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Everything posted by Spider

  1. Yeah, I got that one. Maybe I managed to get up to about three total, I'm too lazy to check. Doesn't matter since I didn't use any, I didn't want to make the game easier.
  2. Wasn't the higher performance compared to the 72GB raptor though? The 150GB Raptor is much faster than it's smaller siblings. Or maybe not much, but it's noticably so at least.
  3. Shouldn't that be in the spoiler thread? Anyway, since I myself had problems with this:
  4. No, not at all. I thought the game was great fun. But I liked the OC as well. Replayability may suffer a bit due to lack of challenge however. We'll see. Of course I have to play through the last chapter again so I can pick up a little something that will allow me to get the "nice" ending. I just find it a bit amusing when there is a loading screen tip that warns about difficult optional fights and I kept wondering what fights those were supposed to be. Still couldn't say for sure. The final fight was ok though. For once my character didn't get to shine because she got killed fairly easily for some reason. But that's when your companions pick up the slack, right? The only question is if I can make it through the OC with any more characters or if I am to swallow my pride and start a new expansion only character. I do have a Frenzied Berserker/Weapon Master about a third in to the OC that I would like to get into MotB.
  5. Seriously, I haven't encountered a really difficult fight yet. And I'm in chapter III. There have been a few fights that I've lost, but they can be counted on one hands fingers I think and I haven't lost any fight twice. I had some problems before I got the fighter NPC because my main character could punch her way out of a paper bag due to some really crappy equipment and everyone and their grandmother being immune to sneak attacks. But after that, nothing has really been that hard. And once I got a very special essence and crafted a weapon that was on pair with what I had in the end of the main OC (ie +5 with some elemental damage) and threw that special essence on it, nothing has been able to stand in my path. And I'm playing on the highest difficult setting. It's just that my opponents doing double the damage doesn't matter much when they can't bloody hit me in the first place. AC 51 unbuffed and 55 with Tortoise Shell can have that effect. (For reference, my character, who just hit level 30, is a Rogue 16, Fighter 8, Shadow Thief 5, Shadowdancer 1 with focus on Dual Wield. Do I ever hate myself for not reading the manual beforehand so I knew to get Crippling Strike so I could take the epic feats that enables sneak attacks on all) Turns out Gromnir was right. Crafting in the original game was way overpowered. I've replaced none of the gear I crafted at the end. I wouldn't even have replaced the weapons had they allowed me to keep them (except for adding the special essence to one). So I guess I'm not most folks, because for me the expansion is easier than my first playthrough of the OC was (and that was played on Hardcore).
  6. Note that if you're residing in Sweden and have a website directed at a Swedish audience, you have to abide by Swedish laws. Sure, they can't close the site down, but they can take action against you. Also, Swedish websites are not quite as protected as you seem to think. They do not enjoy the same protection as print magazines in regards to freedom of speech, unless a few conditions are met (one being paying a license fee, another keeping an archive with every change ever made to the site). For instance, you're not allowed to talk about a persons medical history or other personal details without consent. And as I said, this applies whether or not the site is physically located in Sweden. There are a few more exceptions though, but the law is mostly a paper tiger anyway. No one has the time or the inclination to go after the harmless stuff.
  7. There are plenty of EA titles that aren't multi-platform. The Battle for Middle Earth series for instance. So nothing is given.
  8. Although you really don't want to turn most undead you meet anyway. There is so much better things to do to them (hint: Eternal Rest).
  9. It worked fine for me with the 1.10 patch. And that is indeed the one I was referring to.
  10. There is one that changes Qara and Neeshka at nwnvault. I don't remember it's name right now, but since I'm using it myself I know it's there.
  11. You can be alone most of the time, just don't take anyone with you when you leave the tavern. But you can't get rid of them completely and there are areas where some are forced on you.
