I would like to know too...
Apparently it is going to be a few lengthy hours.
Yeah, it would be fine if we were at least kept up to date on the status--I hate just waiting and refreshing the page. Could we at least be told if there will be an official announcement once it's fixed? Can we sign up for an email update when it's ready or something? The official announcement on the Obsidian site didn't even mention that there was an issue with the Linux patch and now it's been several days after the patch notes said a few hours
Thanks for the update! I can see the 1.1 download now, but it seems to be currupted. The download is only 17,4GB instead of the 20,3GB advertised on gog.com and when executing the download it fails with "Initial setup failed. Cannot continue.". I had the same issue with an early download of the 1.02 version of the game but it was fixed shortly afterwards ( https://www.gog.com/forum/pillars_of_eternity_series/poe2_patch_102_on_linux/post9 )
I can confirm the corrupt 17.4 GB download.