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Everything posted by kgonzalez164

  1. It is extremely good. Except, the squad mate AI kinda sucks. But, it's very well put together and a very cinematic experience. On the hardest difficulty mode, it's extremely tough.
  2. Stranger in a Strange Land (uncut version) - Robert Heinlein
  3. I walked into one of their stores once because I like the look of the models and felt like getting a closer look and the guy working the counter tried to get me into it. He let me play a round, I guess...but the game is not compelling at all.
  4. I'd like to see an NWN MMO. I don't really see KOTOR working in the MMO sense.
  5. Played the beta. Didn't blow me away. I'm waiting for Age of Conan. That game better freakin' deliver.
  6. Red Orchestra is indeed great. You really have to hone your skills as a shooter to get any shots, and when you do get the shots they are way more satisfying then, say, Counter-Strike. I also like how the score card doesn't have a kill-to-death ratio. Instead, it's about how many points one acquires. Kills count, but flag captures count more. Though, in the end, I don't think any FPS will come close to the real thing. Unless they came with adapters that would do bodily damage as you got shot...
  7. Crysis Project Offset Spore Duke Nukem Forever
  8. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Quite excellent...though, I wish there were some skills to augment. I guess the artifacts do it...but..I just sell those NWN2 - Pretty good...had the game since it came out, but I'm barely on Act II in the single player campaign. Didn't backup my save file when I reinstalled Windows. Far Cry - Very good shooter. Very good engine.
  9. Like disco dancing?
  10. Good dialogue choices?
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