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Posts posted by Spider

  1. You can only use it once ever 6 seconds. So the fighter should get a few hits in. Unless you run away of course (and with a high enough tumble skill or spring attack, there won't be any AoO either).


    It would be awful in PvP though, especially in one on one.


    By the way, alan, why didn't you take any shadow thief levels? Even just the one would have given you an additional sneak attack dice and they are much better than rogue levels anyway.


    Also, in a rogue on rogue fight I would actually give the edge to you. Given that you can sneak attack me but I can't do it on you thanks to uncanny dodge (I only have 15 levels that grant it, while you have 20).

  2. to answer the OP question, after patch 2, very. can't get it to run, and there's a 7 page long topic on the bioware forums about it.





    thanks, obsidian. guess i wont be playing nwn2 online.  :)



    ps. [i'd like to make a trolling comment about KOTOR2, but I won't.]


    Just checking, you have the 809 version of the 1.02 patch rather than the 808 that was the original release? I thought they were supposed to have fixed that error with the re-issue of that patch.

  3. vs my rogue the smite abilites would do nothing since she's good as well. And she doesn't do spells, she's fairly straight forward.


    Dual-wielding two +5 maces one with fire and vampiric damage and the other with fire and adamantine (is adamantine the only material that counts as an enchantment or do the others as well btw?). So I know all about the hide in plain sight dual-wielding sneack attack trick. Oh, also there are some eelskin boots on this one for permanent haste and she has a decent AC of 32 (could have been higher if I had bothered to make bracers of armor for her).


    But the vampiric mace together with a ring of regeneration makes her hard to kill.


    Blind fighting is nasty though.



    Edit: And yeah, HIPS is kinda overpowered. It's fun to play with though.


    There are also greater crafting gloves available in Port Llast. From the woman who wants you to take care of the dead.



    Edit: The cost about 15.000 if you have merchant's friend, +2 charisma and no points in appraise.

  5. Oh, I can take either. My Rogue/Shadowdancer/Fighter/Shadow Thief will make mincemeat out of anyone.


    My Fighter/Divine Champion isn't quite as impressive though (nor as fun to play) but he makes up for it with ruthlessness.


    Interesting that we'd play so similar characters, although still quite different. Since my first character, the rogue, was good (chaotic good, but still) and the other is (lawful) evil.

  6. Both the kukri and the dwarven waraxe are martial weapons, not exotic.


    Maybe the kukri isn't, but I'm pretty sure the dwarven waraxe is.


    Edit: The feat description in the game say that exotic weapons are bastard sword, katana, dwarven waraxe, kama and shuriken. Khelgar can use the waraxe without the feat because he's a dwarf and they get that specific weapon for free.

  7. He was the one that performed the ritual on the final statue, not you.


    Yeah, that's why you're supposed to need him. The abilities you gain from the ritual are supposedly essential, but I am confident that the King of Shadows can be beaten without ever using the web. I'm even confident he can be beaten with Ammon Jerro being KO'ed through all of the fight (well, most of it if he goes down as soon as possible in each segment).


    Which is why I'm saying that you probably don't really need him. Zhaijve and him certainly think you do, and he certainly helps a lot (the web ability does make the second stage a lot simpler) but he is hardly essential. The sword, on the other hand, is.


    I'm just saying that if you're going to make a huge deal about a character being the key to your success, then make sure that he actually is.


    I personally didn't mind how Ammon Jerro were thrown into the party though, at that point you could hardly say no to anyone who wanted to help you and it was a good way for him to start atoning for his sins.


    (and my current, evil, character will just be happy to be rid of Shandra who didn't even speak for him at his trial, but he can't kick her out since he made a promise and he is also lawful and stands by his word)


    (if the game would allow to kick her out that is)

  8. I have 22 in Craft Weapon with the crafting gloves, and the game won't let me create adamantine kukris and dwarven waraxes. What's up with that?


    You need 23. 8 for exotic weapon and 15 for adamantine.


