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About Fayer

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Will check it out, thanks for the link!
  2. My current watcher is female orlan being known as Aurelia. Hailing out of Deadfire Archipelago, she has been headstrong and mean since her early days, which allowed her to escape slave's fate and instead she went for a profession not usually connected with women, yet alone orlan, pirate. By her own wit, charm and determination to equalize her racial physical weaknesses, she became respected and feared pillager. However as it often happens with the ones leading criminal lifes, her luck wouldn't last forever. Being a part of the crew of feared "Seahunter" vessel, under the command of Captain Skinflint usually ended up in plundering various goods, still, attacking Aedyran cruiser was perhaps too bold even for seasoned buccaneers. Plenty of outlaws managed to make their run on escape boats, none of them though were terribly appreciative of orlan woman bossing around(as it was rumoured, she had an affair with a captain, allowing her to become one of the officers) and humiliating them, which ended up in her capture. No prison would claim her for good although, as she strangled her warden to death and made a run for her life. Very briefly, she tried to work as a sellsword, not yielding much success in that field as Aedyran lawbringers were constantly on her trail. Tired of being forced to look behind her for the rest of her life, she sneaked upon Raedceran slaveship and managed to get away with being a stowaway by mending with the rest of orlan slaves. By reaching the land, she once again sneaked her way to freedom, ending up in Dyrwood. Determined to leave her problems behind, she joined Odema's caravan, full of lowlifes and miscreats, to see where would fate lead her now...
  3. Why would that even be a flaw? I'd rather have enough of the game left to properly enjoy my unpareled power by the tine I reach the level cap, and the only reason one should have to complete sidequests is because it is fun or fits the character you are roleplaying. The idea that getting rewards for playing the game is more important than the gameplay itself being rewarding turns games into endless grinding, while if the gameplay itself is fun it should be its own reward. I honestly wouldn't mind if a completionist playthrough would allow you to get level 16, perhaps 17 and no higher. But what I dislike is that once you get 16, your exp bar ceases to go any further and while I still enjoy the gameplay very much, I do not feel as rewarded as earlier on, I'd want at least artificial illusion of progress, that my character keeps developing itself. Setting next level requirements very high to make them unreachable would honestly drive me forward more. I'd be like: "damn I completed so many sidequests but the bar keeps going, I must have missed something". Pretty sure stuff like that would make me replay the game sometime later and try exploring even more to see if I have missed something crucial(replayability!)
  4. Expansion is pretty solid, albeit short. I personally liked new companions, Monk is a great comic relief plenty of times, and Maneha's voice actress, well I fell in love Aside from finally some musical variety and generally much more developed locations than in vanilla, it felt much more roleplay-like, more options that referred to your race, background and so on. The only striking flaw I can come up with, besides it being short is that level cap increase wasn't particularly striking, you can still reach it easily before finishing the game, which makes completing side-quests way less alluring. Back to original topic, more locations and quests like Raedric's Hold, I loved that I could sneak my way through to the throne room, killing only few not necessarily fresh flesh enemies. Since you do not get experience out of opponents, besides first few instances of completing your Journal data, sneaking past them would be a lovely option, instead of locations like Searing Falls(ugh)
  5. In my case, Durance is the guy who gets all the beating. Looks kinda sad though when my fighters are engaged in a combat with oozes, Durance gets in their vision range to drop a buff or heal and is instantly covered by acidic vomit that takes A LOT of his health(for the flavour reasons, I never changed his robe, 3 DR makes him squisher than a bug)
  6. I'd also love more battle themes, including actual badass "final boss theme". I really enjoyed Durgan's Battery fight music, and White March soundtrack overall and going back to these original 2(I believe?) battle themes was just kinda disappointing.
  7. As TheisEjsing said earlier on, you will want to get acquainted with pause button as soon as possible, to make sure noone stands idly or do a stuff you don't want during fighting. You might also want to take a look at red/green lines connecting your characters to opponents during fights. These mean that both parties are currently engaged in a fight and if one breaks it(by simply refusing to fight and clicking move somewhere else), the offender gets a free, quite hard-hitting hit known as disengagement. The only solution to break engagement is to naturally either way kill your target or apply somekind of an ability that prevents retalations, like stuns, dazes and so on. Normal difficulty is the best one to start the game with, it's difficult enough to prevent steamrolling through the game, but it's not that hard to encourage tedious save-and-load after each opponent. Make sure to read carefully what ability does, instead of picking it because it has a cool name, that goes especially on weapon profiency talents, which might be a bit misleading by their titles or spellcasters where each spell does something different. It's a game in which you won't be leveling up every 5 minutes, which is why you wouldn't want to waste these scarce points on abilities you deem useless. Because armaments and armors do not stack in a pile(which is understandable but kind of sad at the same time), you might want to sell "useless" loot to merchants, whom you won't be buying from too much, like innkeepers or trap merchants, to prevent problems with navigation on shops you might want to visit more time, like prestige armorer or so. You do not want to scroll through these 50 spears, trust me NPC's with gold platters(although it does not strike as clear gold, it's slightly more "golden" that regular one) are mostly backer content and although some of their stories are interesting, they do not give away any vital information or even minor hints about hidden chests or stuff like that, therefore you can feel free to ignore them and still get a solid completionist playthrough. If gold isn't enough of a notice, you will know you have met backer NPC, if a dialogue option leads to "Reach out for soul" or "Leave", accompanied with a humming noise and screen going slightly purple.
