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Everything posted by triCritical

  1. To be quite frank Gromnir, there was no reason for why SM's, or Ghouls should have even been in FO2. FO1 had the ghouls pretty much wiped out, and the same goes for the SM's. So why put them in FO2? Its quite simple really, because that it was the Mad Max fans wanted. The same goes for the Death Claw party member, and the car. Of the 100's of races in the Star Wars universe, in which at least 5, or 6 could have been intergrated as playable races. Unlike FO2 and FO3, you don't have to make up a contrived story of why they are even in the game, much less why they are playable characters. Honestly, I think a better analogy, would be that in BG2 we should have been allowed to play lichs and zombies because that is what SM's and Ghouls were akin to in Fallout.
  2. Uh, I edited the post that you quoted to. You weren't suppose to look so fast. My computer is acting like a 286, on a 2000~ kbps modem, so there should be plenty of typos. Sorry if the point is completely obliterated in typos and unchecked english.
  3. This is absolutely the only reason I suggested it. Mainly because blaster are indeed nerfed, but no where near as nerfed as is the Jedi. The light sabre is capable of next to nothing, that it is capable of in literature and movies. Hence, why the need to play a jedi, if I am going to have to lock pick skill anyway, since I just can't use my light sabre to cut down the door? Well keep in mind that you don't play a Jedi in the beginning, and at some point you are forced to STOP multiclassing with non-jedi classes and forced to only pick jedi classes. I would have liked an approach, which offered more freedom and allowed you choose from the six classes in the beginning. Those that chose from Jedi classes would have probably been hindered during progression on Taris, because to be frank, it was the only planet done with the ability to roleplay a characters ability. I guess that answers my question about why all the planets after Taris were lackluster. Oh well.
  4. Big difference, 1) Ghouls and mutants are'nt races. Ghouls are set to be extinct and die, while SM's are created in a vat. In Star Wars there are actually plenty of species that are indigenous to their own home planet. FO just has humans as races. Heck to make SM's, the master of mutants needed humans, so in reality SM's are nothing more then modified humans. Same argument for ghouls. Not to mention they made up probably less then 0.01% of the existing population (thats small). 2) D20 is a class based system. And lets not pretend that races do in fact predispose you to a particular class. Hence races in a D20 Star Wars fits because they min/max you're character, and we all love munchkinism, or martyrism whatever you're preference maybe. While SPECIAL is a classless system and as LH showed the races ended up creating classes, a job previously created left to traits and tagging.
  5. I would say that they strive for individual hegemony based on divine principles and anarchical rule, rather then amoral instincts honed by 1000's of years of evolution.
  6. Good post, and Korriban was no exception to the rule. As a matter a fact KotOR was to D20 DnD as Korriban is to the abyss. It was just a refuge for chaotic evil DnD fiends. Anyhow, that is Bioware in a nut shell. Every epic has to either have you slay ancient red wyrm, or take a visit to the abyss. The trouble with Bioware is they are truly clueless when it comes to shades of off good and basically make good and bad discrete.
  7. Uh, you! OMG ITS NOSTERDAMUS!!!!! Dude, you're not bringing anything constructive to the discussion. (EDITED)
  8. No one is telling you to not to play a jedi. choice = a sufficient number and variety to choose among Don't confuse me with PLIN the FASCIST!
