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Everything posted by wannabesith

  1. Who said he died? For all we know that was his niece. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you serious? Of course Plo Koon died, it showed his fighter blow up. Thats why I'm mad.
  2. ((k im gonna go guys)
  3. "I agree, we mus find the General."
  4. "I won't allow this on the General's ship." he said, letting go of Visas's hand.
  5. "I don't care if there's somethign you don't like. We can't have members of our ship attack eachother."
  6. Bao-Dur looks at Atton. "She's a sith....You probably said something enlightening and she didn't want to hear it."
  7. ((what color is my font showing up as?)
  8. ((sorry about that my dad called me up cause paintballs on tv......))
  9. Bao-Dur looks down at Atton. "Are you alright? Visas carried you in here about an hour ago."
  10. ((sure ill be bao-dur if you'll let me))
  11. for some reason it does this when i want to change colors.
  12. Nihilus dissapointed me. He could have been so much more important to the game. I think he woulda made a much better main boss then who they chose.
  13. I was thinking about how great is I don't have to go to work on a day like this. (w00t) (w00t)
  14. Is there a specific place or is it a rare find? Has anyone gotten Malek's robe? I want to know if it look's cool.
  15. Have you seen lightsaber duels. Those probably get really hot and sweaty.
  16. I didn't care at all in Kotor 2 what Revan looked like. And it didn't matter cause he had a mask.
  17. Oh I loved the sssssssssssuper thin, ssssssssssslim ssssssssssssssssssexy robes in Knightssssssss of the Old Republic <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why? It's not like the jedi are 70's joggers. Jedi Should have long flowing robes.
  18. I really don't think the need of custimizing Revan and the Exile is necessary. True you played as them but I'm sure you won't be playing as them again so it doesn't matter.
  19. I really doubt that Karma has to do with your senselesness in leaving the bike out.
  20. Oh thats no good.
  21. ha like you have a girlfiriend :D
  22. The Future Freaks Me Out ~ Motion City Soundtrack
  23. Malek was a ****. Revan kicks the **** out of him at the end of the first. (are these things like swearing free?)
  24. Well of course..I think my favorite was blue...But I'm not sure. I think green would been awesome. I think also an added bonus feature like robe custimizaton woulda been sweet.
  25. Are you talking about the tight robe feature or the color? Cause if its the tight part I'm gonna snap.
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