  8. I really really hope that not picked trash loot will disappear after some time lying on the ground instead of having bodies disappear and leaving gleaming bags forever that either way force you to pick them up and ruin your roleplay experience by having 50 of them carried by you then sold to a merchant(aside from how would you transport them, why would anyone buy dozens of xaurip spears, like seriously, what for?)or you can just leave it and have it lie there forever with it's stupid glow(if at least corpses didn't disappear and the glow would be removed, that would be alright, but no, of course not). You guys had your hands in IWD2, when you killed each goblin, he didn't drop his axe, armor and all that crap, occasional gem and few coins made the looting somehow more "role-play like".
  9. 1. Yes, 3.03 is the newest. 2. Honestly the best way would be just navigating these forums, character builds(fourth) subforums especially. 3. Depends what do we mean by "strongest". I have heard plenty of statements that Paladin makes for the best tank, Cipher is still very strong despite the nerfs and generally learning how to use Priest properly makes any class look shallow in my opinion. 4. Yes, there is an option in taverns to reskill. 5. There are cheats you can put in console(~ by default), although they disable gainings of Steam achievements and are generally unnecessary as stuff like disappearing items got pached and it's virtually impossible to miss a quest item and be unable to go back for it. 6. Been looking a bit so far but not much stuff yet, mostly portait packs. 7. On no account switch below Normal difficulty at any point, storyline charms plenty of people, plenty of them complain about it in this game, but I can assure you once fights are becoming too easy game loses a lot of charm, hence you might even want to change to Hard past level 5(early game is relatively difficult compared to later one, level gaining isn't the fastest but because of that levels grant you huge powerspikes).
  10. Out of bugs mentioned here I was luckily able to avoid most of them, although the utter OPness of Confident Aim managed to haunt me also
  11. Since I have started this game I have grown to love it, I like the story and the world, although I think I will have to abandon my 30 hour playthrough(so far) as once I have learnt how to use Durance properly, tuning up difficulty to Hard from Normal(which I felt was ok during first 3-4 levels) wasn't enough, im literally swooping through everything with my level 8 party, even the bounties, although the fights were quite lengthy, I didn't really feel any of my chars were endangered at any point. Much as I enjoy story which I mentioned, lack of any opposition during fights is kinda disappointing, I could theoretically rush towards the end but I am kind of completionist and I haven't touched expansions yet. Therefore I felt like playing on PotD level difficulty with an Expert Mode on to spice things up. As much as I like turning off range indicators and all these things, I have an issue with extreme amounts of crappy loot that clogs up on roads forever if you do not pick it. Because items like weapons or shields do not stack up into a pile and because of roleplaying reasons(I mean, that poor Tuatanu can't be really that desperate to buy another dozen of xaurip spears, neither I can imagine even a party of 6 barbarians carrying around these 20 platemails), I have often omitted them later on, since they barely were worth any gold. However, even though bodies of my opponents disapperared, all that stuff is left there, gleaming and glittering as if it were worth anything, teasing you. It doesn't even require you to click highlight button, it glows brighter than a sun. My question is if there is any custom made fix, for either way fixing that gleam or making "regular" items disappear after being left unattended on the ground for some time?(say, day or two, looters would do their job by that time eh?)
  12. Fantastic portraits overall in this thread, makes me sad I don't have that much of a talent to draw like that, these Orlan portaits especially are damn good. Does anyone have proper Coastal Aumaua female barbarian portrait? Felt like starting another playthrough and this time I wanted to play a big badass girl Now I am all fine for chain bikinis or a clothing that ain't full plate mail(in fact, can't really imagine barbarian wearing anything else than some fur rags or in worst case some leather armor) or generally likable face, but she needs to have that extra muscle Been looking a lot so far but having real trouble finding an actual blue one. Now as much as I adore Maneha portrait, I am not really into having two party members looking exactly the same. I'd appreciate any help.
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