    As for the manual, I like the PDF version that could be downloaded pre-release. It's also available in the documentations folder in your install directory. Not the same as a printed manual, but at least it's there (and for me personally it'sa good thing since I hate printed manuals)

  9. Certain combat animations aren't working. Great Cleave and Cleave, for example, often do not display; instead the monsters take damage while my character stands there. Sometimes the animations display, but usually they don't. Same goes for multiple hits per round on high level fighters. Something's fishy there.


    From what I've read, these aren't supposed to be working. The reasoning being that they are free attacks that don't take up any of your character's time and animations take time. I've read it in regards to AoO, but I'm guessing it applies to Cleave as well. So it could be that this isn't actually a bug, but a feature.


    Neeshka has no tail. I've yet to keep her in the party after reaching Neverwinter, but so far only Khelgar has mentioned a tail. Neeshka never did.


    She kinda does mention it once. When Qara calls her tails-for-brains she says "My brain is not in my tail". So she should have one. Although it could just be tucked inside whatever clothes she's wearing I guess.


    It is hard to click on a target NPC during combat because the hotspot is typically much smaller than the creature's outline, and isn't always located near the character's 'center'. Thus I have to pause the game to target reliably with the mouse, otherwise my character usually runs behind the creature I tried to target. (Do this sometime, pause and move your mouse over a creature and notice how small the hotspot is compared to the overall creature outline. Sometimes there is a huge difference. By 'hotspot' I'm referring to the location where the cursor changes to a sword or a dialog icon.


    This actually gets fairly ridiculous with some of the really large monsters. You'd think it'd be easy to target a monster that occupies most of the screen, but oh no.


    Joinable NPCs don't keep their skill assignments. I can assign skills all I want, but when they level up, the skill points I previously assigned have vanished into thin air. Thus I gave up and just click Recommend to get past the skill assignment screen. At least they keep the feats you assign to them.


    Funny, they do for me. For example one NPC has points in cross-class skill heal and attempts to put more there if I click recommend. But I usually remove those and put them in Craft Armor instead and that has stuck. Been doing it for two playthroughs now and it's kept every time. And I've done similar things with other NPCs as well.


    The influence system is nice, but characters are way too picky. I don't start hating someone just because they disagree with my point of view, and people who do display this behavior are often berated by their community. So why do our party members behave so childishly? Save the influence adjustments for major events and stop applying penalties to silly disagreements. If they don't like how I do things, they shouldn't have forced their way into my party!


    The NPCs don't start hating you if they disagree with you once. Getting a -1 influence with someone every now and then isn't the end of the world, they'll still like you. Getting a -1 in every conversation you enter on the other hand... Which is very realistic. If you never agree with someone, you probably won't like that person much.


    The influence system is supposed to show how you gain people's trust over time, so I think it makes sense to have small shifts available everywhere rather than big shifts when it's important. For example, if I have a friend who for no good reason just walks up and kicks a dog for no good reason that'll certainly make me feel less warm towards that person (unless it's a poodle).


    I can agree that having NPCs forcing themselves into the party is a bit contrived though. but I can see why most people don't leave even if they disagree with you. The KoS must be stopped and for better or for worse you are the best chance of doing that. So it's either help someone they despise or see the world go to hell. But from a design perspective I certainly wouldn't have done it that way.


    Also, you forgot one glaringly obvious bug, although given how you feel against Bishop it's not all that surprising.


    He is obviously a bow ranger and he has feats like WF: Longbow and so on. But still, he has the dual wield ranger path instead of archery. Although the devs know about this, he is supposed to get archery, he is tagged to have archery, but the game still gives him DW. Personally I just used the console to give him the feats he should have.

  10. I think its because Im not patched to 1.02 but I was kinda going to wait for 1.03 because of all the "My f-ing game wont run AT ALL after 1.02" threads Ive read.


    That was with the 1.02808 patch, they re-issued it as 1.02809 and then those problems should have been taken care of. Personally I never had a problem with either version though.

