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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. I'm avant-garde!
  2. It's there. You can listen to it now.
  3. I would mind. LOL
  4. Baley, I recorded a song for you. It's Death Classical, I think I'll pioneer that genre.
  5. Why did I go to the posting screen again? Answer my question.
  6. Tom Waits - Invitation to the Blues
  7. You are so 90's Kor.
  8. I had heard of it.
  9. Weezer - Only In Dreams Now I know where Laozis' old avatar came from
  10. Haha Lou you're witty and topical! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Watch it you, you keep that up, and I'll tell everyone what your secret identity over at ADS is, or should I say, Jetshark!
  11. I'm watching that video again. I come for the bass-line, I stay for the rest of it.
  12. None of my rock songs ever pan out the way I want them to.
  13. What are you talking about? You're nuts. There was no avatar in that.
  14. It's a real preasure and a pliveledge.
  15. I'm shaking my head in disappointment. Thanks Blank.
  16. You're full of Edit: I mean organs and blood.
  17. Even if they cut alot, did they cut 33%.... don't think so. And cutting will be used ALWAYS, but it is not often because of "no time" when there is 6 months left or because "10 hours is too many for gamers to play through so we need to dump it" or whatever other reason that makes no sense. It happens to make sure parts get away that slow down the pace (but 33% ) or make absolutely no sense, or the parts that may spoil the exiting parts plot too soon, but this... No, because during this "bouncing" you can still work and progress on other fronts while if you first have to finish this more time (and thus money) loss will be experienced... And you still didn't get the point across that you can DOWNGRADE a toolset too if it malfunctions... "there is no point loading it up with an old toolset"; well it does if that old toolset replaces the newer due to the fact it corrupts the made data... Yes. Vampire was finished according to Troika. But we all know they are very bad in making stable games, don't we? Because it could allow hackers to take complete control of the user's PC? Download a "patch" or "mod" of a hacker who knew the source and misused it to make malifide content and you might find yourself hacked. Main reason #1 for Valve to fix it; they really don't wan't all there users to find their PC's hacked after playing their game. Repeating your point: "If there is 40 hours game the testers may find 80% of the bugs, while with a 20 hours game they might find 95%". Notice that there is only FIND and not FIXED? Ofcourse programmers are needed to fix bugs, but hell, they could also take them away from PNJ or PG temporary if they find themselves with alot of bugs. Also any additional tester will not find the exact same amount as the previous would, since even if the # of testers increases the amount of bugs does not... If one tester has the possibility to find 50 bugs in the code (because there are 50 in the code) putting another tester on that code does not wield 2x50 (since there are 50 in the code). It helps find them faster/more efficient, but won't make more bugs... If there are 1000 bugs in a game left and you release 2000 QA testers on it to find those 1000 there won't be more to fix for the devs than if 5 QA testers find those 1000 Priority. If there is a heavy crashbug don't you think they fix that one before some minor graphical glitch. Maybe the glitch is part of a larger issue (like an entire shader) and thus gets not fixed individually but with the whole package? Not what I said. If you wan't to save yourself cash by saving 10 hours of the game wouldn't you just NOT make the content instead of scraping it? If it is already made what would be more WASTE OF MONEY... adding some extra cash (minor to the already spend cash) to make the content includable (thus no waste of the already spend cash), or by just scrapping it, making all of it go to waste? Ofcourse it costs some additional cash, but you actually save ALOT of other spend money with it. Ctrl C and Ctrl V to action (or just scroll up): "If there is 40 hours game the testers may find 80% of the bugs, while with a 20 hours game they might find 95%". Notice that there is only FIND and not FIXED? Ofcourse programmers are needed to fix bugs, but hell, they could also take them away from PNJ or PG temporary if they find themselves with alot of bugs. Also any additional tester will not find the exact same amount as the previous would, since even if the # of testers increases the amount of bugs does not... If one tester has the possibility to find 50 bugs in the code (because there are 50 in the code) putting another tester on that code does not wield 2x50 (since there are 50 in the code). It helps find them faster/more efficient, but won't make more bugs... If there are 1000 bugs in a game left and you release 2000 QA testers on it to find those 1000 there won't be more to fix for the devs than if 5 QA testers find those 1000 He IS at QA, so that would make it Step 4. If the QA is already laid of work because Devs are fixing stuff it woul indeed not be wise as to hire more QA as to give these Devs already more work since the QA is already inactive at times. In that case it would be wiser to add some more Devs who do not have to be hired, since there are 2 other teams at OE where you probably can quickly steal a dev from that is inactive at that moment for that project. Since QA is likely not spread between the 3 teams adding needs additional man-power, but then thus also helps improving the other projects, not only NWN2 (against some additional costs) and you could let them get hired to test some other games for other companies if you *really* don't need alot of testers at the moment... (atleast I think...) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But seriously fellas, I mean how short is too short? Am I right fellas? I mean, am I right?
  18. Where are you playing?
  19. I'm not going to say I'm disapointed in you Blank, but I am.
  20. Wait a minute, Grand Rapids isn't a small town. What small town was it?
  21. Or gypsies. They're just plain creepy.
  22. You're going to be roasted in a second. Just keep it up, swine.
  23. What's that CD? Sexist comment? I'm on the case!
  24. Another use for the money is to pay the parking ticket he just got.
  25. Oh? You want one too? Well don't worry, there are plenty to go around, I made lots. One might even go as far as to say I made a whole fist full!
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