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About Leeuwenhart

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    (5) Thaumaturgist
    (5) Thaumaturgist

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    Bruges; Belgium


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  1. How cool would it be if you had to chase a companion that stole something from you? Or it turned out in the expansion one was the villain. And ofcourse upgrading them to full cast would rule. That is exactly what i think they are. Plot in the future. I like the fact you can play with a character the whole game. Upgrade em. Level em. Build them up. And then some extra story. And not that you play main quest with a group. Then suddenly 2 strangers fall from the sky to join the last 25% of the game. Haha. Ydwin steals your Watchersoul for animancy reasons a la Jon Irenicus and leaves you lvl1 AGAIN for the third game hahaha. You lose your soul more then a gambling addict stuck in an elevator with The Devil.
  2. How cool would it be if you had to chase a companion that stole something from you? Or it turned out in the expansion one was the villain. And ofcourse upgrading them to full cast would rule. That is exactly what i think they are. Plot in the future. I like the fact you can play with a character the whole game. Upgrade em. Level em. Build them up. And then some extra story. And not that you play main quest with a group. Then suddenly 2 strangers fall from the sky to join the last 25% of the game.
  3. First off let me say i am 100% excited for the 4 news Godlike models. They are gorgeous. And the godlike portraits we got. (Those Nature godlikes!) But... there is some inconsistency. In PoE1 we had what i like to call human+ godlike. Kith with that extra bit more. Be it flame hair with a horn. Or cloudy hair with a crescent. Or a blue halo. Or some goat horns with doe ears. Or even some growth covering eyes. Weird. But all still human. Human Plus. Like the ORIGINAL Planetouched. Chimeras. Kith Mutants as you will. But still visibly Kith. Come Deadfire they decide to change it up. To make em more distinct. More... Daemon like. Now i didn't say demon. I daid daemon. As in old greek. A power between humans and gods. They seem possessed of a shard of divinity. But not so much human anymore. Which is all fine by me. They look amazeballs. But if all human+ get converted to daemons... (pumped up as it were) Then why is the 5th Godlike still a human+??? Palegina is just a chick with feathers in her hair and yellow eyes. Coming with the bigger horns/bigger growth/total different skin/power glow eyes as new things ... It doesn't fit. She's like Godlike Light. Haha. Talons. Or even wings would make her stand to bar with the others. I like PoE1 godlikes I like Deadfire godlikes I like Pallegina I like EVERYTHING about this game. But that doesn't mean it fits.
  4. They shouldve made 1 order without a malus and only a tiny flavoured feat. Like the Darcozzi. The original pallies. Makes sense. All rest are offshoots and hybrids. Make Darcozzi vanilla paladins.
  5. I don't think so. The main instance I can thing of in which Liches were connected to necromancy and cold is Warcraft 3, and that was because their creator just so happened to be stuck in a frozen throne in the coldest part of the world.White WalkersEh, White Walkers are closer to Wights than Liches, in my opinion. (Yes, i do realize GoT uses the term Wights to refer to the zombies, i know, i know) Though, come to think of it, i'm not entirely sure White Walkers are even undead, buuuut i'm not going to lie, i'm not super into Game of Thrones. Not saying they are undead. Or liches. Just pointing out the cold/frost/necromancy connections that are pre existing.
  6. I don't think so. The main instance I can thing of in which Liches were connected to necromancy and cold is Warcraft 3, and that was because their creator just so happened to be stuck in a frozen throne in the coldest part of the world. White Walkers
  7. Woedicas godlike should have a halo. But unlike the crescents of the moon godlike it should be a burning crown.
  8. Anybody know if this is legit? Comes from the Deadfirr Wiki. I know Johnny was in an update somewhere. Could be just a char portrait... But Mother Sharp Rock or Worthless Idiot and Bigmouth are definitely not charport's. https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Companions
  9. Oh please! You're playing a CRPG but don't get why people like to get rewards and like to level? The distinguishing feature of the genre is the reward mechanic, the loot, the leveling, getting stronger, getting new abilities. Of course the story is important, but if it was only about the story I could as well read a book or whatch a movie or play any other kind of game that tells a story. A lot of them do. To say that people who enjoy the reward part are treating the game like work is just silly. Obviously they enjoy it because it's fun.I couldnt care a rats ass for leveling.I autolevel all my npcs. I get most passive upgrades for me so i wouldnt need to micro a lot and maybe choose an ability that i never use...passives are always on. I never rush to an npc companion to get them before they are higher level. I only upgrade equipment once every 2 or 3 waves of story insteead of every map or hub plus quest In poe1 i think after chapter 1 i re equiped my party like 5x. And only in the last did i enchant. I finish every game with a pocket full of money i never use. Not everybody has Game Asperger's... I really don't care how you play your game. It's not my business, no opinion whatsoever about it. But I do find it bloody ridiculous that you act all superior and diagnose people with aspergers for enjoying the core feature of CRPGs in a CRPG.Youre the one with the condescending reply @ oh please post And enjoying a feature isnt aspergers. The aspergers is going mental about it when it isnt 100% to your liking? Are you playing the same game as me? Cause my pillars was awesome. Everything i wanted. It was a homerun. So far youve not confronted 1 thing i said you made statements i never said. Half truths. If thats the way you wanna justify your bs then by all means. Carry on. Anybody who can read can see if i say something and you dont even argue AGAINST what im saying but just spout some banalities and truisms then the dialogue has already ended. Drone on. Speck of dirt in my existence. And thats the last thing im gonna say about it.
  10. I couldnt care a rats ass for leveling.I autolevel all my npcs. Cool story bro! But by any chance, have you ever considered you're in the wrong game genre? Just saying... Maybe it gives you some pause to think and invest your time in something more well suited for your tastes. So theres only 1 way to play a game "bro" Thats exactly my freaking point
  11. Oh please! You're playing a CRPG but don't get why people like to get rewards and like to level? The distinguishing feature of the genre is the reward mechanic, the loot, the leveling, getting stronger, getting new abilities. Of course the story is important, but if it was only about the story I could as well read a book or whatch a movie or play any other kind of game that tells a story. A lot of them do. To say that people who enjoy the reward part are treating the game like work is just silly. Obviously they enjoy it because it's fun. I couldnt care a rats ass for leveling. I autolevel all my npcs. I get most passive upgrades for me so i wouldnt need to micro a lot and maybe choose an ability that i never use...passives are always on. I never rush to an npc companion to get them before they are higher level. I only upgrade equipment once every 2 or 3 waves of story insteead of every map or hub plus quest In poe1 i think after chapter 1 i re equiped my party like 5x. And only in the last did i enchant. I finish every game with a pocket full of money i never use. Not everybody has Game Asperger's...
  12. I dont understand the concept of tgis work ethic when playing games. I need to be rewarded when playing this game. I need to get experience when i explore more. I need to level when i accomplish things. The game itself is the reward. Its not work. Its leisure time. Youre having fun. You explore to see things. Not to get numeric values upgrades. It even counts double for this genre... It's RPG for god's sake. Sounds like an exhausting way of spending any free time. Personally for me the leveling is a side effect. Something that makes me better so i can go explore harder areas or confront bigger foes. When the cap stops most of the content is end game content. Which means youre free of the upgrading and can now do what you want. Heck... players in Warcraft or a lot of MMORPGs just rush through the leveling to get to that END GAME content. Why are people approaching gaming like its a dayjob and they need hourly minimum wage Sounds weird to me... you don't just wanna know what happens next in the story? That should be it. The upgrading is just a newly recieved key everytime so you could open the door after the door after the door of the tale thats being told...
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