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Posts posted by mant2si

  1. Today I gave chance to single class Ghost Heart and was pleasantly surprised

    All their active skills is unique, usefully and very cheap
       * +10 acc, to all attack vs foe   | 1B
       * +20 acc, full attack                 | 1B  
       *  teleport with 60DM                | 1B
       *  -30 sec to foe buffs               | 1B
       * AOE immobilized with 80DM | 2B
       * 2x primary attack                   | 2B
       * AOE full attack                       | 3B

    I usually need only 2 skills from Paladin tree, 2 - 3 from Rogue tree, 2 from Fighter tree, 1 from Barbarian tree and at least ~6 from Rangers. So near no useless choices

    * All their passives is super usefully
      * +10 Accuracy
      * +10 Accuracy < 50HP
      * +1 projectile
      * +8 ranger deflection
      * +15 AOE defenses
      * +4 acc for range attack
      * +50% recovery while running
      * +20% reload speed
      * +50% chance to interrupt with any weapon
      * -10 Deflection for animal miss

    When most of the classes has only 1 or 2 strategy, rangers fight always unique, you don't relay on AOE one-shot or super high HP regen or deflection stacking, or infinity summons :D

    You can manage aggro via animal, you can manage your position with evasive roll, stack on HIT bonuses with Whirling Strikes or use Watershaper's Focus with Twinned Shot, or just kill all mages with 3x Thorny Roots ? Or maybe you need dispel enemies buffs with AOE weapon ? Restart fight with Shadowed Hunters. Stunlock boss ? Stunning Shots + Blunderbuss. Fight with single enemy ? Use Accurate Wounding Shot + with DW sabers. You even don't need worry about penetration because you will usually do crits with +50% to pen

    I can only hope that Obsidian will balance other classes as they balanced rangers

  2. I suggest you Assassin/Bleak Walker with 2x pistols - first attack from invise with crippling strike and second with Flames of Devotion (with Ring +10 to acc), you will  do ~ 300 DM, then you can use only Flames of Devotion to rise your full attack DM to ~400

    From Rogue side you need only x3 - x4 smoke veil and x2 - x3 crippling strike to apply ranger affliction

    The funniest pistol user with amazing animation :D 


  3. How is Fire godlike for Warlock? The racial skill could act like a warning for HP when i get bloodied/near death with Frenzy on (cant see hp with berserk)?


    I think Nature would be better, but my wizard was nature godlike and i want to try out something new. Also, is it ok dumping Res for this melee build? Is it important maxing dexerity?

    Flanked/Frenzied barb get -20 deflection + starts deflection is only 17

    • Like 1
  4. I suggest you - don't planining your strategy around deflection, i.e don't play as melee barb if your subclass doesn't has super High HP regeneration (Druid), (Fighter), or alternative survive mechanic (Priest)

    For range DPS/magic user you can combine barb with near any class

    Berserker/Wizard is good nuker, +2 Pen and good Attack Speed bonuses 
    If you like min/max game-play you can check my Shaman (https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103905-build-harbinger-of-doom-dark-shaman-solopotdroleplay/) build, this build has higher Carnage DPS with fists and very high DPS with fire priest spells

    • Like 1
  5. I just discoverd yesterday that the sword "Hel Beckoning" does the same as Grave Calling, but with spirits instead of vessels - and it summons a different kind of imp: instead of Grave Imps it summons . You can summon will-o'-whisps or phantoms and kill them with Hel Beckoning, creating Hel Imps. Unfortunately both types of imps doe the same damage type (corrode).


    Both weapons also belonged to the same character once (lore), so it's kind of cool to use both I guess.

    Yep, I tried to create Death Knight build (Fighter/Chanter) with them :D The biggest problem is your spirits HP, they have more than skeletons and you can't kill them with single HIT. But if you stacked +60% lash you will do really good DM and can kill skeletons from Many Lives Pass By, Each Leaving Footprints with single hit, which will be converted to Mob Stance full attack with High Damage Roll


    This build works on solo PotD, but didn't work well on solo DD/PotD I assume this is because skeletons have more HP   :(

  6. Not a lot :D

    You can equip cloak which scale with history
    You can equip grimoire that give you + 1 to all spells and helm that give you immune too interruption with at least 1 wound (kill Eder at game start and take his armor)
    Amulet +1PL doesn't stack with Potion +2PL, equip amulet that give you +10% to beneficial effects or +5 acc against vessel for Ukaizo fight 
    You can use food that give you +20% recovery speed and 4 might, because AS potion didn't stack with captain banquet
    From PET, take cat that give you +15% area DM
    From skill you can cast Pull of Eora to interrupt enemies mages


    For Ukaizo fight take Amaliorra to off hand 

  7. five man party comp/ what difficulty do you need to make the game challenging with this "fun" looking party comp?


