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Everything posted by triCritical

  1. BTW why are we not talking about this here, where are post count. Ye New Political Forum
  2. Don't trust Disney! BTW, is democracy good? I personally think they are the downfall of civillized society. Not to mention when listening to Reagan's funeral and hearing all this propoganda about democracy, they later played Battle Hymm of the Republic. Frankly I blame California's woe's right now on Democracy. People are way too emotional, apathetic, manipulative and stupid to have democracy.
  3. He makes propoganda film's. And at time can add spin, however, he not a blatant liar like Rush, or the dude's on Air America. I think sometimes is editing can leave scenes that may confuse people of the exact reality, however I do not believe anything in his films was factually dishonest. Anyhow, Saudi interest with the current lineage of our administration has been known since before Herbert Walker to office.
  4. I think Bush is guilty of illegally occupying invading a soveriegn nation, much like Federick the Great's invasion of Silesia. In both cases the Casus Belli was very very very weak.
  5. As far as I recall, they impeached the poor guy. The only other president besides Clinton to be impeached was Andrew Johnson. However, both of them got to keep their jobs. EDIT: If the witch hunters had more votes, both witches would have been burnt.
  6. I think understand. Its just new API's for what was previously handled by WinSock, or sockets in general. Again not as evolutionary as made out to be, but I at least think I understand now. I like both of these books too. My only complaint about Primer, is that I don't like its examples.
  7. Define web? We have tons of dummy terminals at my work, that run nothing but X, with all applications being run on the server side. I don't think Gimp sucks, of course I never mentioned Linux either. SGI's are quite adept at dealing with graphics, as the imfamous CG movies will point out. And you can't run most of your games on Linux, because developers don't make them for Linux. Is this suppose to be a knock on Linux, or Developers? I actually use Linux for everything at work too, including ms office which runs on a the crossover wine emulator. It still does.
  8. Unix has been doing this for the last 25 years, at least. MS is way late to the game, and make pretty good fascist of the software industry making the youngsters feel that this is new. BTW, I am 100% not kidding.
  9. I would just like to point out that corporal punishment is no longer PC, kind of like saying indian. I prefer the use of indeginous asiatic peoples.
  10. Thats what happens when I encounter problems at work that I am having a hard time solving.
  11. STFU, Vis. If you had any street cred, you would know what affairs not to butt into. hehe...
  12. How old does this Volourn go. Is the original Volourn, King Volourn GO DWARF GO!!!! Volourn, all angsty and stuff. You have come a long way since then, I hereby proclaim you have the sort of street cred that will give you some mass k3wlness in Turkish prisons. Chief Eunich Volourn! Helps with the whole adrogynous thing, being castrated and all.
  13. Because he was too stupid to realize, Volourn was being sarcastic. Still I gave Gaider some serious street cred for telling Volourn to shut the hell up. But then again, its no big deal, because everyone knows Volourn should just shut the hell up. LOLOLOLOLOLOLLIPOP! <---- irrititating
  14. I really hope MS does something that stupid.
  15. Now I become a real geek. C++ evolved from C, yes. C evolved from B, yes. B however evolved from BCPL (it was a "light" version of BCPL and got the short name B ) You pwnd me. My revenge... This all happened before I was born. EDIT, I should talk though, considering I enjoy 16 bit ASM.
  16. Since there is a link to this on this thread. I just want to point out that the Red book, or the Open GL Programming Guide is amazing. If you know C, and you want to know OpenGL, then its the only book you need. Unless you start doing some really advanced stuff, where you need to start interacting with glX and stuff. Here's a link to the book, The Red Book Not sure if its legal, but I think SGI has a link too, this dude just made it easy to read.
  17. I have bought a lot of the 21 day books too, but the ones that need rebinding are the bibles. Its amazing how resourceful those stupid little books are. Even if they are not that helpful early on, I still think they need to be purchased at some point. A programmer here went to see a talk by Stroustrup and said, "with C you can shoot yourself in the foot, while with C++ you can blow you're leg off." Or something like that. That said C is the continuation of A and B, how suprising, and was meant to be able to provide a low level programming as well as be able to be a high level language as well. As far as learning C, well C is ubiquitous and I mean that in every sense of the word. Its comes free on just about every non-Window's computer and is like the universal language of computers. I would bet that most compilers are even written in C. Not to mention that C++ uses the same syntax as C. Take Xt which is an objected oriented language that is a top layer for Xlib, which is written in C, is also written C. Not to mention old code does not dissapear and all that will be C. Furthermore, depending on what you are doing it might be more beneficial to do stuff in C. For the most part, the fundamental difference in C++ is that it is Object Oriented. And like other languages such as JAVA, it has many built in object oriented features. Not to mention the ultra k3wl STD. And I am not talking about those diseases you get during R&R. Still I have read books that say its better not to know C, to learn C++, and that its actually better. But I just can't see how that is true.
  18. kernighan and ritchie for C, is amazing. Its introductory, but I wouldn't recommend it to a first time C programmer. Condensed and consice, with a very good appendix. Stroustrup for C++ I found was also very good. Its approach while is a bit advanced, and still introductory, it is superior to what I have seen the the SAMS books. I think it helps to deal with relevant problems. EDIT: I know K&R's book is now ANSI, not sure about Stroustrup's. EDIT: I also like C++ Primer.
  19. Why, don't be a butthead, arguing about consoles is like the funnest things ev4r! Lamo!
  20. Thats lame.
  21. Look its not hard to make a good console. Its hard to make a good cheap console. The fact is that XBOX to be light years better then the tried and true console makers made it way too expensive.
  22. I just want to say that I don't own an XBOX because MS is teh evil! However, the majority of people that play KotOR2 will not experience better graphics then an XBOX. For that matter an XBOX is cheaper then a graphics card that can give you better graphics. The real problem is that the XBOX is an avenue for worse games on the PC.
  23. You can get a controller for the PC.
  24. I just want you to know, that you are OK in my book.
  25. It is from the maker of Black and White, if I am not mistaken.
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