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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. I guess black lives don't matter to BLM
  2. In the 1860s, the slavers were democrats, and Lincoln (who freed the slaves) was a republican.
  3. Dang! Vega 20 is 7nm 32GB HBM2 1TB/s PCI-E 4.0, that's pretty next gen http://videocardz.com/63700/exclusive-first-details-about-amd-vega10-and-vega20
  4. I'd figure the opposite, as her dad Jon Voight guest speaks at Trump rallies
  5. A racist right wing irredeemable! Get in that basket with Pepe
  6. Irfanview allows me to stitch images together in sizes that just weren't possible with 32gb. I can have a 50 gigapixel raw image open in irfanview, and it takes up 40gb ram. Still room to go higher. Photoshop is a little snappier too, with more room to do stuff before having to rely on scratch disk. Helpful when manually seaming these gp shots together, and every little brush stroke is 4K sized Stitching is a little faster too, but maybe that's because I'm working off the NVME drive now
  7. His name also links to his amazon wish list. Hammer time https://archive.is/uPRfh
  8. Of course it's illogical. The point is that he was asking if he could strip the emails, which is what he originally wanted to do. When reddit told him that's impossible, he just went ahead and deleted them all
  9. 4chan and Reddit are the new FBI. I wonder if he's still alive...
  10. Stonetear.
  11. Huffington Post identified more voting factors in this election besides whites vs minorities http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_57dc4bece4b04a1497b491b6
  12. It doesn't help that a majority of her reddit supports are supposedly part of a SuperPAC
  13. Probably not terrorism
  14. The more you use green characters in memes, the more you promote green supremacy
  15. Possible lead http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/manhattan/nypd-vetting-tumblr-claiming-chelsea-bomber-manifesto-article-1.2796907
  16. Oh dear
  17. Intentionally setting off a bomb in a public place is called terrorism, no matter who does it. NYC mayor saying it's "intentional but not terrorism" is pretty out there. NY governor has overridden that statement and is calling it terrorism now though
  18. My friends voting Stien have already written this election off. They just want her to pick up enough steam and momentum for a 2020 run
  19. "Intentional but not terrorism" wheeeeee Wake up Hillary https://mobile.twitter.com/ABCLiz/status/777347015982415872
  20. Here's your Trump Slam http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/17/politics/donald-trump-new-york-city-explosion/index.html
  21. It was Pepe!
  22. Another one here too http://www.nbc29.com/story/33121180/charlottesville-fd-investigating-explosion-on-downtown-mall And a shooting in Minnesota http://kstp.com/news/st-cloud-police-crossroads-mall-report-shooting-stabbing/4267007/
  23. Amusing how many people are saying this here because when you look to more liberal websites they will claim the opposite. I.e. Complaints about how Clinton's health gets full coverage whereas Trump going to court for raping a child is barely touched on. Well to be fair, the media dismissed Clinton's health issues as conspiracy, until she flat-out collapsed on camera. There is not yet a video of Trump raping a kid, but if there was...
  24. And then she'll fall over
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