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Posts posted by Spider

  1. Funny. Even the times (yes multiple times due to another bug, the Kheldar is a badger one) I did kill him I had a cutscene with him where you could chose to kill him or show mercy. Probably because it was my main character doing the fighting, so it was more up close and personal.


    It would be interesting to see how a mage would do in that battle. I should have let Qara do is since she offered.

  2. It kinda bugged for me the first time. I think. The frenzy kept him from dying but at the end of the battle the mouse pointer changed from attack to talk when hovered above him. Then he proceeded to kill me.


    At least that is my recollection of events, but the dialogue thing only flashed for a second (or less) so my eyes could have been playing tricks on me.


    Second time around I just danced around him for a bit until the frenzy worse off, then proceeded to pummel him with a few well placed sneak attacks.

  3. I don't own NWN2 yet, so I had no clue what content the manual has.


    I do have some art skills, so creating terrain, normal maps and art assets (if Maya is supported?) should be no problem. I'm more inclined to know how the scripting stuff works. On which language is it based? Does it lend more towards Java/C++, or is it simplified?


    Iirc, Maya isn't supported. I have a faint memory of someone saying that 3DStudio Max may get support through a plugin or somesuch in the future, but I can't say for sure.


    According to the manual (the one in the documentations folder, not the actual manual) it's C-based.

  4. So you have the combination and the fireplace key. But do you have the key from the collector himself? You're supposed to get four options with the door, not three.


    (sorry if you feel you've already answered this, I just didn't get a clear one out of what you wrote)


    Once you've used a key that dialogue option goes away, so you won't have to do it again.

  5. I could have probably done more projects at the keep except there was one buggy ore deposit in one of the caves that wouldn't do anything when I clicked on it, so I was robbed of valuable resources by a game glitch. Nobody bothered to offer feedback on all the other ore deposits I clicked on, so I had no way of knowing if all of them counted.


    I'm pretty sure that the amount of ore you find only matters when it comes to upgrading weapons. And there is more than enough available to do that. Much more. So missing one or two or five won't matter at all. There is still plenty of time to do keep stuff.


    The statue questions are silly. Nobody told me I needed to memorize Neverwinter lore before getting this far into the game, and indeed, just when you could really use your Lore stat to answer a question, your Lore stat is completely ignored. Thus I'm resorting to wild guesses and reloads to get through the maze properly. WTG Obsidian. :lol:


    It's not like it's disastrous to get an answer wrong. You get to fight some (fairly) weak guardians and that's all. You lost out on about 50 XP per question you get wrong iirc. But yeah, Lore should have been an option there.

  6. I could see how a Planescape MMO would work. There are plenty of factions for the players to join which can take care of PVP stuff and the idea of having expansions be different planes is quite appealing to me.


    I do, however, think that such a game should not try to link itself to Torment in any way shape or form. No cameos or nothing, just use the setting anyway.


    I don't see it happening though. Afaik WotC still doesn't support Planescape officially and until they do, it won't get licensed. Although Sigil is mentioned in NWN 2, so maybe the City of Doors is officially supported and if so, that would be a good start I guess. But I still wouldn't hold my breath.


    (and even if the game was made, I probably wouldn't play it. I have no love for MMOs, although the Planescape setting would be enough to at least make me interested)

  7. well, yes and no.  there is a section, all within one building, where some guards along with the guy you are guarding are added, but you can't control them (other than commands) and they are part of the group battle that ensues.


    Actually, at one point in the game you control basically all your party members (with a few exceptions, exactly who depends on stuff). I controlled 7 characters (including my character) but you can probably get as many as nine. Or eight at the very least.

  8. i'm gonna keep bishop next run, btw.  he's killer with a bow.


    He would be even better if he actually got the ranged ranger path instead of the dual wield one. This is a bug, by the way. He is tagged in the game as being a ranged ranger, but for some reason he still gets the other package.


    Edit: As for the ore, there are a few ore veins that don't work properly. I think I encountered three or so throughout the game.

  9. I don't know if there's a part where you get 5, but I know there's parts where you get 4.  And while I don't know if there's a part where you get specifically FIVE, there are parts where you get everyone.


    There is at least one area where you can get five NPCs.



    In Act III, when you seek out the druids, if you sent Bishop to scout for you he joins you there.



    There are other areas where you only get two.

  10. P.S. Those on evil side, how does the trial work out from the Shadow Thief side?


    Practically identical. From what I gather the only difference is how you become a squire. Axle enlists the help of a more shady noble (maybe he helps you on the lawful path as well) and then that's that.


