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Posts posted by mant2si


    Maybe Dirty Fight give you more than +10% hit -> crit ? Maybe you select Orlan race and take skill that give you +5% hit -> crit :D What weapon did you use for Devoted and what for Rogue ? 


    Is everything same and only difference in class ? Devoted could give you +15 to acc (+5 from Perception buff and +10 from Stance)

    I use fists and Grave / Mins. I read that the devoted gets fist as prof. anyways.


    With fists i get 86 ACC and with Sabres 84 ACC with Level 14. The gear is identically with monk / rogue, besides i don't have nemnok's cloak yet.


    OK, then I suppose there only difference in kill speed :D As devoted you need to do at least x2 more hits to kill something, this cause x2 more hits :D Why ? Because game engine not 100% random, according this forum posts if you has 10% chance to miss you will miss each 10 hit, so if you have only 50%  chance to crit, then during Devoted fight you will do at least more 50% hits i.e you has +50% chance to lost your mortification :D


    The same reason why during fight enemies with 1% chance to can crit you 1 - 2 times per fight, for low accuracy characters this system pretty good 

  2. The Priest of Woedica subclass for priest is really good, maybe better than wael or skaen, but too bad it is only accessible through the console. 

    May be... Their summon weapon scaled with fists skill and do additional raw damage. What else do you found useful from Woedica ? I also think that Wael not very good for this build at first for RP, at second you will lose Escape, x3 Full attack with +10 ACC and L7 skill + I never use +Deflection skills

  3. @man2si:


    Don't know if you're aware of this but there is Slack Channel dedicated for modders. Could be helpful.



    And the names I see popping up who gives good advise are peardox and Zap For Hire. Not sure about this, but the changes might involve decompiling the core files (it is dll assemblies on win, not sure what format they exist on other OS). And the said posters can definitely help.

    Thanks, I  don't want decompiling something :D I mostly image a series of small changes that will make game more fun, the problem with big game such as PoE II, I can't record  and develop all changes alone, last time when I installed mods for Baldurs Gate I installed manually  over 400 tweaks (I can't install them automatically because some of tweaks can break game balance, because modders sometimes didn't understand game mechanics in deep)

  4. You can check my https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103905-build-harbinger-of-doom-dark-shaman-solopotdroleplay build. I made it for Deadly Deadfire mod but you can play on normal PotD without Storm of Holy Fire spell (this change will made this build 100% melee)

    This build has 10PL in near death state (same as pure Barbarian) and has maxed carnage DM you can found carnage formula in https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103685-mechanics-barbarian-carnage-testing. With fists carnage can hit with 30DM and for more than 3 enemies this build overcome even street-fighter x/ build in DPS


  5. ...

    Oh yes, never cast salvation on buffs that already has increased duration, that why I written about potion -> skill chaining. Always increase potion duration because potion will give you +25% to all damage


    There also existed some stupid protection that prevent you to drink potion directly after salvation, so you need second skill with near death mechanic



    Barring Death's Door + Salvation of Time

    Hmm very interesting...how long was it lasting?



    highly depending on ur Int but u can have ~40sec x2 of immortality per fight. My Zealot played around with this.


    I can chain with about 4 minutes with potion of last stand, check 10 min Fire Dragon Fight


    1 Nemnok Cape - 20 Sec

    1 Potion - 20 Sec - Salvation of Time + 20 Sec

    2 Death Door - 20 Sec

    2 Potion - 20 Sec - Salvation of Time + 20 Sec

    3 Death Door - 20 Sec

    4 Potion - 20 Sec - Salvation of Time + 20 Sec

    5 Death door 20 Sec




  7. I'd like it if healing multiplier applied to the healing generated by dmg to healing conversions. Would make Concenhauts draining staff a lot more interesting in certain builds. As well as the chanters dmg to healing chant.


    I'd like it if single class characters recieve more resources. As of right now too much is too heavily favouring multiclassing.


    I'd like it if backstab were reworked into a multiplying modifier instead of additive so it remains viable throughout the game, a raw lash for example. (obviously not 100% tho :p)


    I'd like it if Corpse Eaters could "loot" meat from eatable enemies and use as consumables in combat for the same effect as using the skill.


    I'd like it if Ciphers could use their spells on themselves that could before only target allies, such as painlink and painblock for example.

    Very cool ideas, but this look  like game mechanic changes :D Only cipher spells can changed to self target, there already existed mod on nexus. 


    When I written about changes I mean for example add quick slot from Arms Bearer because now this ability pretty useless and no-one pick it




    I didn't double-check.


    It does not. :)


    But it seems that Sharpshooter's + Barbaric Blow's or Accurate Wounding Shot's ACC, combined with high accuracy of the ranger, leads to a lot of crits even without Berserker's Frenzy.

    But  Frostseeker is just a joke when compare it with your Watershaper's Focus  + Twin Shot combo 



    There was no twin shot, it was a multiclass. Also frostseeker + Twin Shot is very far from a joke.