  9. Actually I don't think. Again, I don't think. You know there are far more games I praise then I bitch at. Hell people can probably name all the games that I bitch at, whereas no one could probably venture all the games I absolutely love. PS:T, is hardly my beloved. And the nameless one is blank slate that starts as a fighter. However, you can easily turn into a mage, or a thief. I am not familiar with the planescape setting, so I don't know what other classes it could have provided. My kids are probably more mature then you, and you are calling me a baby? Anyhow, I change enough diapers every week to want to actually have that happen to me. But anyway, there are a lot of people who seem to like my suggestion, and since I am basing my suggestion off, THE CORE STAR WARS CRPG RULES!!!!!11111!!! Then it sort makes sense why someone would want that in a STAR WARS CRPG!!!!1111 Didn't BIS add more options to Snowblinds BGDA? I think its only natural to expect the same from BIS/Obsidian. People making such poor analogies should not be calling other people an idiot. I have never heard of you're sorry arse, where is all this hostility coming from? Anyway, for those who of us who actually care to read, I think it has been stressed already that if the game is in late development then all this is a moot point. Why don't you do the same. Keep in an open mind that is. Maybe he wants a job where he does not have to be worried about getting laid off, or paying too much in taxes, but just enjoys playing them and giving his opinions during development. Don't be a forum fascist. Do you know that you are bitching about bitching?
  10. For no other reason then it would be nice to play something different. I remember a guy name Sir Bob on the old IWD boards asking if someone had a Fiend Folio because one of his players wanted to play some obsure plant???? Of course that is bordering lunacy. Yes, but mainly because of engine limitations, I imagine. I hope you are wrong...
  11. There is always room for a lot of dialogues, if you seek them out. Though you should always have the option to tell the NPC, that you are talking to, to go to hell and leave you alone. I think you missed my point on how in PS:T dialogue was used to make the IE more interactive. It was just not in talking, it was in other things too. PS:T had the most interactive environment then any of the IE games, but the way it was made interactive was through the dialogue window. For instance, when you went to the sensory crystals or whatever, you were able to percieve sense, through the use of dialogue. The point is you were able to interact physically and emotionally without ever talking to anyone through the use of the dialogue menu, and this is what set PS:T apart from the other IE games. With the 3D engines a lot more interaction is possible without having to actually write tons of dialogue to explain what is happening, or to walk you through the steps, although KotOR, did seem to resort to that way too much.
  12. I would like to play a character like Bobofet (sp?). And that also answers this,
  13. OK, not pong, but Super Mario Brothers. Very cliche and poorly told.
  14. This is not the point. However, a point could be argued that Fallout, in its day, was a better CRPG because resources were not wasted making a gambling mini-game. Suffice it to say, Fallout's combat, character creation as well as character development system are much more fleshed out then KotOR's. And the talking heads were analagous to KotOR's lip syncing, bascially pointless crap that gives ego's bragging rights.
  15. And you couldn't do this if Pazaak wasn't a mini-game? In other words, in Fallout I could spend all my time gambling, and spend all my money, and there was no gambling mini-games. Hence, you can still flesh out you're gambling character, without wasting resources on sub-par software.
  16. Story is overrated. Games should be fun and exhibit fun gameplay as well as general mechanics. In a Nicomachean way games should be best at bringing to life there primary goal. In KotOR, I was not sure what the game was trying to do, an adventure game with a story, or a combat intensive hack and slash CRPG? The former was done well, but the latter was done much worse. The problem was a good deal of time was spent doing the former. As the lead designer of KotOR2 once said, paraphrasing, if the game itself is bad, it won't matter how good the story is, the game will be ass. I think a weak story and fun game like PONG still has merit, whereas, the oppositte, FINAL FANTASY WHATEVER, doesn't.
  17. While I thought Arcanum's dialogue was good, I did think ToEE's was bad. Anyhow, the writing I was intending to compliment was BIS, so if I said Troika, it was a mistake. Anyhow, MCA is suppose to be the lead design on KotOR2, and he as well as others in BIS contributed to some of the best dialogue I have ever heard in games. I do disagree with some of his lead design elements, such as those intended for FO3, but I can't disrespect the dudes writing.