    Best moment of the trial was if you tried to blackmail Reylene (has nothing to do with the Thief Guild, I belive it can be done regardless of path).


    (I wasn't on the evil path though, my chaotic good rogue just didn't trust the guard enough to work with them, but once you got to meet Morie there really was no turning back even if it did mean burning down the watch. That's the in-game justification anyway, mostly I just wanted the Shadow Thief PrC. Ironically enough, my next character will be Lawful Evil and take the path of the watch)

  11. I'll just sya the following to end my part in this circular issue: I find it hilarious that there was hardly a peep about how 'crappy' the radial menu was until Obsidian announced they were changing it. Out of all the complaints that the minority of whiners whined about, the raidal menu was probabaly 1 millionth on the list. And, now, all of asudden, it's the 'worst thing ever'. LOL


    Really? The radial menu together with the lackluster story are the two most common gameplay complaints I've heard in regards to NWN 1. And there was some complaint about the radial menu in ToEE as well.


    Personally I even thought sucked in Torment.

  12. I haven't gotten any multi-class options for Neeshka either and I've done her sidequest afaik. I don't think any NPC can multiclass.


    I also have a speculation as to why they developed Khelgar the way they did. If he just multi-classed, wouldn't he kinda suck? Like really, really suck? Monks and fighters aren't exactly compatible classes if you ask me. Basically all feats and special abilities from one of the two classes would be wasted.


    My Rogue 10/Fighter 4/Shadowdancer 1/ Shadow Thief 5 feels very strong though. Easily outdamages any of the fighters in melee and has fairly decent AC (even with light armor). Does a lot of sneak attack damage. Not quite as powerful vs undead, but still more than decent. A little low on hitpoints, but with a ring of regeneration and the shard bonuses it's enough to stay alive for the most part.


    Still can't compare to Qara. Maximized Fireball for the win.


    (although a semi-tank with Evasion combines very well with Qara indeed)

  13. I really haven't found PA to be that bad. For me when I click it, it activates with the next attack and typically stays on. It does go off randomly at times, but it's fairly rare (although maybe I'm not using it enough).


    The button I do have an issue with though is Defensive Casting. That one is an absolute nightmare to get to activate. If my character has performed any action in the current round, it typically involves pausing every second, clicking and clicking it to see if a new round has started. Then when it goes on, the character can't cast a spell until the next round starts. And it gets turned off all the time causing the character to either lose another action or get hit with AoO. Modes should work just like Stealth and Search mode. Click them and they go on regardless of where you are in a round and stay on until you actively turn them off.

  14. Although I don't think you need her to tell you who to recruit in order to recruit them. I think it's just a hint on who to look out for.


    As for Guyven:


    I met him the third and last time in Ember when collecting evidence for the trial. He was standing on the western edge of that map about halfway up (provided that where you arrive is south). I can't recall for sure where the other two encounters with him where, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't in Duskwood. That's where the werewolves lived, right? Although as far as recruits for the keep go, he's been pretty useless. So far he hasn't really done anything, but once you've visited enough unique places maybe he'll contribute something (he wants to know of places he hasn't visited).


    Regardless, Torio's mentioned two other recruits to me and I'm pretty sure those could have been recruited regardless.


  15. You can definitely have more than one prestige class, JE is not cheating with this. I am currently playing a Rogue (7)/Fighter (4)/Shadow Thief (5)/Shadowdancer (1) and I have not cheated or hacked the game in any way.


    But you can't be NW9 if you're a Shadow Thief apparently, since it was not available to me during my last level up (the first since I became one of the nine).


    Also, to the one who wanted to know when you could become a Shadow Thief, it happens at the end of act one, so somewhere around 10-12 I think.

  16. Broadcast Command - Hold your ground makes everyone except the one giving the command stand where they are. But once you're in combat (at least with puppet mode on) everyone does only what you tell them to do. So it's very possible to have your fighters stand in the way of your casters, the problem is that a single AoO or even two won't be enough to down most opponents. A few well placed backstabs once they get past you on the other hand...

  17. Well, caster's are supposed to be vulnerable. If I throw a fireball severly wounding ten or so opponents, I expect my caster to be charged. I haven't had much problems with my casters being charged, selected or not, if they stand back and do nothing. But once that AoE spell goes off, they're number one on the hit list. But usually by then everything is weak enough that a fireburst or two finishes them off.


    (Qara has a way of just... dealing with things)

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