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Everything posted by wannabesith

  1. I voted for 1. It wasn't that great of a movie BUT it had Darth Maul, making it worthy of number 1.
  2. I think species they should put in would be like..Twi'lek, Human, Zabrak, maybe rodian, and whatever Plo Koon is.
  3. I think so...I at first thought it was a race. But than I was like duh.
  4. Bye whoever you are.
  5. I'm confident in my sexuailty as well. I'm not saying pink would be cool for confusing the enemy. I just think it would be an awesome color..
  6. KOTOR 1 and 2 have so many glitches I can't even count. My cousin was plaing it here the other day and he had a glitch where he couldn't leave the Nar Shadda Docks. Everytime he tried to leave it just kept bring him back to Nar Shadda docks. If they make a 3rd I reccomend A LOT more testing.
  7. Tombstone..An awesome movie. And if you disagree you can get out.
  8. Abortion should be made illegal.
  9. I think custimization of teh character you play on would be amazing. Not only just 10 or so faces for each gender. But many faces for each gender and even maybe an option of choosing a starwars species too.
  10. Now that there's more people in this thread. Who agrees that pink would be an awesome lightsaber color.
  11. I know, some of them didn't put up much of a fight and were just targets for the clones.
  12. Please say I'm not the only one who knows and listens to Motion City soundtrack. Listenign to Invisible Monsters: Motion City Soundtrack.
  13. We really should get back on topic...We've strayed so far.
  14. Well when I think Of Plo Koon I've regretfully decided his fait for myself, since it's our choice ot think of the endless possibilities of ways he could have lived.
  15. One thing I've been dissapointed in Xbox is the lack of good RPG's..It can't compare to the many great ones for PS2
  16. You know what adds to the game? Playing the whole tihng through with guns.
  17. Any advancement in technology that will bennefit me in my house will probably be coming out of my own wallet...So I'm going to forgot the ps3 and a new computer. Xbox 360 is more affordable and I really want to play Oblivion. :D
  18. Well to be fair pretty much every weapon or fight scene on starwars is unrealistic.
  19. Thats what I was saying. I was saying a different Jedi girl had the two lightsabers...I'll have to checkback later for her name though. I'm too lazy to look for it now.
  20. I may have to put in my signature that i have the xbox version just so I have an excuse for missing out on a lot of stuff. Sadly I don't have Xbox live. BUT I am planning on getting a 360 soemtime soon. I heard that's got a betetr Xbox live hook up? Is that just a misunderstanding.
  21. I thought Adi Gali was the black girl with the headress like thing and had one lightsaber..She was on jedi power battles...I don't think she had 2..I wish I knew the girls name..she's like green and she's on Star Wars Battlefront 2..My friend plays as her alll the time on there when we play..
  22. Now that I think of that that would be incredibly awesoem. But what about like a foursides lighstaber?? Like has anyone played final fantasy 7? the ninja has that big like 4 sided boomerang that she throws and catches? What if there was a lighstaber like that? Or even just weiling a 4 sided for close combat would be difficult but would proably have its pay off....Yeah im rambling.
  23. I don't remember exactly how I got it but it involved killing mandalorians on the Rakatan planet. Where is the Yavin place??? Am I just stupid. I have no memory of it?? Or is there like an added bonus to PC?
  24. Yeah I guess that's cool. I wonder if there's a possibility for a double-bladed lightsaber with like for instance, a red end and a blue end. I'm not saying I'd like it, it'd probably look stupid..But It should be something they should put in.
  25. I've accepted his death and I know he died. That's why I started my original complaint. I don't care about those other Jedi cause I never played as them. I cared about Plo Koon cause I played with him for several hours on end and the fact he should have had a speaking roll or something....I mean come on..He's so much cooler than Kit-Adi-Mundi. Or even that one chick who has two lighstabers.......In short:::: I wish Plo Koon had not been killed off.
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