  12. I think it's more the TV he doesn't have space for? Can't you hook an XBox up to the computer monitor though?
  13. My experiences with Two Worlds are vastly different from Volourns. But I played it on the PC which could make up for some of the differences. But certainly not all. I agree that the character creation system is pretty solid. I certianly don't think it's amazing, but not awful either. Sort of like the one in Gothic. Now to where I disagree... I found combat to be pretty bad. The controls were clunky and it was difficult to a level which was absurd. Every fight there was a million enemies all just as strong as I was or stronger. If there was archers around, I was basically doomed from the beginning (unless I managed to lure enemeis out one by one or so). Walking along the road only to get assaulted by 10-15 bandits every now and then (and each such fight was as tough as they come) is not exactly my idea of fun. And I don't mind difficult combat in games, I played Gothic 3 for a lot longer for instance. The music is ok, but doesn't stand out, but the voice acting, oh the voice acting. The voices here are the worst I've heard in any game since ToEE. But in all fairness, this may not be the actors fault, it probably has more to do with the horrible writing that they're forced to read. Seriously, listening to that trite almost made my ears bleed, forsooth! (What they did was throw in random old english words here and there, it just sounded so tupid and out of place) Graphics were ok, but certainly not amazing. Performance was ok, but should have been better given the graphics. The story seemed to be ok, but I didn't get far enough through it to really know. I did play the game for about as long as Volourn did, just didn't go along the critical path. And I do have this to say for the game, it is open and you can go wherever you want whenever you want. I just didn't really want to go anywhere at all. My summary of it before was that I felt it took the worst design decisions made by Gothic 3 and Oblivion and combined them into one game, and I stand by that. So if one really liked both those games, maybe Two Worlds is worth checking out.
  14. It's hardly news though. It's been known for some time that Obsidian is working on two games for sega (well, not known maybe, but heavily suspected). And since they've claimed to be a three game company, working on one PC-game, one console-game and one multi-platform, it always seemed very likely that the unknown game would be the console one (with Aliens probably being multi and Masks being PC). So I'm not surprised in the least. So now the question is what their current PC game is?
  15. For sure. If they manage to capture the atmosphere of something like Gibsons Pattern Recognition (or in this case, I suspect, Sppok County which I haven't read yet) there is definitely no need to mix it up with magic or the like.
  16. Seeing as how Atari is a European company everything is as it should be then.
  17. The games I've seen installed on it have worked. I don't have 64 bit XP myself so I can't say for sure. But it should be ok with most I think. I'm sure someone with more knowledge will fin in the details soon.
  18. Fantastic expansion. So much better than Warlords that it's not even funny. I particularly like how corporations work. Also, the new tech tree and additional 100 turns make a huge difference in how the game progresses.
  19. Honestly, to me it doesn't look like you like the kind of RPGs Obsidian are known for at all. The examples of Dungeon Siege 2 and ToEE are games that are widely criticized on these boards for their lack of roleplaying. Personally I hope Obsidian stays away from those types of games and keep doing what they do best. That is not to belittle your opinion of course. It's just as valid as mine. And I'm not even saying those are bad games. I haven't played DS2 (although I hated the first one) and while I hated much of ToEE, I have to admit the combat was good. But to me it sound like what you're looking for are squad based tactical games like Fallout Tactics or Silent Storm (or Jagged Alliance 2 if you like older games). I really recommend you giving Silent Storm a try if you can find it. Fantastic game for anyone who likes squad based tacticals. So Is JA2, but it's a bit too old for me to be able to recommend it.
  20. Sort of like the ME style dialogue, but applied to all parties? Which is why I said I'm not sure I agree with it. The thing is, the dialogue mini-game is an entirely different beast than the combat mini-game. Since the player character is typically expected to be the leader of a party and the one making decisions for it, it does make a degree of sense that that's the person who does the talking. On the other hand a good leader knows how to delegate... The flip side to all of this is that if I as a player have full access to all my party members skills (and this holds true for every skill, not just conversation ones), it practically makes all skills meaningless. This since I'll pretty much will be able to have max value in each and every one of them. Maybe not EVERY one in a game like NWN2, but all the ones I'd use. Hell, I practically have the through ONE character in my current game, but that is a skill based character. I have no easy solution to the problem either, other than going non-party based. Character progression was a lot more meaningful in VtM:B compared to NWN2, or any party based D&D game for that matter. Meaningful choices and all that.
  21. That's because it's a Raptor. So yes, it's expensive, but if you can afford it it's totally worth it. Although isn't Raptor X the gamer edition with the clear cover? Which means they charge extra for something that only makes it look prettier? The regular edition is identical except for that and somewhat cheaper (although these days the difference is neglible afaik, at launch it was something like $50).
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