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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. Literature? All I meant was that she was a deep character in terms of how deep videogame characters can become. In fact, its proof right there that she is deep, when all of a sudden you have to compare her to characters created by Shakespeare. She has far more depth than other game characters such as Duke Nukem or Lara Croft, who's story is the usual "kill everyone just because" crap.
  2. Back on topic, there are 61 votes, and none for Zaalbar, poor wookie.
  3. This looks a lot like Atris, but evil:
  4. She looks a lot better in the artwork.
  5. Bastila was the deepest character in the game, and she was definitely not as annoying as you make her sound.
  6. mmmm... *Munch Munch* Tastes like doughnuts. I want more!
  7. The spamming campaign was in response to what Bioware had become. All it is is a den of n00bs and Woo ass kissers over there now. Sad really. I still laugh when I remember the Padme or Bastila thread.....those were good times. You got some real issues there.
  8. I think the funniest part was when his computer started screw-ing up. The ending was uhh... sad.
  9. are you still spamming? wow, get a life. as for the poll, already answered this dozens of times. Arg! Yeah, you and Ender tend to watch Bokishi very closley, ignoring all the other spammers around him! The both of you need to get a life and stop studying Bokishi! :angry: I've made many intelligent posts already, so cut it out!
  10. Hey! My Bastila thread is locked! Wazzup wit dat! I was trying to turn it around, and make it happy!
  11. You're right. I was actually hoping that the second KotOR was to take place 4,000 after the first starwars movie. Geez, I wonder what everything would it be like then? Probably jedi wookies and everything!
  12. This thread can have the smut, I'm trying to think of happy topics in the old Bastila pole.
  13. Let's turn this thread into something happy. C'mon, suggest things!
  14. I voted 100 this time because even if she doesn't come, there will probably be some mod that will put her in the game.
  15. I didn't mean for that to be posted twice. Heh, more spam.
  16. Your little immature campaign was not about KotOR! Therefore, it was 100% spam!
  17. Nope, wandering off-topic is called spam, just ask the BioBoards. P.S. C'mon 700 is a big deal! And it was only 699-700. Just two! You cannot compare that to all of the flaming that was going on here!
  18. Spam? From page 15 on-words, this thread was spam. You're spamming yourself when you are telling me that I spam. I was merely reminding people what this thread was about, when it looked like I was spamming. I was trying to remind people that this thread was about Bastila, not about Alexia's @$$. And I cannot see how 3 measly posts is as worse as all of the flaming, moaning and bickering that has been going on here for the past 20 pages. Amen.
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