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Posts posted by mant2si

  1. Perfect class combo to take advantage of this is probably Ranger/Rogue, with accurate wounding shot spamming and deepwounds.

    I tested Ranger, and all ranger skills work correctly (they will be dispel on Streetsweeper hit). Even spells like Shining Beacon doesn't give you more DPS. You need stack-able skill like Deep Wound i.e skill which DPS can be changed overtime, for this type of abilities I assume PoE use dynamic  formula, which you can abuse to produce more DPS


    All Ranger skils non-stackable :(


    I don't even know why disintegration use this type of formula, disintegration should work as shinning beacon 

  2. Thanks for sharing that amazing found, now Ranger + new 2H axe modal  + WW and then switch on Street-sweeper + WW produce stupid amount of damage :D + I assume that Barbarian blood storm also has good synergy


    I forget enable DD mod :D This trick works only on abilities that do fixed amount of damage per x time, for example disintegration, Ranger DoT work's correctly



    Well, I'm sure there are weapons that synergize well with the Marauder. 


    Of-course :D But Marauder doesn't bring you anything new from L1 :D Only numbers, that why I don't  like classes like this, but if you enjoy high DPS, I will prefer 2x sabres, one that give you accuracy on hit and second one that give you cold lash on hit

  4. If you like different weapon and play with different weapon mechanics, I offer to change class to Ghost Heart. On L8 you will get the best martial skills in the game, just pick it any test with different weapon

    2 x weapons with on crit bonus will give you max bonus on too WW
    Watershaper focus will melt group with > 4 mobs at single TW 
    I posted Blunderbuss strategy for melting bosses
    I posted 1x hand + minor blight to melting large gropus
    New 2H axe with modal look very cool 
    Check Frostseeker builds

    Streetfighter/x combos is good on numbers, DM, attack speed ... but it can't overcome good synergy between class & weapon 

  5. ...


    Too much micro :( Party above abuse a lot of meta mechanics, each of this party member can solo game by self


    Streetfighter/Devoted - Unbending + 2 x Sabers (AI) - Will survive in any situation because of Unbending 

    Monk/Paladin - Armor stacking/Small Monk Shield + Fists (AI) - Will survive in any situation because of Armor and Deflection stacking

    Troubadour/Paladin - Heal (AI) - Will survive in any situation because of healing stacking and summons

    Priest of Skaen / Berath (Death Godlike) - The strongest pure nuker  (Player) - ON L8  skill need single spell to melt anyone


    If you like some fun combo, pick pure barbarian instead of Streetfighter, and make him survive with Death Door priest spell



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    15 arcana = 2 Adra Potion + 2 Blessing + 1 Gloves + 2 (Consumable) + 8 (Level)


    5x Potion of invise to skip fights and cast scrolls

    Scroll o Withdraw + Scroll Maelstorm or did something changed

    You can also summon Banshee 

    don't you need sapphires for maelstrom scroll? and last i tested at least on deadly deadfire scrolls even with high arcana were not that good anymore. 


    No mod run :D OK - any scroll with good AOE - summon skeletons -> cast scroll -> repeat


    Sound like Soul Annihilation ? :D It's damage displayed separately from original attack but in log displayed as bonus DM from main attack

    Yeah, as does deep wounds. Character I had these weird results with was trickster/unbroken.


    What will happen if you will try do dispel DoT with Veilpiercer ? Maybe -10SEC to hostile effects trigger DoT trigger with summary DM xD For example if game calculate summary DoT damage as 50 DM for 10 SeC ~= 5DM/SEC or ~ 15 per 3 Sec, when you set DoT timer to 0 it will do all damage at once :D

  8. I will put in next few days my new Itinerant of Berath solo PotD/DD build. This is role-play build with Lawful Neutral, "Judge", Pale Elf character with Ghost Wolf pet :D  This build used both melee and range weapons and doesn't need to max History/Intimidate skills

    It is some kind of my previous BDD build https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103905-build-harbinger-of-doom-dark-shaman-solopotdroleplay/, but more friendly for early game and because of Ghost Heart has some micromanagement flour

