Nobody likes game whiplash.


    It is fixed by reloading. It may just take a couple of attempts. It's an encounter that takes place during world map travel and involves two cut scenes both of which can fail to trigger. If either does you can't leave the map and half your party stops following you.


    I fortunately had an auto-save just as I was leaving the previous area so while annoying it wasn't a huge deal. Had to reload it three times though.

  5. He's pretty much spot on in the review. Except that 10k gold is pretty much pocket change when it comes to buying phat loot. The good stuff cost 20k+. Highest I've seen is 50k. Moeny just never seems to be enough.



    Is Deeking the Marchant's Friend merchant btw? The stuff he sells is kinda special so it seems possible.



    Oh, I also disagree about Neeshka. I think the character is much fun and the voice acting really good. It is kinda high pitch so I can see how people would get annoyed by it, but I like it. It's just a bit sad that my main character is a rogue so she's been sidelined.


    (although the pyromaniac sorcerer who replaced her is good fun as well)

  6. I was curious about the -- in the wake of newer, better alternatives -- line. What new and better alternatives? He can't mean Oblivion or Gothic 3 since he's complaining about the actual roleplaying (and neither of those have too much of that). So exactly what alternatives is he talking about?

  7. I (thanks to Kaftan inspiring me to try) managed to find a dealer willing to seel me the game a day early. And so far it's been fantastic. A few camera bugs, but other than that I am loving every second of it. Haven't gotten that far though.


    I really enjoyed the tutorial, second to VtM Bloodlines easily the best tutorial I've played.


    I have one major gripe though. Having a patch that requires 5GB free HD space for a 90MB patch to install seems kinda stupid. It means I had to uninstall the game from my Raptor and reinstall it on a much slower HD. Thankfully loading times are good for the most part so it's not a huge deal, but still annoying.

  8. Merchant's Friend is available in the US LE versions, Blessing of Waukeen in the Europena ones. I've already found Merchant's Friend on the web, but since I have the European version it doesn't seem to work. Or if it works, there is no way of telling, it doesn't show up anywhere like the blessing.

  9. I really, really can't understand the complaints about the camera controls. I think they are fantastic. They work the same way as in Silent Storm. Press mouse wheel and you can tilt and spin the camera as much as you like and scrolling with the wheel zooms. I really can't see the awkwardness of this.


    Maybe my experience with it in previous games has had an effect or maybe those complaining about it is playing in another mode than free camera (there are four different modes).

  10. I mostly agree that it's the content in the box that should be reviewed. However, when a patch is out on release-day I definitely think that should be taken into consideration. I also think that it's any reviewers responsibility to disclose if it's a pre-release build that is being reviewed since a lot can change between those going out and the gold candidate being finished.

  11. If it was that easy, why did they scrap it when they lost the BG PC rights?  :rolleyes:


    Because it was heavily tied to the Forgotten Realms and in order to make it a FR game they would have to deal with Atari. I guess Atari wasn't interested in dealing with Interplay since they owed them money on the D&D license. Or maybe Interplay had an exclusive distribution deal with Vivendi prohibiting them from even talking to Atari. There are many possible reasons why it wouldn't have worked then but could work now, but if you know more than me, please enlighten me.



    Edit: In reply to Sand, Interplay didn't have carte blanche D&D rights, at least not when Jefferson was being worked on. They had the right to three franchises, IWD, BG and BG:DA. That's it.

  12. I think he means Obsidian doesn't have the rights to the BG license


    Does that really matter though? The Black Hound never had anything to do with the BG saga and would have been BG3 in name only. It could just as well have been released as a stand alone.


    Edit: Added the quote since there were several posts between mine and the one I was replying to.

  13. A friend relayed to me a rumor that MS has changed their mind and that DX10 will actually be in SP3 as well. I have no idea whether or not that's the case, but it's a possibility at least.

  14. Unfortunately, owning the assets doesn't necessaily equal the rights to "use" them if it infringes on other trademarks, like names, settings etc.


    Although if Atari doesn't go out of business, it's a fair assumption to make that there will be some sort of expansions for NWN2 and that Obsidian will be involved somehow. Although I'm not sure a game as ambitious as Jefferson was could be made as an expansion.


    But if it's possible it would be awesome.

  15. not if you create a character based on the funny site of wizardry :(


    1. make it to look like an old man

    2. make it semi-senile

    3. make it talkative

    4. get him on an adventure with lot of players who thought he is a powerfull archmage, and already payed him for his services



    PS: of course he starts like anyone else on level one...he was once an archmage, but forgot how to be one  :D


    Basically Fizban from the Dragonlance Chronicles then?

  16. Depends on ingredients, too ... might need some firefly gizzards or similar to cast it. :(


    So a class that is apparently cursed with frequent memory loss is also tasked with keeping track of a myriad different ingredients.


    "I wonder if it was the firefly gizzards in the fireball spell or if it was cinnamon..."


    Sounds like a disastrous combination to me.

  17. When every creature in the game scales with you, when every item found or contained is randomized to said level, and when every cave, forest and city looks the same, what's the incentive for exploring? How is that well done?


    I'm not going to start defending Oblivion's design choices. I may not agree with all of them, but I didn't terribly mind the scalable creatures. It kept the difficulty of the game at an even level and me on my toes (although I did definitely feel my character grow stronger with higher skills and better equipment regardless of the scaling). Others hated it, and that's up to them. I do know that I would have hated to fight droves of goblins that fell to a single chop of my sword when I was level 40.


    As for the similar caves, I just didn't think it was that bad. There were five different types of dungeons and as far as I can tell not two within each subset were identical. Sure, the architecture was the same, but not the layouts. I didn't think it got old until I started tiring of the actual gameplay (which was some 120 hours in or so).


    One thing I must object to though is the claim that the cities were identical. The cities looked and felt vastly different from each other. The Imperial City and Bruma, for example, had nothing in common. In fact, this is the only fantasy game I've played where cities have actually felt like cities and not just a gathering of houses. The BGs came close though, I'll give them that.


    So I ended up defending Oblivion after all. But these are just my experiences with the game. Anyway, the point I was making in the first post wasn't really that Oblivion was a great game (although I did put that in there so I got what I deserved) but that it and NWN2 shouldn't be judged by the same criteria because they are so vastly different games.


    On topic: While there may be more options present (or not, I really don't know) when it comes to character creation in NWN2 compared to the original, I think Obsidian did themselves a disservice when they moved away from the 2D portraits. If I can have a cool looking portrait to represent my character, then the appearance of the actual avatar doesn't matter as much. But if the avatar is the only physical representation of the character available within the game, I would like to have as much ability to customize it as possible. The lack thereof is by no means a deal breaker for me, it just would have been nice. But I do think keeping the portraits would have kept away a lot of complaints.


    (at least provided they were of higher quality than the ones in the original NWN, those were really ugly)

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