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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. It's not even on Mars...
  2. The imps are less in ROE, but the vulgars spawn frequently and they suck like the imps.
  3. It's the same game, except the imps are replaced with the equally annoying vulgars. It has a grav gun but I find the g_dragentity cheat in the original far more entertaining.
  4. Overrated: Shaq Underrated: Boykins
  5. What resolution do you all play the FEAR demo on? I haven't tried it yet, but I heard that the devs recomend it on 1024 * 768 (..ick), even on the latest systems.
  6. I concur... Hillary in office... *shudder*
  7. Ghost uses his charisma for un-charismatic deeds.
  8. That's a very familiar texture to me. It usually shows up when textures are missing. Have you tried reinstalling? The decrypting files part can sometimes be a b1tch.
  9. Actually you can cast a shadow with a console command, but it's pretty stupid looking. You need to be able to see your legs (like in Halo 2) for the shadow to look proper.
  10. I'm looking forward to this and Lost Coast.
  11. I've had similar bad experiences when building a pc. I tend blame the store where I bought the parts from.
  12. I don't understand the order in that pic.. I mean first you're a tardo, and then you turn smart and then you vanish?
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