    tank: two-handed wohai or WotEP wielding retaliation Holy Slayer Bleakwalker/Trickster

    healer/support: Troubadour/Lifegiver pocket healer & creature summoner

    aoe destroyer #1: Wizard/Streetfighter blightmachine

    aoe destroyer #2: Zerker/Priest of Magran? armageddon creator

    cc/debuff: Cipher (Ascendant)/Helwaker - "anything left to cc?" tagalong

    Haha, good joke :D Your enemies need +140 Deflection, +170 Reflexes, +170 Will, +170 Accuracy, 17 Pen

    Something like multiple Ukaizo's but with low HP and Invise skill + (Stride, Energized buffs) + Immunity to Fire


    They will f** your tank, and backlines and only Priest with Death Door will survive, but he can't do anything to fire immune guys


    But even if in game exist something like that - it's no matter, pick fighter/priest + cipher/priest cast pain link on fighter and reset buffs when needed

  8. ...

    Yes, I also found DW better against single target than 2H, but there exist exception - WotEP 2H sword with Riposte enhance, while all other 2H weapon requires at least 1 additional attack to generate focus - WotEP can generate focus without additional attack, as fighter you can stack pretty high deflection and as cipher you can lower enemies accuracy at least by -15 with L1 ability


    WotEP AOE riposte also very good synergy with Average Storm buff from Heaven Cacophony 


    I missed borrowed instinct, mental binding, phantom foes - from Cipher side, I assume this is because OP didn't max INT 


    If I have free time I will post  Devoted/Soul Blade for solo DD

  9. CW not working is unfortunate, I assumed it did. Guess all good things from PoE1 is gone.


    What should work will be Avenging Storm and Turning Wheel. Avenging Storm I am fairly certain can be integrated.


    Ofc if you talking about solo, anything that isn’t fast cast is not practical. But in a party setting, this char can be the last to reveal and have a few some seconds to itself to cast buffs and stuff.

    For solo you can use this combination only as first attack from invise then you need to use something else, so no AS on fight start, but i assume you can use shadow beyond rebuff and then repeat  :D 

  10. > Tanks for your opinion. If you have the time, would you help me to test it too?

    Sorry I don't want to be involved in mods development before Obsidian release last DLC, in each new patch they change at least 50% of game balance. Sometimes I playing with hardcore DD mod and don't use top tier Arcana and Poisons, game feel pretty harsh

    But for my point of view enemies DM can't change a lot :D

    > However, how can I check about the health regen ?

    I saw regenerated HP amount in combat log when Ukazio regens his HP

  11. >  I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic

    Nope. Wizards is OK that not sarcasm

    >  One of the biggest complaints about POE1 was that priests were basically 100% necessary in almost any viable party setup. Letting you pump arcana score so you can make characters into sort of "off-priests" seems like a good thing as far as opening up party configurations.


    And that sound logically :D You need priest to survive that his job, if you need inspirations just pick chanter with infinity spells. Priest should stay in middle of battle and call his god to protect, your party, you know that epic feeling when enemies spells can't do nothing to your party because god protect them, not because you inspire them to +5 Perception

     > I don't really use the crafting system myself. 

    OK. But Obisdian introduce this system for all players. For example I really upset when I release that my Druid MC is worsts than Assassin with Maelstrom Scroll. Did you feel good when assassin cast spell better than your caster or just try to ignore that thoughts ? I like roleplay and I like feel like guy who manipulate water/fire/rock and then I see maelstorm scroll in loot :D It laugh on me

  12. What about what I said makes you think "I'm not serious"? It is hilariously easy to spam kill basically anything in the game. POE1 wizards are ridiculously overpowered. If they have even an inch of space and a full spellbook, they can free-spam massive AOE spells that can dps+cc mobs simultaneously. Just because something takes longer to beat because it has a longer health bar does not mean it's any more difficult.


    Magic in Deadfire is a lot more tactical because it's removed that spamming mentality, magic is strong but it needs to be used properly. Literally playing the games back to back as a wizard, as I have, makes the difference in the actual nuance of spellcasting between the games fairly clear.


    I'm not sure about Druids, but judging by Hiravias/Takehu, the class never really seemed all that interesting to me to begin with. I don't find either of them very fun or interactive to play, and as far as contributions to a fight it kind of feels like they're barely even there.