    And of-course as Priest of Berath you has GOOD reason to follow Eothas

    Feel free to build it by yourself :D

    • Like 1
  9. I wish there was a two handed blunderbuss!! :D

    Nope :D Xefa's Empirical Explication  with Twinned Shot - Produce 16 Avenging Storm procs + 8 Normal Attack + 8 Driving Fligh. I assume that with Kitchen Stove you can add additional 16 procs and 16 projectile attacks


    In second hand Amaliorra  +15 ACC vs Vessels +20% DM, give you no recovery each second hit


    I know. Still funny. Remember Direballs and Buttercut? :lol:


    @mant2si: you can edit your thread title if you click on Edit-->Use Full Editor (right besides "Save Changes"). There you can also alter the title. :)

    Thanks, fixed 

    • Like 1
  10. Haven't actually tested it myself, but multi hit weapons (Frostseeker, Blunderbuss, etc.) only get the bonus on the first projectile to land, so presumably it's the same.


    I know that, but I asked - what will happen if I will return to invise before first projectile hit target ? Does all projectile receive bonus ? Does you leave from Invise ? Does only single projectile will receive bonus ? 


    Same question for per tick spells  how they interact with Assassin that currently stay in invise ? 

  11. Assassinate and Backstab both only count for the first hit. So using a high damage two hander (which usually have the highest dmg per hit) is the best option. I think arquebus is one of the best options there is (because the modal can make sure you really crit - it gives you +20 ACC). 


    With Assassinate however also AoE spells that roll all attacks at once (Fireball for example - so no jumping stuff) wil profit from +PEN, +ACC and +crit damage if you cast from stealth or invisibility. It's pretty powerful - especially if you combine it with Empower.



    What will happen if I will cast Storm of Holy Fire / Chill Fog and then return to invise ? What will happen if I will do a projectile attack and then return to invsie  ? Did each projectile / spell tick will receive assassinate bonus or will be enough to cast this spell from invise ?


    +20 ACC and +4 Pen will make any tick spell pretty OP. While I didn't found any good solo druid build for DD mod yet, Assassin/(Shifter or Animist) with new animancer bow/Two hand sword (that heal on kill) can has good chance to win enemies like Ukaizo free summons and +20 ACC to Poisons with Morning Star modal will give you good chance to apply spells/poisons even with 170 Fortitude targets


    Did poisons receive accuracy bonus ?  


    Well, I planned on doing this build in a party, but I didn't know about Int behaving like that in regards to Rogue DoTs. I'd be worried about the duration on the Afflictions, though I suppose the PL scaling helps with that as well. Plus I do kind of like the idea of maxing Resolve, because playing a fearless character definitely appeals - though playing a smart one has a certain degree of appeal as well. 


    Check it by yourself and decided what you prefer more :D

  13. Before I go ahead with this, I'm curious as to what everyone thinks - would it be better to go for higher Might for Might related dialogue checks and 30% compared to 15% bonus damage, or more Constitution for 460 max HP at level 20 compared to 386? 

    I don't know why but I much more prefer defensive setup :D

    I don't think that you really need berserkers, all their bonuses exist as potions alternative (at least for melee setup). For solo/duo marauder builds I usually pick no-subclass barbarian

    I never max int, because it cause rogue dots do less DPS and 15SEC for Frenzy is pretty enough


    Instead of INT I max Resolve

    Instead of MIG I put all points to Constituion


    So I usually try to stack as much as possible deflection +10 From Resolve + 7 (From Cloak of Greater deflection) + 10 from (Casità Samelia's Legacy ) + 8 Dagger Modal (Pukestabber) + 4 (2x ring of minor deflection) + 3 (From resolve Drug) + 10 (From Hylena Food for no-rest run) = 105 - 110 Deflection. Why ?  Because this stop enemies to over-pen your armor with crits


    Fire godlike + Barbarian passive + Belt (Blunting Belt) + Potion of Shield will give you enough armor to survive in any fight without carrying  about enemies DM

    As primary weapon I used Scordeo's Edge to make it stack enough accuracy

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