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Posts posted by Spider

  1. I'm not sure if I necessarily agree that there isn't a sense of closure.  Sure, it's anticlimactic (You defeat the KoS, and in the process get killed).  It reminded me a bit of the Fallout ending, where you do everything, and then get exiled.  The presentation maybe could have been a bit better.  Maybe after the KoS is dead you can try and run away, but have the door collapse before you can run.




    It's not so much that I mind an unhappy ending, I loved the ending in Fallout for example.


    I would have liked to have known what happened to my character though. Preferably have a say, but not necessarily. More importantly, I would have liked to get a final word about my companions, their feelings on what just happened and plans for the future. As it is, it's just left hanging. But like I said, if an expansion comes around, then all is well.



    Warning, Torment spoiler ahead:


    As it is it reminds me a bit of the ending in Torment if you don't have enough Int and Wis. You meet TTO, revive your fallen comrades (if you can trick him away) and then pummel him and instantly get thrown into the Blood War. That ending (which was my first playthrough) also felt lacking. I cared about those people and wanted to at least get to say goodbye.


    Now, on my third playthrough I did have enough of the relevant characteristics to get TTO to merge with me and thus I got a final chat with my companions. That made a world of difference and their was indeed the sense of closure that had been lacking before.


    Something similar here would have been nice. Maybe just a cutscene after the KoS has fallen where the survivors take a few moments to celebrate the victory and swear about the betrayers and then see the temple begin to collapse around them. Then go to the final cinematics. That would have helped as well. The game was so driven by the companions that I really would have liked their input on what had just transpired.




    Also, if they would have flat out said that the protagonist and companions died, then maybe that would have been ok as well. But as it was, they more or less say they didn't die, but escaped out into the planes. So I didn't get any closure at all from this.


  2. I personally (which I've posted somewhere already) didn't like the ending at all. Basically I really disliked everything from when you teleported to the final area.



    And I don't like being left without a sense of closure. But if there is an expansion down the road, I may warm up to the ending


  3. Thanks Spider. I didn't have Grobnar with me the first time in the glowstone cave so I completely missed it.


    If you ignore the keep, some things will be different for sure:


    - Your Graycloaks will have shoddy weapons and armor.

    - They will do poorly at special assignments, if you bother with that.

    - They will be next to useless in the events leading up to, and including the siege.


    Most of the options seem geared toward Keep income generation, and may determine total XP gain in the end. The quality of the Graycloaks seemed to have the biggest bearing on the actual fighting, though the strength of the outer wall may have contributed to an easier time versus the siege engines, and may have made it possible for the battle magi to survive longer.


    Since the keep was able to grow, for the most part, by my entering and leaving through a doorway, I was able to progress rather quickly in my preparations.


    Anyway, I'm looking forward to what you experience by ignoring the keep. I don't think that's something I could ever do.


    Have you actually tried? But my point is that it wasn't exactly anything particularly difficult about defending the keep anyway. The Greycloaks did about bugger all during it all, my characters could easily have taken care of by themselves. Besides, if you have the alliance with the dwarves you can get Dwarven fighters (or Lizardmen) instead, so no need for Greycloaks at all.


    Building up the keep did net 2000 xp at the beginning of the siege, as did having two alliances.


    Ignoring the keep will have to wait for a third playthrough though, since my current character has gotten too far with it as is. Not sure when that'll be happening. But it will be interesting.

  4. I wasn't able to finish the repairs on the blade golem (missing some sort of glowing liquid I could never find) so it wasn't present for any battles. I found the iron alloy with runes on it, and the Tome of Ilthazar (sp) and had Grobnar do what he could, but I don't think I got it working completely. At least the game gave no feedback to make me feel like I had.


    The liquid is found in the glowstone cave if you have Grobnar with you. The Golem is a party member though, not something that is an extra ally in a battle.


    As for the keep stuff, I'm not sure that there is really any point to it. Other than the XP. I mean it's fun and all, but will the game play differently if your keep sucks? You still have to take care of business yourself. I think I'll ha to try and go through it one playthrough and just completely ignore the keep to see what happens.

  5. A lot of the performance-based issues goes away if you have a decent computer. I don't recall the slow-down in the sewers, but can't say for sure. The boat escape is definitely fixed though.


    Exactly what are you referring to with Chinatown and beyond? It's still a hackfest if that's what you mean.


    I find the game to be very playable with the second patch (although I tend to shy away from the fan ones since they not only patch the game but mod it as well, in ways I'd prefer they didn't in some cases).

  6. So the Lizardmen and the dwarves dont actually come to live in the keep, they just come for the battle? What are the other two possible groups?


    I massacred the Goblins too, so if they are recruitable then I will miss out on that,




    They send representatives, but they only have floating text and no real dialogue. But help out some later on.


    The other two possibilities are Elanee's druid circle and the Wendersnaven. I don't know if any of those actually can be recruited, but you get to try. Could be an influence thing.


    I seriously doubt that the goblins can be recruited, I just never got to try (since I accidentally killed a few of them as well).


  7. Damn, I killed off Slaan and all the lizardmen :) How do you recruit them (if you havent massacred them) and what do they do in your keep?


    Oh well maybe next time..... :huh:


    Can you get any Orcs? Because I killed off all the Orcs in the Illefarn ruins.


    What other factions can you convince to come to your keep?






    I think you can recruit the Lizardmen regardless of what happened with Slaan. Not sure though. He does make an appearance if he's alive, but in the end it still requires some brute force, so I'd guess you can just beat them into submission even without him.


    They don't really do anything though. Nor do the dwarves. You get to chose them as backup during some segments, but that's it.


    No recruting Illefarn Orcs or Bugbears. Uncertain about the goblins. You'll get two other possible allies, but I didn't manage to recruit them.



    Spoiler tags, JUST for Volourn.


  8. BTW, has anyone

    given the companion NPCs a Prestige Class

    ? I'm thinking that

    Druidic elf would make a fair Harper, and Neeska would be a good Duelist or ShadowDancer


    Can't be done.

    Only single class NPCs. Khelgar can be switched to a monk, but even so he'll respec from level one and be a single-class monk.


  9. Even without his clan equipment he is pretty good (didn't want him to use it since I didn't care about the warhammer and there were better options available for the other slots). He didn't seem to take much damage at least, that's for sure. He may not be dishing out as much as when he was a fighter, but he definitely kept going longer.

  10. That sucks indeed Deraldin. :o


    I made Khelgar a monk, by the way. Funny thing, I had been using him almost exclusively up until that point, but once he was monkified, I just stopped having him tag along. Mostly because I wanted to gain influence with Casavir instead, but also because I really hate monks. It would have been nice if he could make proper use of that warhammer though.

  11. I knew it was possible. I was just curious as to how. The big difference was the Boots of the Sun Soul. I have Eelskin Boots for permahaste instead. And I never got around to making the Mithril Chainshirt (or I crafted one, just never enchanted it so I used Darkflame instead).


    Also, Deraldin, Luck of Heroes, Dodge and what else for feats?


    Edit: nevermind about the feats.

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