    But PoE 2 wizards is OK, they have grimoiries, self buffs which stack with everything else, different spells that have different game mechanics, they even has grimoire that give them +1 to all spells and with empower they can cast x4  time each spell level exclude L9 and reach PoE 1 spell amount for high tier spells


    Game has big problems with priests and druids:


    At first Obsidian kills druids by give players all their top tier spells as cheap scrolls alternative

    At second they kills priests by stupid buff stacking and inspirations systems


    And after all that they give them only 1 set of same spell, you just spam same spells AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN .... At first there no difference between druids and priest, you just craft  3 - 4 scrolls and  you have any class + best druid/priest spells


    - - - - - - 


    I can say for sure that Priest maybe the strongest class in the game BUT .... because of damage spells, you just click one button and watch how enemies die. Did I like this ? Nope

    • Like 2
  13. You need:

    MAX Might 
    MAX Int

    Arcana 9+

    Cleric spells

      * Death Door
      * Salvation of Time

    Deltro's Cage Helm x1
    The Red Hand x1
    Scroll of Chain Lightning x1



    Enchant Red Hand with +2% DM
    Kills 20 guys with Red Hand
    Equip Deltro's Cage Helm & Scroll of Chain Lightning


    Find group of enemies
    Put Death Door
    Cast Scroll of Chain Lightning (ask Zeus for blessing)

    Feel free to eliminate your enemies with +100% electric lash 

    P.S What to mix with your Cleric ?

    Wizard - Don't need any scroll, can use same technique from L16 again and again
    Helwalker - Can increase your lash to +200 + 20% from passive + bonus to int each meteor can do 350+ DM
  14. Deadly Deadfire | Jadaferlas, Ancient Dragon


    Set play speed at least to x2 

    50% HP: 5:00
    Equipment: 7:35
    Carnage damage: 10:00 (I do ~ 26 - 30 per hit)


    This fight was very tough because Dragon immune to Fire and has 17AR vs Crush damage, but in current patch Harbinger of Doom still met minimal requirements for Solo PotD with DD and can win near any fight


    That sadly how classes with unlimited resources, deflection/accuracy/penetration passives, cheap full attack, summons overcome all other classes
    You can compare this fight with my Seer build fight, to understand why unlimited resources, +30 ACC, and summon make all fights feels like cakewalk. 
  15. Well, the first island doesn't really represent the difficulty of potd right now. It is harder then anything else u will encounter simply because u are stuck with very few options. Once u get out into the open world and u can make choices on where to go and what to do the game suddenly becomes a a lot easier. Port Maje is a teaser of what POTD should have been. Although I do not really agree with how the difficulty of port maje is achieved here or in any other game (giving AI more stats to screw with ur dices) it seems to be the only way for obsidian to increase difficulty. Because the AI is world class stupid!

    Yes I agree. But even if AI is very stupid obsidian can make each fight unique, I assume that they can summon/put more enemies on some condition, they can use different game mechanics ... I don't understand why they work only on Ukaizo fight and skip everything else



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  16. Its exceptional only and the damage buffed has been nerfed to 5% :(


    Well, at least the modal is indeed nice.


    You can stack curse to +26%DM and upgrade club to legendary version


    There is another unique club called Kapana Taga which is pretty good imo

    I love Shattered Vengeance because of +26% damage to all source for unlimited time

  17. Magistrate's Cudgel - cool look and +10ACC to all attack include spells, such power :D
    Shattered Vengeance  - single legendary club, very good modal and +25% DM to all attack is too god
    Marux Amanth - Double priest spell cast  (Sometime this **** proc on  Storm of Holy Fire :D), and single ability in the game that can restore mage spells by killing enemies mages
    Bare fists - 3S recovery + 13 - 19 Damage roll

  18. Fire Dragon is respectably hard with deadly deadfire mod and may be immune to fire?

    At lower level before you get lol priest storm something like the lighthouse on Hosango may be difficult too unless you equip defensive things or so if you can kill stuff fast with barring death's door on, or just level up past 16 to make take on that fight when you have salvation of time. 

    When I started thinking about your words I found super easy strategy that can help you eliminate any boss. This strategy didn't directly related to my build because I really like death-godlike, and I don't want to switch it to someone else 


    You need to switch your MC race to human and pick Warding Seal, equip Deltro's Cage Helm and kills 20 guys with Red Hand. Cast Frenzy and put seal under your feet, wait for 200DM tool-tip, switch to Modwyr, switch to any weapon with good AS, cast Salvation of Time, and destroy your enemy


    You can even take Mantle of the Seven Bolts + Lord Darryn's Voulge 


    You will lose 3PL and COOL look and some role-play value, but if you prefer min/max solution human will be much better. I also think that this combination will be too OP and will break your game completely because it's no matter how much DM/HP/DEFENSES/ACCURACY your enemies have, only Arcane Dumper can distract you, but you has invise, escape and you can always cap you will to 160 - 200, if obsidian decide to add more same game mechanics 


    On weekends, I  will prepare some Ukaizo battle explanation :D And record Firedragon fight

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