    I suggest to play as pure ranger, that why I written about Twin Shot :D Frostseeker + Twin Shot give us 120 DM from projectiles and ~ 150 AOE


    Did you test Watershaper's Focus combo :D It increase DM for each enemy in AOE which can produce over 400 AOE


    * No Nerfs only improvements

    You do realize that if you solve everything by buffing players it means you'll have to buff monsters a ****ton too? While nerfs aren't popular, if you have a chair with one leg longer than the others, it's far smoother to shorten that leg than to lengthen the other three and raise the table ;)


    Yes, but I written only about pure classes and only about abilities that currently useless for example Ram's Sprint barbarian upgrade


    I also written that planning to increase HP pools and maybe add some triggers for boss like enemies, not sure if this possible, but something like Nemnok Cloak abilities or unique items with non-drop flag


    But I can't do this alone ... there to much abilities, items that need buff and updates so I asked community if some interesting creating list with changes that will make  game funnier 

  10. I didn't double-check.


    It does not. :)


    But it seems that Sharpshooter's + Barbaric Blow's or Accurate Wounding Shot's ACC, combined with high accuracy of the ranger, leads to a lot of crits even without Berserker's Frenzy.

    But  Frostseeker is just a joke when compare it with your Watershaper's Focus  + Twin Shot combo 

  11. No, but they reduced recovery penalty and increased attack speed - which is both the same (for dps numbers) as raising base damage.

    But that not 100% true, Furious Call the best pet ability, do Primary attack DM it's no matter how fast you hit if you can't overpen armor and done at lest 30 DM per hit. The same history with Brutal Takedown

  12. For example paladins all their skills between L3 and L9 didn't bring anything interesting to your game-play


    Few buffs and one useless resurrection spell, even if we only convert all paladins spells to self point AOE something like auras, this will make more sense than single target buff
    We can reduce paladin resurrection cost to 2 zeal and make ability hit paladin with 50 raw damage, instead of 150 for pure companion

    We can add more offensive skills, or create some kind of dark paladin with debuffs instead of buffs


  13. While Obsidian is not in a hurry to re-balance game (just look at last 3 patches), I offer community to create topic with changes that they think will improve game combat mechanic and class balance and make game fun

    But before we started let's limit our suggestions with some rules

    * No new mechanics. Modders can't change engine mechanics, so suggestion should reuse some existed mechanic or just has some number tweaking
    * No Nerfs only improvements
    * No AI changes
    * For classes we will balance only single classes (I'm sure we can't balance all existed multi-classes)
    * For combat, only simple combat mechanics

    For example:

    Make all class achieve at least 50% recovery bonus, 120 ACC, 120 DEFL,  ... to make fights faster, interesting and stable
    Make all martial classes has some way to refund their resource
    Add more martial skills to Druid, Wizard, Cipher
    Remove useless abilities and skills from skill trees
    Better animal companions
    Unique spells from scrolls

    Make bosses same as they was in PoE I, high deflection, lower HP, fun AOE
    Add more bosses, change some numbers and skills for existed enemies
    Add more mustistage fights like Ukazio

    What do you think does community need something like that ? I will have some free time in the end of next moth and want to create some fun game mod :D

  14. I suppose that they working only on DLC balance and don't interesting in re-balancing existed things :D

    They can't re-balance existed stuff in new DLC, so no class re-balancing coming in near future, maybe after 2 - 3 months ... pretty sad, but at least they gave us some basic modding support

    The challenges (beside Berath) also look very strange, removing pause from CRPG :D Maybe will be better make game start after 5 million "Skip Intro" button clicks - this will be real challenge

  15. What would be a good multiclass for Ranger? I want to make a custom adventurer to accompany my Barbarian. I also have Maia in my party as the gunner. I would like the custom adventurer to use the frostseeker. Sort of like another dps

    I prefer pure rangers, because as multi-class you will miss Stunning Shots, AOE attack and Twin Shot


    P.S Even Rangers multi classing balanced very well, you get all cool skills only as pure ranger, but good utility skills and accuracy bonus as multiclass

  16. Rangers have lots of good abilities, but I wouldn't say they're particularly interesting, at least not until PL 7. Not particularly uninteresting, either - certainly Wounding Shot spam is no more boring than FoD spam, and they have the added micro of the pet in any case.


    But yeah, until PL 7-8, you're pretty much a less-complicated rogue with a pet.

    Rogues doesn't have any AOE abilities, when rangers have full attack AOE with same price as crippling strike. In fact rogues can't do anything than DPS


    Why would they balance other classes to the lowest common denominator :p all kidding aside, judging by the poll on this forum, Ranger is widely considered the worst class in this game (I believe the votes were around 30%).


    As far as interesting I personally think they are the least interesting after trying a number of combinations.

    Huh, so you never saw how rangers stack +30% DM lash with +20 accuracy from single skill and then one shot queen & co  :D

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