Done! I'm not sure what the rules are with regards to this, but I'm going to copy what I replied to in the thread about the earlier survey because I feel it still applies for this one:
So... I just finished this survey. I have to say, I'm very wary of the information and ideas the company gets out of these results, I for one found many of the responses and questions a little too vague to really be in agreement or disagreement of. Meanwhile, the slides and questions regarding tone just made my heart sink. What if I don't want fantasy to be thought of in terms of "light" or "dark"? To my mind, one of the great successes about the likes of Planescape: Torment (to my mind the best game I've ever played) is that it didn't need to assume itself as being dark, it simply was thanks to the thematic content. It is a much more affecting and disturbing game than the likes of Dark Souls or Dragon Age: Origins, which on the other hand do try so hard to dress their rather standard fantasy tropes in a dark and cynical outfit, and pretend they're so much more serious for doing so. The matter of tone is complicated, because you can ONLY pick your tone in accordance to the content you have before you: if we don't know what this hypothetical upcoming RPG is about, how are we supposed to know which style works best for it? It is best to let the tone develop naturally from the content and the story opposed to reinforcing it just because it's what the playerbase wants to see.
My two cents, anyhow.