  11. Isn't NWN modding module based? So the toolset allows you to create modules rather than add stuff to the official campaign. You CAN add stuff to the campaign by making it a separate module, but you can't add mods from two different people like you can with BG2.


    So basically, it's more a way to create your own adventure than to build upon an already existing one.


    Or am I getting something wrong?

  12. I actually hated the ending. All of it. From the moment you left to the last area until the game was done, it just felt like a chore. The endboss battle was extremely frustrating.



    especially the teleporting part since it kept resetting my fighters targeting in puppet mode and I had to retarget KoS again, only to have him teleport a few seconds later. I ended up just letting him kill every non-fighter while the fighters had AI turned on and I controlled my main character.


    Actually, I did like the part where your party could betray you depending on influence. That was kinda well done.



    And the actual ending, yeah that was kinda crappy to. I just felt cheated in some way.



    If there's an expansion, as the ending hints to, it'll all change of course. Then it was a good set-up. But right now, it's really unsatisfying



    It's a shame that a game I had so much fun with would have an ending like that. I actually even preferred the KotOR2 ending, but that could be because I was prepared.


    I still think the game was really good though and will play it at least once more (I am already underway). I just wish for a more satisfying ending is all.

  13. There is a dramatic difference in performance between high and medium though. I can also play it fine with everything on medium, but cranking stuff up to high will impact performance.


    People with a GeForce 7800 or higher or people with an Radeon X1950 will expect to be able to run everything on high in most games. More so when the graphics of the game aren't more stellar than they are in NWN2. And those are the people who complain about performance issues (and since most reviewers test on such systems, they tend to complain about perfrmance).


    Don't get me wrong, I personally like the graphics of NWN2 and think they are just fine for this type of game. But other people have dfferent standards.

  14. It depends a lot on your system and on how lucky you are. My first playthrough I only encountered two bugs that were severe and one that was annoying.


    The severe ones were:


    Khelgar is a badger - somehow Khelgar (one of the NPCs) merged with an animal companion effectively removing him from the game. I'm not sure what would have happened if I had kept playing, especially in regards to cutscenes where he has input. Afaik this has not been fixed, but I'm not sure how frequent it is.


    Cutscene failure - some cutscene required you to have control of the main character or they wouldn't trigger. When this happened you'd be unable to progress in the game. This one has been fixed in the 1.02 patch.


    The annoying one has to do with the camera. Sometimes when moving the camera around (or when selecting another character) the camera would look straight up into the sky and zoom in as far as possible. Note that this is an angle the camera can't have normally. So all I'd see is a screen full of sky (or ceiling when indoors) and it can't be moved in any way. Although it jumps out of it again fairly quickly if one keeps trying to tilt it. The reason it's annoying is because it happens fairly frequently in certain areas. Like in the end areas as soon as I'd select a different character it would happen, severly disrupting the flow of the game. haven't seen other complaints about this so I don't know if it's just me.


    There was also a quest that was broken without using the console, but that was an optional one so no big deal (and I did manage to complete it)


    On my second playthrough I wanted to see if my computer could handle textures set to high instead of medium and while it could, this caused the most sever bug I've encountered so far. All of a sudden when I was leaving an area the game would hang during autosave. Any previous autosave was deleted as part of the process, but no new one was made. So a restart with a save deleted, causing an hours replay (I really don't quicksave enough). So when I get to the same spot, I quicksave, which goes fine, and then leaves the area upon which the game hangs on autosave again. But not only that, it also corrupted the quicksave I just had made. This is a confirmed bug (as in other people have this problem) and is avoided if playing on medium texture settings. The save is still corrupted though.


    And then there's the (very minor) bug of Bishop (another NPC) not getting the proper feats.


    Those are all bugs I've encountered. On my first playthrough it didn't crash once, just a couple of failed cutscenes that forced a reload. Other than that it was incredibly stable.

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