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About SumOfAllForms

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    (2) Evoker
    (2) Evoker
  1. Good point! That makes a lot of sense. The Play store has enough "maek it for free and I will give you five stars" reviews already, driving the rating down,
  2. You have a point that RotR Kyra is underpowered. My dog chewed up my Kyra character cards (OK - melee was poor there..) and so I play IRL games with cleric deck variant Kyra. This version starts with d10 strength and constitution (instead of d6) and an automatic +2 and magic trait added whenever she uses a sword.
  3. > This goes right over my head As if I play Kyra as a spearhead into difficult locations where her armour proficiencies and healing keep her alive until she's triumphed in a religious frenzy. It's playstyles and particularly team building which are so compelling about this game. OP hasn't got many team building options with two characters, but Obsidian did pick arguably the most fun and straightforward pair. Valeros and Seoni could be the obvious choices for new players, but Merisiel and Kyra are loads more fun. I enjoy playing Lini, but she takes time to understand, and for whatever reason I seem unable to keep Harsk alive for more than about five minutes :/
  4. > Kyra is a bad melee fighter and useless ranged fighter Them's fighting words
  5. No news incoming, but still loads of nuance to chew over. Is there an Obsidian or Paizo Discord server where you guys hang out?
  6. Hi; all minor stuff; and it's taken me a while to get screengrabs of these: GARBLED TEXT ON THE CHALLENGE SCREEN PERSISTENT LINE ON SCENARIO SCREEN JAGGED DROP SHADOW ON SCALING NUMBER (this is hard to see in a still) This is running on a chromebook; VER-1147-20180216 / PFID-44790C3075E8DA3B While I'm here, I'd like to lobby again for keyboard hotkeys, like the steam version!
  7. Thanks for the Tupdate! Gameplay feels peppier, and the layout tweaks make more sense. I've spotted a few (very minor) graphics bugs, which I'll try and screenshot when they pop up, if no-one else beats me to it. For myself, I feel the dev team are right to get RoR gameplay on point, rather than add loads more content, and potentially loads more bugs. The only things I'd personally like to see are keyboard shortcuts on Android (for Chromebooks and BT keyboards) and deeper team management options. Lastly, since Asmodee are fast becoming the Disney of board games, they probably to have the capacity and appetite to support you guys going forward. I hope so. Thanks again for looking after the players!
  8. That was a poor time to play that card.
  9. rdgoock - I love your character names - Obama lol. You got a Trump in the party?
  10. The party mechanics could certainly benefit from a quality of life refresh. The set up at the moment favours managing saved games over managing teams of adventurers, and I don't think that's how most of us are approaching the digital game. Jack Shade is right about inconsistencies around which character info is available from which menu, and I feel not having all the information easily to hand discourages thoughtful play. I'd like to see the keyboard shortcuts from the Steam version available on Android, to speed up play for us Chromebook and BT keyboard players, and an option to speed through dice rolls, transitions, shuffles and animations. Lovely as they are, I've seen them many, many times now...
  11. Hannibal, the Steam version has single letter hotkeys - [D] for "discard", [E] for "recharge", [R] for "reveal", [sPACE] for explore etc That would make Pathfinder a lot easier on a laptop configuration device.
  12. Quality of life suggestion here - could keybindings be added to the Android version of the Pathfinder app, as they are in Steam? Pathfinder is 100% compatible with Chromebooks, which is how I play, and it feels weird not to be able to use the keyboard. Bluetooth keyboard users on Android tablets would benefit too. Thanks!
  13. Here's an odd one - All the adventures, both completed and uncompleted alike, show with a lock icon onn the party screen. It's hardly a game breaker, but I'm sure it didn't used to do that...
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