  18. I would love to see Jefferson's reputation system implemented in a CRPG, hopefully this one.
  19. Only that when it comes to Bioware games, combat is the most critical aspect of the games. You mentioned that it was critical, and this is my way of saying no sh!te. Huh, what does this have to do with Mini-games. Do you believe KotOR was the first game to have gambling. Hell Fallout had a gambling skill, and yet no large resources were invested in making FO casino games, New Reno style... That is just stupid to suggest, that gambling should be put on hold because their are more important things you're character is doing. Talk about missing the point. NIce, three sentences and you said absolutely nothing. Are you a politician by any chance? OK, yes Pazaak could be party of the story line, like the Sith Lord is secretly a Pazaak addict and you need to brake his addiction. Of course you never need to play Pazaak to do this. But why would anyone want to make Pazaak part of the story line. The best thing about Pazaak is that its optional, and for all intents and purposes, if you feel the need to play a silly card game, just head to the local cantina. BTW, you could not make playing pazaak part of the storyline, with it being optional, or could you??????? Like what?????? Given that I am completely unoriginal, I think I am pretty much only guilty of wanting stuff that has been in other CRPG's Hence, the word unrealistic, should not really apply. Are you insulting me? Fallout r0xxx0rs ya momma, BIAAAATCH!!!!!
  20. One is optional. EDIT: The number 1 is not optional, just one mini game. Ironically, the most accepted one.
  21. Why, are they mutually exclusive? I am not too concerned about dialogue, for reason I will explain slightly later. And I don't care, which races are playable. It would just be nice to play some other races. I have played Star Wars RPG before, and honestly KotOR did not do it justice. Just look at the Star Wars RPG home page at Wizards, and you'll see that not only is species part of the game, but the KotOR is more watered down then Budweiser. Sue me for wanting the more then the typical tripe known as console CRPG. Anyhow, if there is not enough time to do it right then its a moot point. However, it would have been nice, especially considering how other party members were aliens, so why not you. Honestly, the dialogue wasn't that good. I have never thought Bioware dialogue to be particularly good, whereas even in a less then average game like IWD2, MCA's dialogue on Targos still shines through. My point is that the dialogue without question will be superior to its prequel's dialogue. Hence, why I wasn't to worried about it. The publisher does the QA if not mistaken. There is plenty of stuff already compromised. If they were to make Wookies a playable race, making it so that dialogue, if its analogous to FO2 retard, would be the suspension of disbelief. I mean I am already forced to believe that while I can jump 40 feet in through the air in combat I have very little control over, I cannot jump over a 1 foot curb??? There is more to a game then dialogue. I think a better reason for not having a wookie, is that the only wookie I have ever seen in a star wars movie was a side kick, that they are generally too stupid to be the main role. However, this should not deter Obsidian from considering other races, if it is indeed possible.
  22. Well in a good CRPG, like Arcanum, the race would have drastic effects on the game. For instance, just about everyone will treat you differently and quest can be solved differently. Er, despite having Arcanum high on my favourites list, the racial differences weren't that drastic in the game. If you played a socially unacceptable race (such as a Half-Orc or Half-Ogre), you still had the chance to beg, grovel or otherwise convince people to look differently at you, sometimes without stats determining their acceptace of you, and to have NPCs give you quests. Remember, if you were socially unacceptable and ugly, but intelligent, you could still get quests. Not using the word drastic would have been more appropriate.
  23. Does this mean you don't have to mess around with the non-jedi classes? I guess this would be better then starting off a non-jedi and later being forced to be a jedi. I have not read the article, and have not followed the development, I am just excited at the potential for a good CRPG, which was not a tactical combat game.
  24. Its hard to have choices when the game offers very little in options. I am not trying to play semantics here, but I equate choices to options and you did say this. If you don't have choices/options and the combat engine sucks, then IMO the CRPG normally is not very good. Its called suspension of disbelief, break a rule, or two. God knows Bioware, has never done this. I don't remember seeing a PDA's in the star wars universe, the game had plenty of those.
  25. The player can only speak english. While other aliens have what they say written in plain english. Unless KotOR does voice overs, why would they have to do anything different for other races? As for wookies, they are the retards... While this is an oversimplification, I would still prefer this kind of thing, since it adds atmosphere. BTW, if you don't like choices, then why play a CRPG? My Yoda will kick you're hutt's ass.
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